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Project 561847-KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)

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Presentation on theme: "Project 561847-KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project KA2-CBHE School-to-Work Transition for Higher education students with disabilities in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro (Trans2Work)

2 University of Macedonia (UOM)
Department of Educational and Social Policy (ESP), Thessaloniki, Greece

3 University Of Macedonia - Greece
The Department of Educational and Social Policy (ESP) is one of the 8 Departments of the University of Macedonia (UOM) UOM is situated in Thessaloniki, a city of almost 1 million people. It is the second University of the city with almost 10,000 students.

4 Objectives of ESP To enhance the development of (a) lifelong learning and adult education, (b) educational methods for people with disabilities or special educational needs. These objectives to be achieved through theoretical/applied teaching, research, the application of the principles of intercultural education and the appropriate use of new technologies. To contribute to the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of educational policy. To provide graduates with the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to enhance their educational journey and career development.

5 The Department was officially established in 1993 by the G. D
The Department was officially established in 1993 by the G.D. 2ff (Government Gazette 114/ ) and began operation from the academic year 1996/97. The G.D. 391/1995 stipulates the function of three majors of the Department: a. Continuing learning, b. Education of people with special needs and c. Applied modern languages. The third major has not yet operated.

6 Major Programs of the Department
Continuing Education The major in Continuing Education aims at educating students in developing educational, psychological, and administrative expertise, so that they become qualified to work as specialists in continuing education.

7 Major Programs of the Department
Special Education: The major in Special Education aims at training students appropriately, so that they become qualified to work as educators of individuals with special needs.

8 The ESP has developed research activity in various scientific fields directly related to the domain of the proposed project. For example, extended research is conducted on fields such as education and training of Individuals with Visual Impairments (IVIs), assistive technologies, spatial knowledge of IVIs.

9 The objectives of UOM are lying within the focus of the Particular EU Programme. At the same time UOM has efficient scientific and technical resources to conduct extended research and development required within the proposed project. The Department has a dedicated computer lab fully equipped with the necessary for the proposed project software (screen readers, Text to Speech systems, OCR etc.) and hardware (embosser-printers that can produce both tactile graphics and Braille with text, touch tablet devices that can be used for teaching using touch, sound and sight combined, devices for the production of tactile maps/pictures.

10 ROLE IN THE PROJECT UOM will be the Project Leader and coordinating institution UOM will be responsible for project’s operational management at central level but will also play an important role at the strategic management of the project by chairing the Project Steering Committee, the highest formal decision-making body within the project, responsible for the fulfillment of project’s strategic objectives. The coordinator’s role will be multidisciplinary within the consortium and will be responsible for communication with the EACEA, consortium representation, contractual responsibility, implementing decisions taken by the decision making bodies of the partnership (Steering Committee), coordination of technical/scientific work, quality assurance, coordination of reporting tasks, financial and administrative management and resource planning etc. aiming at the smooth implementation of the project

11 ROLE IN THE PROJECT Specifically UOM will contribute though its staff resources in DEV 1.2 Identify and analyse the educational needs of students with disabilities DEV1.3 Benchmarking transition and employment policy DEV2.2 Web based tool for IwDs DEV2.3 Piloting the web based tools DEV3.1 Transition support services at HEIs DEV3.2 Development of internship program for SwD DEV4.1 Training of academic/ teaching staff (who are in charge for Practice work) DEV4.2 Training of employers DEV4.3 Training of transition mentors DEV4.4 Training SwD (to manage their career, develop project, learn about project management, etc DEV4.5 Evaluation of the training

12 ROLE IN THE PROJECT DEV5.2 Monitoring and piloting the transition services DEV5.3 Piloting the training effects and impact QPLN6.1 Quality Assurance Plan QPLN6.2 Internal QPLN DISS7.1 Dissemination Plan DISS7.6 Dissemination activities report EXP8.1 Exploitation Plan EXP8.2 E-learning seminars EXP8.3 Electronic Index of all Stakeholders EXP8.4 Creation and Use of Accessible Data base

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