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Published byShauna Cole Modified over 6 years ago
Structures to Promote Student Engagement & Learning
Golden Apple Scholar Workshop April Capuder Copies of presentation and handouts can be found here:
Goals Learn basic principles of cooperative learning
Learn the keys to establishing successful cooperative teams Utilize the Team Management Mat Experience and learn cooperative structures & projects that can be used by students to build knowledge, process information, present information and build teams. Develop team building ideas to promote cooperation between students.
Team Management Mat Used to help organize and manage students
Number in center of your MAT is the Team number The number in the colored squares is a student’s number for that seat in the team Student 1 & 2 and Student 3 & 4 are considered Shoulder partners Student 1 & 4 and Student 2 & 3 are considered Face Partners You’ll see how the MAT can be utilized throughout the workshop this morning to manage supplies as well as to manage cooperative structures.
RallyRobin: Non-content
Teacher announces question and gives Think time. Partner A goes 1st , sharing one idea per turn. After the 1st partner shares one idea, partner B shares one idea; repeat. You “Rally” the topic like this until the teacher calls time. If you were a vending machine, think of items you might dispense and why? If you were a vending machine, think of items you might dispense and why? Good idea to introduce a structure or way you’d like students to specifically interact while working together using something that is not content related so students can focus on how to work together and not have to worry about the new content as well. This structure works well if you expect that students will have multiple short answers to a question, like name different types of polygons.
RallyRobin: Content Teacher announces question and gives Think time.
Partner A goes 1st , sharing one idea per turn. After the 1st partner shares one idea, partner B shares one idea; repeat. You “Rally” the topic like this until the teacher calls time. Share one idea at a time: What do you currently know about Cooperative Learning, including perceived benefits and shortcomings? Share one idea at a time: What do you currently know about Cooperative Learning, including perceived benefits and shortcomings? Used in class as way to bring up what we did last time in class: List the things you learned at last IMSA class. RallyRobin with your shoulder partner ways you might use RallyRobin in a classroom.
Solo Work: Order of Operations
Work by yourself. Complete Order of Operations Math Worksheet Should have only 1 worksheet and 1 pencil per student What is the noise level? What if anyone is struggling – who is helping? How are students getting immediate feedback? Teacher A: Order of Operations handout, one for each person on team is needed – Team Member #3 gather from at designated supply table Set timer for 1 minute (play calming music) Record your thoughts to these questions on your powerpoint handout.
Teacher A: Order of Operations
Teacher A: Traditional Process Written: Student Practice is SOLO Each student has one paper and one pencil per person ORAL: Teacher asks a question & Provides sufficient think time Student raises hands to answer Teacher calls on one student at a time One student answers Teacher responds to that one student
Group Work: Order of Operations
Work with your partner sitting next to you. Help each other out and solve the problems together. Complete Order of Operations Math Worksheet Should have only 1 worksheet and 1 pencil per partnership Was it possible for a student to hide & not do much of the work? Is there much individual accountability? What is the noise level? There was interaction between students but it was unstructured Teacher B: Order of Operations handout, one for each pair on team is needed – Team Member #4 gather from at designated supply table Set timer for 2 minutes Record your thoughts to these questions on your powerpoint handout.
Teacher B: Order of Operations
Teacher B: Group Work Written: Student Practice is GROUP WORK/Maybe assign roles one paper and one pencil per Team ORAL: Teacher asks a question & Provides sufficient think time Pairs/Teams discuss or talk Teacher tells students to “Help each other & work together” Teacher typically calls on one student in the pair or group One student answers Teacher responds to that pair/group Teacher “HOPES” for students to work together successfully! Potentially promotes HOGS and LOGS
RallyCoach: Order of Operations
Follow Structure of RallyCoach explained on next slide. Will Complete Order of Operations Math Worksheet using RallyCoach Should have only 1 worksheet and 1 pencil per shoulder partner Teacher C: Order of Operations handout, one for each shoulder partner on team is needed – Team Member #1 gather from at designated supply table Set timer for 1 minute (play calming music) Record your thoughts to these questions on your powerpoint handout.
RallyCoach: Order of Operations
Partner A will Solve first problem, talking through your thinking, wait for OK from partner B then record on paper Partner B will watch, listen, coach (tip, tip, tell) Give OK to partner A and praise/cheer after recorded “You rock” or “Fantastic” Switch Roles for next problem Set timer for 3 minutes
Teacher “PLANS” for students to work together successfully!
Teacher C: Order of Operations Teacher C: Kagan Structures Written: Student Practice is a STRUCTURED Interaction one paper and one pencil per Pair/Team ORAL: Teacher asks a question & Provides sufficient think time Structured Student to Student Interaction RallyRobin RallyCoach Timed Pair Share Round Robin (Teams) Mix Pair Share (Class Builder) Teacher “PLANS” for students to work together successfully!
Timed Pair Share Teacher announces question and gives Think time. Partner A shares and Partner B listens until time is up. Switch Roles, and share again. Each partner will have 30 Seconds. Listen for bell to know when next time to switch roles. Partner A and Partner B say to each Other “thanks for sharing” Share your thoughts about the advantages of being a student in Teacher C classroom as well as any other reflections about the three types of teaching approaches. Share your thoughts about the advantages of being a student in Teacher C classroom as well as any other reflections about the three types of teaching approaches. Set TURN (2) timer for 30 seconds.
Teacher C: Kagan Structures
Benefits to the students when using Structures like Teacher C: Are receiving immediate feedback Are being held accountable (less students able to hide) Are approximately equally sharing their answers, thoughts and ideas Are actively engaging 50% at any one time (snap shot of classroom) Are practicing social skills such as listening, speaking, assisting and taking turns Why cooperative structures: 70% of students will be working in occupations where they will have to work with others to complete a task.
PIES: Basic Principles of Kagan
Positive Interdependence: Students gain from good answers from each other. Students feel they are on the same side and they need each other. Individual Accountability: Individual students must perform in-front of someone else. Students feel that they can’t hide. Equal Participation: Participation is approximately equal, either equal time or equal turns. Students feel equal status. Simultaneous Interaction: Percent of students that are overtly interacting at one time is 50%. Students feel engaged. All structures presented today incorporate these basic principles of PIES. Teach Kinesthetic movements to remember So far we’ve used these structures: RallyRobin (What we know about Cooperative Learning) RallyCoach (Order of Operations Math) Timed Pair Share (Share thoughts about 3 Teacher approaches) Now going to use Single RoundRobin to summarize Basic Principles of Cooperative Structures. Flip over/Close powerpoint notes please
Single RoundRobin Teacher announces topic and gives think time.
Using the topic given, partner 1 goes 1st. After the 1st partner shares one idea, team “Round” the topic until each teammate has had one turn. Name one of the four basic principles of cooperative structures and how students feel because of each principle. Name one of the four basic principles of cooperative structures. Good summary strategy: Have students RoundRobin (either single or continuous until teacher says stop) what they’ve learned today. If presenting a lot of information to class, good idea to stop every 10 to 15 minutes depending on age of students and present a summarizing question that focuses on concepts you want to be sure the students take away. RallyRobin with your shoulder partner ways you might use Single RoundRobin in a classroom.
TEAM Board Each person take a white board and marker
Divide board into 4 quadrants T: Why you want to be a teacher E: Experience that’s fun to know about you A: An awkward moment from either M.S. or H.S. you or a friend experienced M: Something about you related to Math Use white board and have each students divide it into 4 quadrants. T – Why you want to be a teacher E – Experience that’s fun to know about you A – An awkward moment from either M.S. or H.S. you or a friend experienced M – Something about you related to Math Set timer for 4 minutes
Mix – Pair - Share Students stand up and silently “Mix” around the classroom. Listen for teacher to call “Pair”. Pair up with the person closest to you and high five. If you don’t have a partner, keep your hand up until you do. Teacher asks a questions and gives Think Time. Partners share using: RallyRobin or Timed Pair Share Can use this structure with any of the discussion questions at the end of activity and/or use as a way class building activity. We are going to share our TEAM boards using Timed Pair Share.
Timed Pair Share Teacher announces question and gives Think time: you will be sharing your FUN board. Partner A shares and Partner B listens until time is up. Listen for Beep to Switch Roles, and share again. Partners tell each other “thanks for sharing” Use with Mix-Pair-Share Activity – Turn (2) timer for 30 seconds to share their FUN acronym Partner whose head is closest to ceiling will share all of their answers on fun board first…will have 30 seconds and then when hear beep it’s the the other partners turn. Partner whose head is closest to ceiling will share TEAM board first
Forming Adhoc Teams Round Robin/Timed Share
Your partnership turn to nearest partners, you are now a TEAM Using RoundRobin/Timed Pair Share, each person will have 30 seconds to introduce their partner to the TEAM including all information learned on the TEAM board Person who’s first name is closest to the start of the alphabet will share first, then sharing will proceed clockwise. Listen for the timer to beep to know when next person should introduce their partner. Please gather your stuff and find a table with your new Teammates.
TeamBuilding Is a process by which a group of 4 students with different backgrounds and experiences become a cooperative and caring team Should be done ________ times a week. Best done up against the “bell” Single RoundRobin: What is your favorite sport or hobby? How often do you do it? (30 Secs per person) FUN Non-Content Question is Easy for All Should be done 2 times per week. Best done last 3-5 minutes of class period. Attached are all types of questions that can be used for TeamBuilding.
*** Keep students on same Team for 6 weeks
Forming Student Teams SETUP: Class List and Index card per student STEP One: Make Cards *** Keep students on same Team for 6 weeks
Forming Student Teams STEP Two: Sort Cards (High to Low)
A. Math B. Matrix Sort into 4 quartiles Total students divided by 4 Remainders 1 = HM OR LM 2 = HM & LM 3 = HM & LM & ? Highly motivated So if you have 21 students, You’ll sort high to low and divide by 4 You’ll take first highest group will be labeled high, colored blue and placed in seat 1s; second highest group will be labeled high medium, colored green and placed in seat 4s; third highest group will be labeled low medium, colored yellow and placed in seat 2s and last group will be labeled low, colored red and placed in seat 3s. Sincere there are 21 students in this class example, there is one student leftover pull out either a High Medium or Low medium student that you know is highly motivated and eager to participate in class. This student will be the 5th student added to a team of 4. If you have two leftover each student either a HM or LM will be the 5th student in a team of 4; if 3 students leftover they will form a team of 3 which should be comprised of a HM, LM and a highly motivated student either another HM or LM or H.
Forming Student Teams STEP Three: Color Code/Yard Sale dots to place on card Blue = High (H) Green = High Medium (HM) Yellow = Low Medium (LM) Red = Low (L) Blue – high as sky Green – good to go Yellow – proceed with caution Red – Stop and check in regularly
Forming Student Teams STEP Four: Form Teams Remember: Gender 2m/2f
ELL/Special Needs Difficult Clients Blue Yellow Red Green Extras: 1 = One team of 5 2= 2 teams of 3 3 = 1 team of 3 Sort cards by placing the blue in the first row (seat 1s-high) Yellows in second row (seat 2s-low medium) Red ins third row (seat 3s-low) Green in fourth row (seat 4s-high medium) Switch around when looking at teams to consider gender, ELL/Special Ed/ difficult clients When switching try to stay in same colored row, to keep heterogenous grouping Whenever forming new teams, want to plan a team builder immediately
ClassBuilding Is a process by which a room full of students with different backgrounds and experiences become a caring community of active learners Should be done ________ times a week just for fun & done to help with content as appropriate. StandUp HandUp PairUP: Checking homework Stand UP Move Around work w/ someone else and share Should be done 1 time per week just for fun and done with content as appropriate: StandUp HandUp PairUp – checking homework Mix – Pair – Share: using questions from handout for fun
Class Building Activity
Find Someone Who: Class Building Activity Get one per team member from designated supply table – person #2 Review of Kagan Teams, PIES, Classbuilding and Team Building Decide who will be Partner A and Partner B when you pair up.
Class Building Activity
Find Someone Who: Class Building Activity Teacher says “Stand up, hand up, pair up!” Students: stand up with one hand in air until you find the closest partner who is not your teammate. Partner A:ask ? Partner B, answers. Partner A writes Answer. Partner B checks answer and initials it Partner B, ask ? Partner A, answers. Partner B writes Answer. Partner A checks answer and Do a cheer with partner, Raise hand to find new partner. Repeat until complete handout. When done, return to your seat and help others who ask. Compare answers with your team & finish with team cheer Review of Kagan Teams, PIES, Classbuilding and Team Building Decide who will be Partner A and Partner B when you pair up. Team Cheers: Cheese Grater , Truck Driver or Fantastics
Team Cheers Do these after team has compared answers with Find Someone Who activity Team Cheers: Fantastic, Cheese Grater, Truck Driver or Sign Language Applause
Troubleshooting 90% of all struggles associated with incorporating cooperative structures into the classroom are due to not following Teaming formation recommendations Heterogeneous (H, LM, L, HM) 4 per team is best, if 5 per team seat 5 is most motivated student in that seat Keep in teams for 6 weeks TeamBuilding Fun, No Content, Easy for All 2 times/week Best to fit in last 3-5 minutes of class ClassBuilding StandUp, Move, Share 1 time/week for fun & use with content as appropriate Comedian Example
RoundTable Think Time: Think how you will respond
Pass paper or project around the table; take turns contributing Complete Role Tents on What to Say We Like: Team Name Creation
RoundTable: Team Name :
Get one handout per team – person #1 get supply from designated supply area
Please take 15 minute break
Cooperative Projects & PIES
Positive Interdependence: Are students on the same side? Does the task require working together? Individual Accountability: Is individual, public performance required? Equal Participation: Is participation approximately equal? Simultaneous Interaction: What percent of students are overtly interacting? All structures presented today incorporate these basic principles of PIES. So far we’ve used these structures: RallyRobin (What we know about Cooperative Learning) RallyCoach (Mental Math) Timed Pair Share (Share thoughts about 3 teaching approaches) Now going to use Single RoundRobin to summarize Basic Principles of Cooperative Structures. Flip over/Close powerpoint notes please
Cooperative Projects - Steps
Teacher announces team project: Design a New Theme Costume for a Clown Teacher Assigns Roles and Resource Access accounting for PIES Students work in teams to create the project
Step 2: Assign Roles Why? To allow students to be self sufficient and manage oneself Role Tents: Example of role (job) Role: Gatekeeper Team cut out and complete the Role Cards What to do: * Make sure everyone participates about equally What to say: * I need everyone’s help to ….. * Thank you ______ * ____will you please…..
Role Tents Partner 1 & 2 Cut apart Role Cards
Give to Partners 3 & 4 to Fold Gather Role Card tents from designated supply table 2 Roles on each paper – 4 total per Team; person #4 go gather role cards in designated supply area.
Assigning Roles Continued
What to Do: *Keeps team volume level appropriate *Get & return team materials & leads team in clean-up *Makes sure everyone is participating about equally *Keeps team focused on the task Use Simultaneous RoundTable to complete What to say on role Cards
Simultaneous RoundTable
Think Time: Think how you will respond All Teammates contribute on their own paper at the same time Signal when you’re done or wait for teacher to give signal Pass your paper one person clockwise Continue adding to the new paper, try not to repeat ideas Continue passing paper until complete or time is up Complete Role Tents on What to Say
Step 2: Resource Access Materials Who Uses 1 – Chart Paper
2 – Glue Sticks 8 DIFFERENT colored pieces of paper 4 Markers – 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green and 1 purple ALL Person #2 & #3 only Each person will get 2 different colors If 5 person: # 4 & #5 each get 1 Person #1: red & blue only Person #4: green & purple only If 5 person: #4 green and #5 purple only Resources and Who can Use
Directions for Project
Design New Theme Costume for a Clown Clown Costume needs to be unique Completed in 15 minutes 3D is encouraged Must be able to hang on a wall Must use ALL materials Write a key of who did what parts on the Front Tape on Wall for Display Parameters of Cooperative Project Example used in math classroom: Volume of Cylinders, Cone and Spheres Same Roles as in Clown example Materials: 4 3D Shapes - Pringles can, birthday blower, ball & one other shape of choice 4 colored pencils (person 1: red, person 2: green, person 3: black, person 4: brown) 1 official paper to show work and record volumes & 1 scratch paper 2 Rulers (Person 1 & 3 only) 2 calculators (Person 2 & 4 only) Directions: Person 1 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in red pencil Person 2 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in green pencil Person 3 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in black pencil Person 4 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in brown pencil Answers should be accurate to the tenths of a cm All 4 volumes including work showing how volumes were calculated should be found with correct units in 20 minutes (which includes gathering of materials) You’ll have 5 minutes now to plan your team’s work prior to getting the materials.
Timed Pair Share Cooperative Project & PIES Analysis
Teacher announces question and gives Think time. Partner A shares and Partner B listens until time is up. Switch Roles, and share again. Each partner will have 30 Seconds. Listen for bell to know when next time to switch roles. Partner A and Partner B say to each Other “thanks for sharing” Cooperative Project & PIES Analysis Share your thoughts about the advantages of being a student in Teacher C classroom as well as any other reflections about the three types of teaching approaches. Set TURN (2) timer for 30 seconds.
Cooperative Projects & PIES Analysis
Timed Pair Share – 30 seconds Positive Interdependence: Are students on the same side? Does the task require working together? Individual Accountability: Is individual, public performance required? Equal Participation: Is participation approximately equal? Simultaneous Interaction: What percent of students are overtly interacting? All structures presented today incorporate these basic principles of PIES. So far we’ve used these structures: RallyRobin (What we know about Cooperative Learning) RallyCoach (Mental Math) Timed Pair Share (Share thoughts about 3 teaching approaches) Now going to use Single RoundRobin to summarize Basic Principles of Cooperative Structures. Flip over/Close powerpoint notes please
Carousel Feedback As a Team, stand in front of your project
Rotate Clockwise to the next team’s project Discuss you reaction to team’s project – no writing Student #1 Record team’s feedback on Feedback form Get ready to Rotate Rotate as directed Repeat steps 3-5 but pick new recorder 8. Continue until directed to stop Parameters of Cooperative Project Example used in math classroom: Volume of Cylinders, Cone and Spheres Same Roles as in Clown example Materials: 4 3D Shapes - Pringles can, birthday blower, ball & one other shape of choice 4 colored pencils (person 1: red, person 2: green, person 3: black, person 4: brown) 1 official paper to show work and record volumes & 1 scratch paper 2 Rulers (Person 1 & 4 only) 2 calculators (Person 2 & 3 only) Directions: Person 1 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in red pencil Person 2 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in green pencil Person 3 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in black pencil Person 4 - must be person to write work and answer for one of 3D shapes in brown pencil Answers should be accurate to the tenths of a cm All 4 volumes including work showing how volumes were calculated should be found with correct units in 20 minutes (which includes gathering of materials) You’ll have 5 minutes now to plan your team’s work prior to getting the materials.
Showdown Person #1 Cut down middle of Page 1 of 2 & give other half to Person #2 to cut apart while you cut apart first half Person # 3 Cut down middle of Page 2 of 2 & give other half to Person #4 to cut apart while you cut apart first half Stack all cut up cards in center of team table. Get page 1 and page 2 of showdown cards from designated supply area – person #3 (person #3 keep one page and give other page to person #1. Everyone grab a pair of scissors.
Showdown Showdown captain is Person #1
Captain draws first card, reads it and gives think time Everyone writes own answer on white boards, NO talking When done writing, place whiteboard face down to signal done When all boards are face down, Captain call “Showdown” Everyone shows and discusses answers Captain leads team in checking answers Celebrate with Cheer if correct; tutor any teammates who got answer incorrect Next teammate become showdown captain for next problem; repeat steps Get page 1 and page 2 of showdown cards from designated supply area – person #3 (person #3 keep one page and give other page to person #1. Everyone grab a pair of scissors.
3-2-1 Summary Name of 10 Structures shared today:
RallyRobin RallyCoach Timed Pair share RoundRobin Mix-Pair-Share Find Someone Who RoundTable Simultaneous RoundTable Carousel Feedback Showdown PIES – Principles all Structures are based around: Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Equal Participation, Simultaneous Interaction Teams – ideal to be size of 4; keep together for 6 weeks; Heterogeneous: High/Blue; LM/Yellow, Low/Red, HM/Green Teambuilding – 2 x per week for fun (fun, no content, EZ) Classbuilding – 1 x per week for fun or content (stand- move – share) Cooperative Project – when designing be sure to think of PIES! Name of 10 Structures shared today: RallyRobin (Partners Oral) RallyCoach (Partners Oral and Written) Timed Pair Share (Partners Oral) RoundRobin (Team Oral) Mix-Pair-Share (Classbuilder) Find Someone Who (Classbuilder) RoundTable (Team Written) Simultaneous RoundTable (Team Written) Carousel Feedback (Team Oral and Written) Showdown (Team Written and Oral) PIES – Principles all Structures are based around Positive Interdependence Individual Accountability Equal Participation Simultaneous Interaction Teams – ideal to be size of 4; keep together for 6 weeks; Heterogeneous: High/Blue; LM/Yellow, Low/Red, HM/Green Classbuilding – 1 x per week for fun or content (standup- move – share) Teambuilding – 2 x per week for fun (fun, no content, EZ) Cooperative Project – when designing be sure to think of PIES!
Resources Kagan Cooperative Learning by Dr. Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan Classbuilding by Miguel Kagan, Laurie Kagan and Dr. Spencer Kagan TimerTools, TeamTools and SelectorTools by Kagan Copies of presentation and handouts can be found here:
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