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Logan Smith & Nathaniel Davila

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1 Logan Smith & Nathaniel Davila
Jeffrey Dahmer Logan Smith & Nathaniel Davila

2 Biographical Background
 Born in 1959 in Bath Township, OH Died November 28, 1994 in Portage Wisconsin He was American Biological name – Jeffrey Dahmer He was born in a middle class suburb of Akron (Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 1995) He was cruel to animals as a kid “stripping their carcasses” ( Crime / Punishment N.p.) but seemed normal to the outside world (Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 1995) He was shy and did not have many friends ( Crime / Punishment N.p.) “He had average grades, worked on the school newspaper and developed a bad drinking problem.” ( Crime / Punishment N.p.)

3 General Killer Profile
American, male, He killed between (Almanac of Famous People. Gale, 2011) Killed victims between the ages of 14-33 Killed mostly black, Hispanic, Asian young men Many victims found were all cannibalized

4 Trolling Phase He would always take his victims back to his apartment
He would use the same techniques to lure the victims in and capture them He would kill them all in the same way as well

5 Wooing Phase He would find his victims in bars, shopping mall or in adult bookstores He would invite them back to his apartment and offer them beer and/or money In return he would take pictures of them naked

6 Capture Phase Drugged the beer/alcohol and waited till they were unconscious He would make them feel comfortable through his charming and handsome ways

7 Murder Phase He strangled them, sometimes tortured them and dismembered them attack-zombie-rudy-eugene-joins-ranks-famous-cannibals/3/

8 Totem Phase He would keep the victims hearts, organs, skulls, and other parts in his refrigerator He would clean the bones and skulls like he did as a child with the animals He would cook and eat some of the organs He would masturbate over the corpse or have sex with the corpse

9 Death Toll Found guilty on 15 murder counts in Wisconsin and sentenced to 15 mandatory life sentences to serve

10 Transient Or Stable He was stable
He knows the area and hunts within it He lives within the same location He works in the same area as well He won’t travel unless he really needs to for work or personal reasons

11 Organized or Disorganized
He was organized because he did plan out how he was going to lure in his victims and how to capture and murder them He would then keep souvenirs for himself He would dispose of the victims in the same place He is a white male and in the age range of 25-45 He has good social skills and personal skills (charming) He had above average intelligence

12 Conviction He was convicted of several murder charges and 15 of them he pleaded guilty to alone

13 Interesting Facts He had a dead body wrapped in a bag in the trunk of his mother's car. This was his first victim. The police questioned him on the bags and he said it was trash. The police did not investigate further. The second time the police nearly caught him was when one of his victims wandered out into the street, but was too dazed to say what had happened to him. The police were still not suspicious. (Jeffrey Dahmer. N.p.) Jeffrey Dahmer had one younger brother. (Jeffrey Dahmer. N.p.) He also said that he was still sick and still felt the compulsion to kill, but he was sorry for what he had done. (Jeffrey Dahmer. N.p.)

14 Work Cited "Click Here To Play: Jeffrey Dahmer."Jeffrey Dahmer. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr < Dahmer html>. "Jeffrey L. Dahmer." Almanac of Famous People. Gale, 2011. Biography in Context. Web. 17 Apr Johnson, Anne Janette. "Jeffrey Dahmer." Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, Biography in Context. Web. 17 Apr "Was Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer Sick or Just Evil?." Crime / Punishment. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr < zombie-rudy-eugene-joins-ranks-famous-cannibals/3/

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