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First Grade Tidbits.

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1 First Grade Tidbits

2 Absences If your child is absent for any reason, please send a note to explain the absence on the day your student returns to school. While we encourage you to let us know when your child is absent via , in order to have the absence excused a signed note is required upon returning to school within 3 days of the absence. If a child is absent for 5 or more days for an illness, a doctor’s excuse is required when they return. If your child will be absent for 3 or more days due to a personal reason other than illness (i.e. out-of-town trip), please contact Mrs. Ponce for further information.

3 Tardies Please make every effort to have your student to Kerr by 7:40 each morning. Students are considered tardy at 7:50. As classroom instruction begins right after the 7:50 bell rings, it is very important that your student is in their classroom and ready for the day.

4 Going Home Please send a note with your child if their dismissal plans will change. If your first grader’s after-school dismissal plans change during the school day, please call the office prior to 1:15. Please try to keep a consistent after-school dismissal plan for your child. This helps us maintain smooth dismissal procedures each day ensuring our students are safely on their way home. If you are picking your child up in the car pool lane, it is required that you have the blue car pool sign. If you do not have their sign, you will be asked to park and show the front office your I.D.

5 Money Checks are only accepted at Kerr for PTA and lunch accounts. All other payments will be made online through School Pay. Please remember that driver’s license numbers and phone numbers are required on every check. Addresses must be pre-printed on all checks. Checks with addresses written in will be returned to you.

6 Birthdays We love to celebrate your child’s birthday!!
However, due to school policy and state nutritional guidelines, we do not celebrate with food items. Birthday’s may be celebrated by passing out stickers, pencils, or other appropriate favors. Please do not feel obligated to send items – this is simply your choice! Your first grader will have recognition in the classroom and will be able to help with the morning pledge on announcements. You may want to consider donating a copy of your child’s favorite book to the class or the school library with their name in it. We would dedicate this book to your child. (Again – please do not feel obligated!) Birthday invitations sent to school must be sent for either the whole class or all boys or all girls. This will prevent feelings from being hurt.

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