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Our word for the half term is… SELF-CONTROL

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Presentation on theme: "Our word for the half term is… SELF-CONTROL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our word for the half term is… SELF-CONTROL
Welcome To Lydiate Primary School Our word for the half term is… SELF-CONTROL Monday 13th March 2017 If you can dream it, you can do it.

2 Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear! Even though the Earth be removed And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God. The Lord of hosts is with us, The God of Jacob is our refuge.

3 Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord.
Thus, says the Lord, will the world know my friends, Hope, perfect hope, is the gift of Christ our Lord. Thus, says the Lord, will the world know my friends, Joy, perfect joy, is the gift of Christ our Lord.

4 Merit Badges Class Name Reason Oak Ethan Hughes
For taking charge of his own learning Birch Maya McCormick For super writing progress. Sycamore Charley Stewart For making fabulous decisions. Poplar Ellie Bennett For an excellent non-chronological report. Cherry Holly Graham For making a super funeral mask. Elm Alfie Mason For super addition with carrying. Maple Lucia Milsom For super division through grouping. Cedar Joseph Robinson For learning his times tables. Rowan Dylan Madden For using excellent adjectives. Willow Charlotte W-K For super independent writing. Acorn Olivia Owen For superb general knowledge.

5 The Sports’ Award Of The Week is…
Jessica Wilcox

6 Our School’s weekly target is…
To say please and thank you, especially to the dinner ladies!

7 Dining Room Rules 1. Stay in your seat. 2. No shouting.
3. Pick up food you drop. 4. Sit properly on your chairs. 5. Cut your food up. 6. Do not take food out of the dining room. 7. Put food in the correct bin. 8. Stack your trays neatly.

8 Our School Targets Myself - I consider everyone who shares my day and I know when to be quiet. English – I can infer and deduce what a writer is saying. Maths – I understand multiplication and I know my times tables.

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