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ppZZ4μ background process
Les Houches Workshop, May '05 LO vs. NLO dynamics in ppH4μ signal and ppZZ4μ background process Salavat Abdullin (FNAL) Darin Acosta (UF) Paolo Bartalini (UF) Alexey Drozdetskiy (UF) Andrey Korytov (UF) Guenakh Mitselmakher (UF) Alexander Sherstnev (MSU) May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Samples preparation Signal (ppHZZ4μ, mH = 150, 250, 500) LO: HERWIG NLO: HERWIG real NLO vs. LO comparison Background (ppZZ4μ) LO: MadGraph/PYTHIA NLO: MadGraph/PYTHIA and MCFM (for σNLO calculation) effective NLO vs. LO comparison no PHOTOS, default PYTHIA FSR(QED) instead for both… only μ from the original Z/γ* considered Events selection cuts μ PTbarrel(|η|<1.1) >7 GeV, Pendcap(1.1<|η|<2.4)>9 GeV inv. mass of the first muon pair (closest to mass Z0) and second muon pair (highest PT muons from the rest excluding muons from the first pair): 12 < Minv < GeV May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Higgs: diagrams LO: NLO: May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Higgs: cross sections, K-factors
Generation conditions: MZ = GeV, MW = GeV WH: 16.7 MeV (MH=150 GeV), 4.0 GeV (MH=250 GeV), 66.9 GeV (MH=500GeV) PDF: CTEQ 5M1 (NLO), CTEQ 5L (LO) QQCD: Minv(4m) Cuts: no cuts in Cross sections and K-factors (no cuts) mh150: sNLO/sLO=23.48 pb/9.76 pb = 2.40 (KSpira=2.32) mh250: sNLO/sLO = 8.79 pb/3.95 pb = 2.22 (KSpira=2.17) mh500: sNLO/sLO = 3.01 pb/1.53 pb = 1.98 (KSpira=1.95) May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Higgs: inv. mass, m(H) = 250 GeV
Normalized to the number of events for 30 fb-1 NLO: Nevent(selection)=58.7; LO: Nevent(selection)=25.7 KNLO/LO = 2.22 (before selection, previous slide) KNLO/LO = 2.28 (after selection) Conclusion: no significant difference Blue: NLO Red: K*LO Analysis cuts: 243 < Minv(H) < 257 GeV May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Higgs: PT of all four selected muons, m(H)=250 GeV
Normalized to the number of events for 30 fb-1 analysis PT(m) cut Blue: NLO Red: KNLO/LO*LO May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Higgs: Higgs PT, m(H)=250 GeV
Some difference cut on Higgs PT may be useful for high Higgs masses Blue: NLO Red: KNLO/LO*LO May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
High mass higgs: m(H) = 500 GeV
Wide Breit-Wigner resonance: WH=67 GeV Problems: All NLO tools are zero-width approximation with artificial Breit-Wigner imitation... HERWIG and are not consistent for high mass Higgs yet... Would like to have a running BR (because of large WH) discussing with and HERWIG authors Conclusion: further investigation needed artefact Blue: NLO Red: KNLO/LO*LO May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: diagrams LO: NLO: May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: s-channel diagram problem
PYTHIA doesn't include the s-channel diagram (manual, p.141) General LO generators (CompHEP, MadGraph) allow to generate events taking into account both diagrams Before analysis cuts it's contribution is significant in mH<200 region After a la analysis cuts with generated statistics in each bin we have difference at the level of stat. error still CompHEP with all diagrams systematically bigger at the level 20-30% with respect to PYTHIA (t-chan. only) may clarify with bigger statistics peak in 4 muon invariant mass around 90 GeV may be useful for calibration from data NB!: s-channel suppressed for a particular set of cuts μ PT > 10 GeV (14, 10, 10, 7 GeV), |η|<2.4 inv. masses: 60 < Z1 < 110 GeV, 12 < mH, Z2, Z3, Z4 (where Z3, Z4 – other permutations of muon pairs, different to selected as Z1, Z2) at the moment have bigger issues (σ calculations with γ* taken into account) if know them to a better than 10% precision, need to return to s-channel May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: s-channel diagram problem (selection cuts)
Minv(Z1) what we have with selection cuts only… Minv(Z2) GeV GeV Minv(4mu) GeV May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: s-channel diagram problem (after cuts)
4 muons invariant mass, N events for 30 fb-1 All analysis cuts applied: CompHEP s,t-channel diagrams PYTHIA CompHEP t-channel diagram only stat errors here are at the level of events GeV May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: effective NLO approximation
Main idea: NLO QCD corrections: virtual (loops) and real (extra parton). Take into account the virtual correction by a K-factor and the real correction generated correctly (by a LO Monte-Carlo). Method description: Generate 2Z/g* and 2Z/g*+j samples with some cuts (on Minv(Z/g*) and PT(jet)) by MadGraph. Pass 2Z/g* events through PYTHIA (ISR switched on) and 2Z/g*+j events (ISR switched off) Consider the extra parton Pt (in ZZ – ISR jet). Take 2Z/g* events with PT(jISR) < P0 (with a k-factor) and 2Z/g*+j events with PT(j) > P0. Set 2 conditions on the PT(j) distribution: The full cross section has to be equal NLO cross section and The jet Pt distribution has to be smooth. The method is being applied by D0 in real single top analyses (D0 note-4722) see also CMS Note 2000/065 and hep-ph/ May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: cross sections Generation conditions: MZ = GeV, PDF: CTEQ 5L, QQCD=Minv(4m) Cuts: Minv(2m)>12 GeV, PT(j)>1 GeV, |(j)|< 10 in MadGraph LO cross sections in MadGraph: sLO(2Z/g* 4μ ) = fb sLO(2Z/g*+j 4μ +j) = fb definitely out of LO approximation area in 2Z/g*+j NLO cross section: The last ingradient for our method is sNLO(pp 2Z/g* 4μ ) sNLO(pp 2Z/g*)=23.20 pb by MCFM-4.1 (with PDF: cteq5m1) It corresponds to sNLO(pp 2Z/g* 4μ ) =35.67 fb May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: 4μ invariant mass Normalized on the number of events for 30 fb-1 NLO/LO: Nevent(selection)=356/245 KNLO/LO = 1.38 (before selection) KNLO/LO = 1.45 (after selection) Small difference in PT(ZZ) Analysis cuts (mh250): 243 < Minv(H)< 257 GeV Blue: NLO Red: KNLO/LO*LO May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
ZZ: PT of all 4 selected muons
Normalized on the number of events for 30 fb-1 Blue: NLO Red: KNLO/LO*LO analysis PT(m) cut May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Summary & Plans NLO/LO cross section (K-factors): We received K-factors close to KSpira(a bit higher: 2-3%) for Higgs K-factors are slightly affected by selection cuts (effect ~3-6%) K-factor depends on mH cuts NLO/LO distribution shapes: No large difference for light mass Higgs and ZZ for currently used in the analysis cuts ZZ background: s-channel diagram: the found effect is at the level of 20-30% (with a la analysis cuts applied) for mH < 180 GeV (need to verify with bigger statistics) uses 0-width approximation for the process, effective NLO approximation allows to exclude this drawback Near future plans: Note with description of the results More reasonable approach to the high mass Higgs case May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
May '05 Alexey Drozdetskiy, University of Florida
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