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Reflection standing waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection standing waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 reflection standing waves

2 Etan is continuous E E Htan is continuous X H E H H

3 Reflection coefficient
X E H Transmission coefficient

4 Reflection and transmission of a pulse signal at an interface of two different dielectrics.

5 impedance meter conductor

6 Reflection of an electromagnetic pulse from a conducting surface.

7 magnitude square law detector
time-harmonic signal metal wall - R=-1 magnitude square law detector standing wave

8 Standing wave

9 standing wave @ different times
node antinode l



12 electric & magnetic fields differ in phase by p/2

13 Different resonances n = 1; 2; 3; ...
Screen Screen Screen Screen

14 resonance Fabry-Perot resonator Screen L

15 solve for the resonant frequency
application solve for the resonant frequency

16 two different dielectrics

17 applications paper ==> wood pulp & water in Sweden
oleo ==> corn oil & water in Iowa curing concrete ==> [cement + water] (time) emphysema ==> lung & air metal thickness in a rolling mill

18 x y z qz qx qy E H r k Plane waves: not on an axis

19 x y z qz qx qy E H k r

20 reflection - two cases Einc || to surface Hinc || to surface x z z Hr
Er qr Hr Er qr x x Ei Hi qi Ei Hi x qi Incident wave Incident wave

21 ki • r = [- k cos i ux + k sin i uz] • [x ux + y uy + z uz]
= - kx cos i + kz sin i kr • r = [+ k cos r ux + k sin r uz] • [x ux + y uy + z uz] = + kx cos r + kz sin r Ei Hi Hr Er x qi qr

22 Ey inc = Eyi exp [- jk(-x cos i+z sin i)]
E = Eo exp [j(t - k • r)] Ey inc = Eyi exp [- jk(-x cos i+z sin i)] Ey ref = Eyr exp [- jk(+x cos r+z sin r)] @ metal x = 0 -- Ey = Eyr = - Eyi & r = i Ei Hi Hr Er x qi qr

23 Bill, could I get a job at Microsoft? Hillary taught me Basic.


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