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Do Now: Use the seating chart below to find your new seat. Once you’ve sat down, begin working on the following questions: What does the word “energy”

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Use the seating chart below to find your new seat. Once you’ve sat down, begin working on the following questions: What does the word “energy”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Use the seating chart below to find your new seat. Once you’ve sat down, begin working on the following questions: What does the word “energy” mean to you? What types of energy do you think exist in the universe?

2 Work and Energy New Unit! 1/26/22

3 Extra Credit Opportunity:
Hold an individual conference with me outside of class Worth two homework grades of extra credit If you are interested pick up a pre-conference form from me and sign up for a ten minute slot on my door

4 New Unit: Work and Energy
Energy:the capacity of a physical system to change or perform work. All energy is either potential or kinetic: Potential: stored Kinetic: energy of motion

5 Types of Energy: Mechanical: The energy acquired by the objects upon which work is done; can be kinetic or potential Ex: moving water; a rolling object

6 Types of Energy: Chemical: The energy stored by chemical reactions; potential Ex: food, batteries

7 Types of Energy: Thermal: created by heat. The hotter an object becomes the more thermal energy it possesses.

8 Types of Energy: Electromagnetic: energy produced when something upsets the balancing force between electrons and protons in atoms; can be kinetic or potential

9 Types of Energy: Nuclear: energy locked in the nucleus of the atom. Nuclear power plants split atoms in a process called fission

10 Types of Energy: Solar: energy from the sun

11 Types of Energy: Radiant (Light): waves that emit energy. Examples include: radio and television waves, gamma rays, and x- rays and sound

12 Types of Energy: Gravitational Energy - energy stored as a result of gravitational forces concentrated by the earth for the object. Water held back by a dam is an example of gravitational energy.

13 Practice: Work in groups to identify the types of energy in each example. There may be more than one in each!

14 Do Now: Determine the types of energy in the following examples:
Playing a PSP Lighting a match Shoveling snow Skydiving Using wind to create electricity

15 W=Fd Measured in Nm or joules (j) Work
Work: a force exerted over a distance W=Fd Measured in Nm or joules (j)

16 Determine if work is done:
A person pushing a wheelbarrow 5 m A person pushing a wall that doesn’t move A car traveling from Baltimore to New York A book sitting on a table Something being dropped from 15 m A car moving at constant speed for 10 miles

17 Kinetic Energy: KE= ½ mv2 Measured in joules (j)

18 The Work-Energy Theorem
W=∆KE Fd= ½ mvf2 - ½ mvi2 W= ½ mvf2 - ½ mvi2 Fd=∆KE

19 Practice: Use the rest of class to work on the worksheet

20 Do Now: A force of 15 N is required to push an object a distance of 3 m. What is the work done? What is the change in kinetic energy? A 20 kg dog can run at 15 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?

21 PE=mgh Potential Energy
Potential energy: energy stored within a system; can be converted into kinetic energy; represented by either PE or U Gravitational Potential Energy: PE=mgh Where: m=mass g=acceleration due to gravity ( on earth -9.8 m/s2) h=height or distance from the reference level Reference level: the position where the PE is determined to be zero

22 Example: Determine the potential energy of a 2 kg ball on a cliff if the cliff rises 50 m above the ground.

23 Example: Determine the potential energy of the same 2 kg ball once it drops to 20 m.

24 Power Rate of change of work or energy of a system:
Power=work/time; measured in Watts (W) 1 W = 1 j/s

25 Example: 100 j of work are exerted for 12 s. What is the power?

26 You will have a quiz on energy on Tuesday, 2/8!!!
Practice: Use the rest of class to work on the worksheet: Power and Potential Energy You will have a quiz on energy on Tuesday, 2/8!!!

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