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Clase de Español Bienvenidos.

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1 Clase de Español Bienvenidos

2 Quien soy? I was born in Honduras. I studied two years of mechanical engineering. When I was twenty years old, I decided to come to the United States and I leave everything in Honduras, my family, friends and school. After a year of living in the United States, I took two of the most important decisions in my life. I got married with the greatest guy in the world who encouraged me to make my second decision, go back to school and get my BA in Spanish education. Attending college here was a culture shock and a hard process for me but it was never impossible. I was a second language learner. It was very stressful for me because I had to make double the effort to understand the language and pass my classes. My journey in College was very challenging for me, which changed my life perspective and long-term goals. Now, I have my bachelor’s degree in Spanish Secondary Education. There is something that separates me from other teachers, my experience, learning a second language; I am a comprehensive teacher when it comes to knowing how my students feel learning a new language.

3 Classroom procedures No food, gum or any type of drinks allowed in the classroom at any time. (JUST WATER) No inappropriate behavior/language is allowed. (ONE MIC) Arrive on time. (DON’T FORGET TRANSITION PROCEDURES)

4 Grades Weekly grades will be based on: • Homework /Classwork
• Participation • Pop quizzes • Classroom projects • Binder organization • Tests •Classroom conduct

5 Grading point system Major focus 1-3 points = 1 5-7 points =2
vocabulary I use a small number of repetitive words. I use familiar words and phrases on familiar topics and activities.. I use a variety of words and phrases. I use words and expression from a wide range of topics. Function and structure I use some simple words to provide basic information I use phrases and short simple sentences to provide basic information I combine words and phrases to create original sentences I combine simple sentences using connectors words. comprehension I understand some words I understand simple questions and statements I understand questions and statements. Sometimes I need to hear thing again I can understand questions and statement from real life.

6 Class expectations Students are expected to arrive to class on time everyday.. Students are expected to arrive to class prepared with your materials ( PLANNER, PEN, PENCIL AND RED FOLDER) everyday.. students are expected to enter and seat quietly in the classroom.

Our classroom atmosphere is built around respect. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated Always practice core values. LNT (leave no trace). Stay quiet during instruction time so that everyone can learn. Let them speak without interruption. Allow them to express themselves freely without being judged.

8 Absent Policies If the student is absent, it is the student responsibility to speak with me and collect their missing work. Students will have the amount of days you were absent to make up the missing work Missing quizzes and test may be made up before or after Spanish class using the same time allowed. Any violation of classroom rules will result on consequences.

9 Course outline 7th grade Spanish class focuses on the development of communicative competence. Students will develop understanding of written and spoken Spanish language: Developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of the Hispanic cultures and will reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines such as geography, history, etc. Unit 1 Hispanic heritage Unit 2 La salud (anuncios) Unit 3 Practicando

10 Additional Support Strategies to use at home support your child
• Review with your child the vocabulary words at least twice a week, to reinforce his Knowledge. • Label items in the house that are related to the current Spanish topic. • Use Spanish subtitles when viewing movies, TV shows, etc.  Resources for extra support or extension

11 Preguntas If you have any question about the Spanish course. Please write your name, question and contact information in the index card.

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