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Presentation on theme: "GWNU(KNU) in CALICE-HCAL"— Presentation transcript:

Members : Guk Cho, Do-Won Kim, Woosung Park, Sofia Vallecorsa* Gangneung-Wonju National University (GWNU) *also CERN-SFT (GEANT-V Team) Collaborators : IPN-Lyon (Imad Laktineh) INFN-Bologna (Crispin Williams)

2 CALICE-KNU with Si-W ECAL, 2004 (LAL & LLR)
D.O. Electronics(PCB), Korea

3 ALICE-TOF production, and maintenance (INFN-Bologna, Salerno, ITEP)
R&D of MRPC ALICE-TOF production, and maintenance (INFN-Bologna, Salerno, ITEP)

4 Development of High Performance Resistive Plate Chambers
Semi-Digital Hadronic Calorimeter (SDHCAL) for future leptonic colliders proposed by Professor Imad Laktineh in 2006 : Use Glass RPCs and Semi-digital (2-bit) readout, i.e., not expensive & of good performance IPNL-GWNU Collaboration : SDHCAL module using the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber Effective area : 1m x 1m ( 2m x 1m ) signal pad segmentation : 1cm x 1cm electrodes : 96 x 96 square pads time resolution : better than 100ps counting rate : better than 1,000Hz/cm2 Eco-friendly gas instead of freon R-134a (Tetrafluorethane, C2H2F4) to run RPCs HFE-1234ze (Tetrafluoroprofene, C3H2F4)

5 SDHCAL vs ALICE-TOF 1ns 50ps 96x96 2x48

6 AIDA-2020 since May 2015, funded by Korea/NRF and FKPPL
Thank you for welcoming GWNU(KNU) back to CALICE

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