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OF INNOVATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN AFRICA: Towards Enhancing Quality and Accelerating Regional Harmonisation WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA, SEPTEMBER 2016

2 Innovative Approaches to Teacher Education Programme Development, Pedagogy and Quality Assurance
Harmonisation instrument enables African HEIs to contribute to and align with our African vision of education integration. Design common curriculum development frameworks enabling comparability and equivalence of learning outcomes in African universities. Tuning Methodology Used in Europe, Latin-American and Russia

3 Driven by Mobility in employment Competence at international level
Diversity Role of HE and academics to address these needs Ensure competence, quality and readiness of graduates to effectively participate in an ever increasing globalised society Need for relevance in national and global society Increasing quality of degree programmes (outcomes-based, student centred and competence based learning)

4 Harmonization of HE Qualifications
Three questions: How can we build mutually compatible and comparable degrees recognised by all participants? How do we create social relevance in degrees? How do we ensure these degrees attain the highest levels of quality in HE?

5 Tuning Africa Harmonisation of HE: The African Experience
Explore the needs of the region Build a meta-profile of subject area Explore future trends in the profession and society Specific mission of the institution Right mix of competences to satisfy global demands; contribute to betterment of society and immediate environments; needs of knowledge society (research, innovation and development)

6 Generic Competences: The Consultation Process
Selection of competences appropriate for region Basic required levels of employability and active citizenship on a personal, professional, institutional and social responsibility level Generic set of competences for all University graduates Further consultation among students, academics, employers, relevant stakeholders (government, professional bodies, etc.) Search for social relevance – core elements vs specialised competence in subject area.

7 Generic Competences of HE Graduates
“what are the generic competences that graduates from African higher education or the development of education need to acquire?” Sixty Higher Education Institutions from across the African continent participated in the development of these GCs: Ability for conceptual thinking, analysis and synthesis Professionalism, ethical values and commitment to Ubuntu (respect for the well-being and dignity of fellow human-beings Capacity for critical evaluation and self-awareness Ability to translate knowledge into practice Objective decision-making and practical cost-effective problem solving Capacity to use innovative and appropriate technologies Ability to communicate effectively in both the official/national and local languages 8. Ability to learn how to learn and capacity for life-long learning 9. Flexibility, adaptability and ability to anticipate and respond to new situations 10. Ability for creative and innovative thinking 11. Leadership, management and teamwork skills 12. Communication and interpersonal skills 13. Environment and economic consciousness 14. Ability to work in an intra- and intercultural and/or international context 15. Ability to work independently 16. Ability to evaluate, review and enhance quality 17. Self-confidence, entrepreneurial spirit and skills 18. Commitment to preserve African identity and cultural heritage.

8 Defining competences within context of teacher education in Africa
At least two areas where change is greatly needed in the continent: Socio-economic development and growth, with a focus on fighting poverty Conflict resolution and reconciliation to create sustainable and peaceful living environments across the continent. In order to address the two fundamental change areas within own contextual landscapes, 11 core components were identified. From these 31 key competences for teacher education programmes were developed.

Generic and Subject Specific Competences grouped into four broad TE programme areas Context Knowledge, understanding & Practice Inter- personal Skills Values & Ethics

10 Meta-profile indicating spread of Specific and Generic Competences
context Knowledge, Understanding, Practice G9;G13;G14 S4; S5; S11 S22 G1;G4;G5;G6;G11;G13;17;G24;G26;S1;6;S7/8/9/10;S12;S15/16/17/18/19/20/21; S27 Interpersonal Skills Values & Ethics G3; G7;G10;G12;G15;G29;S26; S29; S30;S31 G8; S24; S28 G2; S23; G18

11 Joint Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education

Involving students (employees, employers) in the process of HE programme development, i.e. relevance, responsiveness, assuring quality outcomes Peer learning among participating HEIs, i.e. common CD frameworks, comparability and equivalence, mobility, employability Sharing experiences in determining credit loads, learning outcomes and quality in HE. Challenges: Writing/agreeing on learner outcomes in competency based teacher education Decisions on workloads and credit allocations Programme development: Easier to work on joint PG degrees then under-graduate programmes

13 Country Length (years) Exit Level Specialisation Credit Total Namibia
4 Ugrad(ho) B.Ed (PP,LP,UP, Sec) 480 (120 year, 1credit =notional hours) Mozambique B.Ed (Science,Arts,ECE,M&L) 240 (60 year, 1=30) South Africa Ugrad B.Ed Tanzania 3 B.Ed, BSc.Ed, BA.Ed, Bus.Ed 360 (120 year) Zimbabwe 2 (university) 3 (colleges) 360 (240 in university, 120 colleges) Cameroon B.Ed curr, B.Ed Psych, B.Ed Sp Ed 180 (60 year, 1=10) Gabon 3 primary 5 secondary B.Ed counselling, various subject areas 180 (prim) 300(sec) 60 year

14 Country Length (years) Exit Level Specialisation Credit Total Egypt
4 Ugrad BA.Ed; BSC.Ed; BA. CE 65-70 courses, hours Uganda 3 BA. Ed, BSc.Ed; BSc technical 120 BA.Ed (3 years) 160 BSc. Ed (4 years) 40 year Somalia B.Ed 168 (42 year) Kenya B.Ed, BSc.Ed, B.Ed Sp Ed 300, 240, 500, 200 Ethiopia B.Ed; BSc Technical 120 (40 year) Nigeria 3 (direct entry) 4 (Secondary school) BA.Ed, BSc.Ed, BSc Vocational 90 (3 year) 120 (4 year) 30 year

15 Thank you Shukran Merci Obrigado Gracias Dekuji


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