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LPNHE Universite Paris 6 et 7

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1 LPNHE Universite Paris 6 et 7
10-25 years of DØ France Test Hugh Montgomery Jefferson Laboratory LPNHE Universite Paris 6 et 7 October 14, 2008

2 Test To our hosts Pascal Debu and everyone at the LPNHE Thank you

3 Test The Organisers Greg Bernardi, Marc Besancon, Arnaud Duperrin, Phillipe Gay, Pierre Petroff, Isabelle Ripp-Baudot, Gerard Sajot, Patrick Verdier Thank you

4 Test To The Speakers Etienne Auge, Frederique Badaud, Ursula Bassler, John Campbell, Marcela Carena, Dima Denisov, Frederic Deliot, Arnaud DuPerrin, Albert DeRoeck, Jos Engelen, Paul Grannis, Sebastian Greder, Jean-Francois Grivaz, Beate Heinemann, Matt Herndon, Karl Jakobs, Eric Kajfasz, Patrice Lebrun, Arnaud Lucotte, Bruno Mansoulie, Klaus Moenig, Christophe Royon, Yves Sirois, Jan Stark, Boris Tuchming, Patrice Verdier, Harry Weerts, John Womersley, Darien Wood, Terry Wyatt Especially to the non-DØ people Thank you

5 Test Fermilab Antiprotons

6 Test CDF - The Competition

7 Transition Radiation Detector, ret.
Xe/CH4 conversion gap polypropelene foils TRD inside CDC X-ray converter and charge collection chamber Flash ADC time distribution of TRD response to electrons & pions (CERN test beam). Pion rejection > 50:1 Charge clusters from converted X rays drifted to anode wires

8 Transition Radiation Detector
Test Transition Radiation Detector The Scarlet Pimpernel, I failed to find a figure until I collected Paul’s Talk yesterday!!! In Pluquet’s Thesis on the web the figures do not survive into .pdf. But: TRD played a major role in the “weeks of top” and for my association with it, the LHCC declared me a TRD expert and had me give an internal briefing as a precursor to the discussion of the Atlas TRT.

9 Tevatron Run I and Top 57pb 19pb Dec 94 Aug 93 Yagil – Top Turns Ten
Test Tevatron Run I and Top 19pb 57pb - quick time line (run0, between the runs, preparations, a first hint, how we worked...) - glimpse into our planning and execution... -key dates (ev, dis) -Lumi delivered/used Aug 93 Dec 94 Yagil – Top Turns Ten

10 DØ Author List Thanks to all Abachi to Zylberstejn
Test DØ Author List Abachi to Zylberstejn Thanks to all (Grannis), Hadley – Top Turns Ten

11 Saclay Participation in Top Paper
Test Saclay Participation in Top Paper J. Alitti, L. Chevalier, Y. Ducros, J.F. Glicenstein, J-F. Lebrat, B. Mansoulie, A. Pluquet, J. Teiger, A. Zylberstejn

12 Run II Participation: Saclay and IN2P3
Test Run II Participation: Saclay and IN2P3 “ Apres moi c’est le deluge!!!” a dit Armand (ou Louis XV ou Mme de Pompadour) Bernardi, Bassler, Petroff, Kajfasz, Sajot, … Clermont Ferrand, Grenoble, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Orsay, CEA-Saclay, Strasbourg

13 Run II: The Calorimeter
Test Run II: The Calorimeter The heart of DØ needed help Electronics Calibration system Purity Control ….. Lafayette a l’aide des Etats Unis contre les Anglais!? Silicon, and much more

14 Test DZero

15 QCD: Inclusive Jet Production
Test QCD: Inclusive Jet Production

16 Physics of the Bs Meson Introduction The Bs Meson More Bs Mesons
Lifetimes and  Direct CP Violation Bs Oscillations CP Violation in BsJ/ Conclusions

17 Wb- -> J/Y W- -> J/Y L K- -> (m+ m-)(p p-)K-

18 Searches for New Phenomena
Searches for new particles predicted by many beyond the SM theories: Leptoquarks – generations 1 and 2 (lljj, lnjj) and combined 1,2,3 (nnjj) Susy – squark/gluino in MET+jets, lepton + jets Wino/Zino trileptons, dileptons top squarks bottom squarks GMSB gauginos GMSB photons R-parity violating couplings Right-handed W Heavy W,Z 4th generation b-quark Leptophobic Higgs Large extra dimensions (di-EM, monojets) Anomalous trilinear couplings Magnetic monopoles Model independent searches (SLEUTH) Excellent Run 1 MET resolution key for many searches. Nothing Found!

19 New Phenomena Nothing So Far!!!!!
Test New Phenomena Nothing So Far!!!!! But SUSY is running out of places to hide Technicolor has not undergone resurrection The extra dimensions are really rolled up tightly

20 Vector Boson Production
Test Vector Boson Production

21 Summary of the Top Quark Mass Measurements
7/21/2018 ( 1.2 GeV) F. Déliot, D0-France 13-OCT-2008 M/M = 0.7%

22 Test Electroweak Fits

23 Higgs Particle – CDF & DØ Combined
Test Higgs Particle – CDF & DØ Combined

24 Test Tevatron Luminosity

25 Efficient Operations: A DØ Hallmark
Test Efficient Operations: A DØ Hallmark

26 Test LHC: A new era to come? We all look forward to the operation of the LHC with collisions at multi-TeV energies The cross-sections for known high-mass processes such as top production will increase by a factor of ten from the TeVatron. The experiments are superbly equipped in this region and higher. The challenge is the low mass; if the Higgs is very light, finding it will be a challenge, anywhere

27 Nous ne regrettons rien
Test Conclusions The decision by the Saclay and IN2P3 groups to participate in DØ for run II appears, in retrospect, to have been the precursor to an explosion of participation from Europe in both CDF and DØ at the Tevatron. It was of great importance for DØ ( and German, UK, other European participation in the Tevatron program) It led to great physics. Nous ne regrettons rien

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