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Monday, September 11th Entry Task Set down your things. You will need your agenda and pencil in the computer lab, nothing else. Schedule: How to take.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 11th Entry Task Set down your things. You will need your agenda and pencil in the computer lab, nothing else. Schedule: How to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 11th Entry Task Set down your things. You will need your agenda and pencil in the computer lab, nothing else. Schedule: How to take a test in “Classroom” Objective: I can successfully navigate a test using the web-based “Classroom”. Homework: None Please have ready: Agenda and pencil Signed syllabus if you did not turn it in Friday

2 Computer lab expectations
Walk down the hall quietly, enter the lab calmly. Sit down and login to your student account immediately. Wait for teacher instruction with your hands OFF the keyboard. Do NOT change any settings. Open ONLY the site that I tell you to.

3 How to access Classroom
Go to User is the same as your school login. Password is upsd17 Login

4 Once in Classroom 5. Go to drop down menu in upper right corner. 6. Click on “my account”. 7. Change your password to the one on the sticker I gave you. 8. We will go through the sample test together. Do NOT move ahead.

5 Tuesday, September 12th Entry Task Clear off your things except for your agenda, ISN, and pencil LAB SAFETY QUIZ tomorrow! NOTEBOOK CHECK Friday! Schedule: ISN 188: Lab Safety ISN 189 How to write a lab report Objective: I know the CJH lab safety rules and how to write a CJH lab report Homework: Review lab safety rules with parent, both you and parent sign the safety agreement Please have on your desk: ISN, agenda, pencil

6 Wednesday, September 13th
Entry Task Put your things away. Start reviewing the lab safety rules Wear closed-toe shoes tomorrow! Notebook check Friday! Schedule: Lab safety review Lab safety quiz Objective: I will demonstrate my knowledge of the CJH lab safety rules Homework: None Please have on desk: Signed lab safety agreement

7 As soon as you enter: Have agenda, ISN, mini-poster, and signed safety rules in front of you. Binders and other things under your seat. 5 minutes – review safety rules 5 minutes – present mini-poster 20 minutes – Safety Quiz

8 Thursday, September 14th Entry Task Agenda, ISN, and pencil on table. All else put away. ISN check tomorrow! Schedule: ISN 10: What is a scientist? Objective: I will explain what a scientist is and does Homework Complete to Post-Write if not finished in class Please have on desk: Signed Lab Safety agreement if not turned in yesterday

9 ISN 10, Pre-write Describe a scientist in as much detail as possible.

10 ISN 10, First box Draw a scientist doing science with as much detail as possible. Fill at least 2/3 the space. Be sure to add color! Compare your picture with the other pictures at your table. How are they alike? How are they different?

11 ISN 10, Second box Draw yourself doing science with as much detail as possible. Fill at least 2/3 of the space. Add color!

12 ISN 11, Table At your table, brainstorm different kinds of jobs that scientists do. Write down your list.

13 ISN 11, Post-Write Revise your description from the pre-write.
Again, use as much detail as possible.

14 Friday, September 15th Entry Task Are you wearing closed-toe shoes? Clear your table of everything except your ISN, agenda, & pencil. Turn in ISN to counter at end of class! Schedule: ISN Think like a scientist Objective: I can employ scientific thinking and reasoning Homework Finish the Post-Write of the activity if not finished in class Please have on desk: ISN open to page 10

15 The Case of the Missing Computer Chip
First step: silently read the Introduction. Second step: silently study the map of the crime scene. Third step: your team will randomly draw 5 clues out of your envelope.

16 The Case of the Missing Computer Chip
Fourth step: Using the information in the introduction and the clues, try to solve the crime. You can organize the evidence in various ways, until your team develops a tentative hypothesis for what happened and who was responsible. Listen to everyone in the group!

17 The Case of the Missing Computer Chip
Fifth step: Randomly draw three more clues. Re-organize your evidence as you try to solve the crime. Come up with a revised hypothesis. Write down the hypothesis & evidence.

18 The Case of the Missing Computer Chip
Sixth step: Randomly draw three more clues. Re-organize your evidence as you try to solve the crime. Come up with a revised hypothesis. Write down the hypothesis & evidence.

19 The Case of the Missing Computer Chip
Seventh step: Randomly draw three more clues. Re-organize your evidence as you try to solve the crime. Come up with a final hypothesis. Write down the hypothesis & evidence.

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