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“Murphy” Surveillance Robot

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1 “Murphy” Surveillance Robot
Phong Truong IMDL Fall 2011 Dr. Arroyo, Dr. Schwartz

2 Overview Surveillance Robot Objectives: Obstacle Avoidance
Target Tracking Eliminate Target Final Robot Design

3 Sensors and Actuators Sensors Actuators Power 2x Sonar: MaxSonar EZ1
4x Bump: 50 mm Switch Actuators 2x Pololu HP micro motor 2x 70 mm Wheels Power 9.6V, 7.2V AA NiMH Battery Pack Sonar Sensors

4 Special System Target Tracking: Foscam Wireless IP Camera with Pan/Tilt Color detection Xbee communication Projectile System: USB Missile Launcher Wireless IP Camera USB Missile Launcher

5 Experimental Results Obstacle Avoidance Threshold: Behavior:
speed = (K/(K+1))*oldvalue + (1/(K+1))*newvalue; K >= 0 Threshold: Very_close: 250 Near: 300 Far: 350 Very_far: 400 Behavior: Left_sonar < 250 && Right_sonar < 250: back up Left_sonar < 250: hard right Right_sonar < 250: hard left 250 < Left_sonar || Right_sonar < 300: turn left or right 300 < Left_sonar && Right_sonar < 350: forward Left_sonar && Right_sonar > 400: forward fast XCTU Display

6 Experimental Results (cont.)
Image Processing Position Data Facial Recognition Thresholded Image Real-time Image

7 Conclusion Accomplishments Lessons Learned Platform design
Missile launcher system with pan/tilt servos Obstacle Avoidance and Target Tracking Understanding of C language, EE principles Lessons Learned Cutting platform on T-Tech Move C.G. forward Reduce shipping costs MATLAB image processing IR mount on missile launcher ALWAYS BACK UP DATA!!

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