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Missionaries in Peru with Pioneers Australia and C&MA Partners

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1 Missionaries in Peru with Pioneers Australia and C&MA Partners
Stuart & Alison Bury Missionaries in Peru with Pioneers Australia and C&MA Partners The Burys have been serving in Peru since 2009 with Pioneers Australia in a C&MA church in Trujillo, the largest city (pop. 800K) in Northern Peru. The Burys are partially funded through the Great Commission Fund. Alison, Stuart, Elena, Daniel & Heidi

2 The Burys got back to sweltering Peru in February 2017 after 3 months home assignment in Australia. In March they wrote: “Trujillo, our desert city is awash with water and mud and it is pretty serious. Huge rainfalls all over the county are causing havoc, as huaicos (torrents of mud, rocks and water) come off the foothills of the Andes flooding into the cities. The worst affected are the poorer areas around the outskirts of the city. This photo was taken from the roof of a house!

3 This is an aerial view of Trujillo, showing the areas affected by the huaicos (coloured brown). A lot of cleaning-up still needs to be done, and many people are homeless. The heavy rains and flooding have also affected Lima and many other parts of Peru. The Burys have not been directly impacted.

4 You will recall that Stuart and Alison’s vision was to see a church planted amongst the professional middle and upper class in Trujillo. In September 2016 they launched the first service of the ‘New Life’ church plant at a school they were renting in El Golf , the most exclusive suburb within Trujillo. However in January they were told the church was no longer welcome to meet in this school.

5 “We’re THRILLED to report, in answer to many of
your prayers, that we’ve found another school that has opened its doors to us for our Sunday services! So EXCITING! Minimal cost, use of their meeting hall, with chairs and their cafeteria. Perfect!” The will now resume bimonthly services.


7 From flooding and mudslides in Peru, to drought and famine in Somalia
From flooding and mudslides in Peru, to drought and famine in Somalia! Ian and Cheryl Cullen ask for our urgent prayers. More and more people and animals are moving into the city area in search of water. Classes at the Nursing School (at the University) have been cancelled, because the school has been turned into a hospital to care for the growing number of people with drought-related sicknesses. Malnutrition, measles outbreak, increase in meningitis and some cholera outbreaks in the villages. Students will be the nursing staff.

8 Praying for the Burys (and Chalkies):
Give thanks for the recent opportunities to reconnect with family, friends and other supporters in Australia Pray for the many people who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods in the recent flooding and mudslides. Give thanks that another school has opened its doors for the new church in the Golf Community! Pray that it will continue to grow and that weekly services can begin in 2017 Pray for the drought situation in Somalia, that God would mercifully bring rain where it is most needed. Pray that emergency water, food and medical supplies can be brought into the country in time and in sufficient quantities. Pray that in both Peru and Somalia, Christians can work alongside the authorities to bring help, healing and hope as people grieve losses and start to rebuild their lives

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