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Organisms Communicate

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1 Organisms Communicate
Timing & Communication

2 Review: Cells Communicate
Cells detect chemistry/environmental conditions Signal Transduction Pathway

3 Review: Cells Communicate
Cells within organ systems communicate Immune System: Contact (helper T) Nervous System: Short Distance (synapse) Endocrine System: Long Distance (hormones)

4 Organisms Communicate
Communication needs timing and coordination Bacteria Fungi Plants Animals

5 Maintaining Homeostasis
Feedback Loops Maintaining Homeostasis

6 As we move through this unit….
Negative feedback: returning the changing condition back to its target set point Ex: temperature regulation in animals Ex: plant responses to water limitations Positive feedback: amplification of a response by moving away from its set point. Ex: ripening of fruit Ex: labor in childbirth

7 Alteration of feedback mechanism
Leads to harmful effects on individual Ex: diabetes

8 Physiological Events Organisms respond to changes in their environment through behavioral and physiological mechanisms

9 Bacteria Examples Using energy to respond to the environment to maintain homeostasis

10 Chemotaxis Directed movement in response to stimulus
toward attractant: food away deterent: poison Structure: flagellum

11 Quorum Sensing Bacteria expel proteins in normal lifecycle
Populations increase other functions begin

12 Endospores When environment lacks specific nutrients, bacterial cell develops protective cell Genome is copied Water is removed Metabolism stops Original cell lysis Endospore endures Dormant for centuries

13 Fungi Examples Using energy to respond to the environment to maintain homeostasis

14 Fruiting Body Occur as a result of internal and external signals that synchronize with environmental cycles and cues Ex: development in response to nutritional depletion

15 Plant Examples Using energy to respond to the environment to maintain homeostasis

16 Phototropism Growth in response to light Mechanism: auxin hormone
(positive) toward light shoots (negative) roots down Mechanism: auxin hormone

17 Photoperiodism Response to timing of light Mechanism: phytochrome
Determine time of day/season Mechanism: phytochrome

18 Ripening of Fruit Positive feedback mechanism Mechanism: Ethylene

19 Plasmodesmata Plants pass materials between cells

20 Defensive mechanisms Physical defense: Chemical defense:
Thorns, trichomes Chemical defense: Glycosides Symbiotic defense: Recruitment of animals

21 Pollination Flower development

22 Water availability C4 plants

23 Animal Examples Using energy to respond to the environment to maintain homeostasis

24 Behaviors Response of a muscle or gland under control of the nervous system in response to a stimulus Innate vs. Learned

25 Orientated Movement Kinesis Random movement in response to stimulus
Ex: Paramecium slow down and turn more often in the presence of bacteria (food)

26 Orientated Movement Taxis Direct movement toward/away from stimulus
Ex: American Cockroach hides from light

27 Migration Regular long distance change in location
Mechanism (in birds) Magnetite in brain to visualize magnetic field

28 Hibernation Lowering of metabolism to survive seasons

29 Communication Honeybees perform the waggle dance to communicate the location of food sources

30 Communication Pheromones Ex: alarm or reproductive

31 Courtship

32 Cooperation Pack behavior in animals

33 Habituation A loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no new information Ex: prairie dog alarm call in human presence

34 Associative Learning Ability to associate one environmental feature with another Ex: Mouse associates color/taste

35 Imprinting The process of recognizing and following the first moving object encountered during a “sensitive period” of life (learned/innate)

36 Imprinting Scientists often wear costumes to prevent human imprinting with endangered species

37 Cognition & Problem Solving
The process of knowing by awareness, reasoning, recollection & judgment. Ex: primates learn how to use tools

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