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Advanced Protocols.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Protocols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Protocols

2 Things we don’t know The millionaires problem
Secretly computing the average salary of n users Online gambling 1-on-1 poker is difficult enough Even agreeing on a common random bit is not easy Electronic elections

3 Computing the average Example How do we do t-private?
Honest but curious, 1-private, single user output Honest but curious, fully private, single user output How do we do t-private?

4 Secret sharing Motivation “Definition” Access structure Dealer Secret
Shares of secret Sets that can reconstruct secret Sets that have no information Access structure General structure Threshold structure

5 Threshold secret sharing
Access structure includes all subsets with at least t+1 participants Example I n-1 threshold over a finite group Impossibility of secret sharing over an infinite domain Example II Threshold of 1

6 Polynomial interpolation
F is a finite field and p(x) is a polynomial over F Theorem: If |F|≥t+1 then any t+1 pairs (xi,p(xi)) uniquely determine a degree t polynomial that passes through these points Lagrange interpolation t monomials of the type [(x-x1)*…*(x-xt+1)]/[(xi-x1)*…*(xi-xt+1)]*p(xi) t+1 points uniquely determine p(0) t points give no information on p(0) No information Pr[secret=s|t shares]=Pr[secret=s]

7 Shamir secret sharing A threshold secret sharing scheme for a parameter t Let the secret s be an element in a finite field F, |F|>n. The i-the participant is associated with a unique element xiF, all participants know x1,…,xn The dealer chooses a polynomial p(x) of degree t over F such that P(0)=s (this is also the free coefficient) The other coefficients of p(x) are random elements in F The i-th share is p(xi)

8 Shamir secret sharing (cont.)
Reconstruction Sets of at least t+1 can perform Lagrange interpolation on pairs (xi,p(xi)) Secrecy A set of at most t parties learns nothing because any secret is still possible Can the dealer lie? Yes, but we’re not dealing with it right now (semi-honest assumption)

9 Examples What can be computed locally
Shamir secret sharing of s in F, compute locally secret sharing of a*s for public value aF Shamir secret sharing of s1, s2 in F, compute locally secret sharing of s1+s2 in F Example - Computing the average with a threshold of t Example - Proactive secret sharing Periodically adding a zero

10 Linear functions on secrets
Model n parties The i-th party has secret si in field F, S=(s1,…,sn) All parties know a fixed nXn matrix A={ai,j} Compute Y=AS Required threshold t Solution The i-th party is a dealer in a Shamir secret sharing for secret si using polynomial pi(x) (i.e. pi(0)=si ) If Y={yj} then yj=iaji*si, which is the free coefficient of qj(x)= iaji*pi(x) Each party uses its shares of p1(x),…,pn(x) to locally compute q1(x),…,qn(x)

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