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Presentation on theme: "France."— Presentation transcript:

1 France

2 Five Regions of France

3 1. Northern France Paris Basin, Paris, Lille Economy
Paris Basin, Paris, Lille Economy

4 2. Southwest Grape Vineyards Bordeaux

5 3. South Central France Massif Central Rhone River Alps Tunnel
Mistral Winds Warmer air, poor soils

6 4. Mediterranean Coast Riviera Marseille

7 5. East Industry Tunnel Rhine River Alsace Lorraine

8 History Romans conquer Franks conquer strong monarchy
1789 French Revolution Different forms of governments ensued Republic, Constitutional Monarchy, Empires (Bonaparte), German Control

9 France Today modernized economy Trade Agreements
Nationalized/ Privatized Sectors of Economy 1990’s economic recession

Unified Location Culturally Varied Landscape Mountainous Norway Flat Denmark Cause ICE AGE Lakes Topsoil Removal Deposition Fjords-use

11 NORWAY Language– Norwegian Religion—86% Lutheran part of Sweden Fun Fact: The Nobel Peace Prize award in Norway

12 SWEDEN Religion--87% Lutheran Language—Swedish
Fun Fact:Nobel Prize founded by Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite. Award in Sweden each year. Midsummer celebration held June 23, the longest day of the year In many parts, the sun Never sets.

13 FINLAND Religion--84% Lutheran Language—92% Finnish
¾ of country land area forest Fun Fact: The sauna has been used in Finland for over two thousand years.

14 ICELAND Land of Fire and Ice Geothermal Energy Religion- 86% Lutheran
Language-Icelandic 1944 Independence from Denmark Fun Fact: Phonebook list people by first name, because surnames come from Dad’s first name. Ex:Hróarsson, means the son of Hróar, and Finnbogadóttir means the daughter of Finnbogi

15 ICELAND : “Land of Fire and Ice”
Geothermal Energy 200+ volcanoes 600 hot springs

16 DENMARK Language-Danish Religion-95% Lutheran 65% of land used for agriculture

17 “Land of the Midnight Sun”
Aurora Borealis Winter Holiday

18 Climate VARIES Mild North Atlantic Drift Marine West Coast
VARIES Mild North Atlantic Drift Marine West Coast Humid Continental Subarctic and Tundra Denmark

19 Culture Lutheran Language-common roots Historically united
Mixed economy- free enterprise and socialism Politically neutral No nuclear weapons Promotes peace

20 Economy Oil, natural gas, ores, forests Denmark and Southern Sweden
Agriculture and fishing Oil, natural gas, ores, forests

21 Mixed Economies Welfare states Some of the highest taxation in the world. Health care, education, child care, help in time of sickness, old age, and unemployment.

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