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The vision – what should it look like?

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Presentation on theme: "The vision – what should it look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The vision – what should it look like?
Theresa Joyce

2 What happens now? We know the statistics and the reality…..
Children and adults with challenging behaviour not getting services Families being left to cope People being sent out of area Professionals not having a lot of impact Professionals not being available

3 Some questions and answers…..
A child or adult injuring themselves – in distress. How can you help? A family living with someone who is distressed and showing it by their behaviour A service user living with someone with challenging behaviour and finding it tough A service provider in a CTLD – I’ll try, but we don’t really have the skills: I’ll spend bit of time with you and then I’ll “close the case” I don’t have a psychologist/behaviour support specialist, so you’ll have to wait until we appoint one. If it gets too bad, we can move your son/daughter out of borough You are in a private placement from another local authority – we don’t provide a service to your organisation

4 Vision??? Written from a service perspective? Led by policy?
Professionally dominated? Scientific/technical language? Delivering what is needed?

5 A Vision is defined as 'An Image of the future we seek to create'.
So – what should it be like?

6 Some thoughts…. When people (children or adults) and their families need help because of challenging behaviour it will be delivered quickly. The staff who deliver it will listen and recognise the impact it is having on all of us; they will stay with us and support us even when the going gets tough. They will be expert – and if they can’t manage, they will know where to get to get more specialist help for us. We will be a priority for services, which means resources will be used strategically, instead of to solve short term problems. When people need to move out of the family home, it will be planned properly and they will be able to stay near us. Challenging behaviour, and the distress associated with it, will reduce and people will be able to live “ordinary” lives.

7 A vision? Services for children and adults with challenging behaviour will be delivered at the time they are needed and for as long as they are needed, by people who are expert in this work. They will be available across the country, and will be respectful of the individuals and their families. Families will be enabled to stay close to each other, even if they do not live together. Adults will be able to leave home and provided with the support and expertise they need.

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