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What SLA is and SLA goals

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1 What SLA is and SLA goals
Udenar- David Mrt 2017

2 SLA The systematic subject of how people acquire a second language (often referred to as an L2) It is a “recent” concern (2nd half of the 20th century)

3 L2 ACQUISITION “It can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of classroom, and the study of this is known as “SLA”. (Rod Ellis,2003:3)

4 SLA GOALS One of the the goals of SLA is the description of L2 Acquisition. i.e. Learners’ : Pronunciation, Accent changes, (over time) Vocabulary use Grammar use

5 SLA GOALS Another goal is explanation of L2 acquisition: (external and internal factors that are involved in L2 learning) Social milieu in which learning occurs Input influence on learners Language aptitude (disposition to learn)

6 SLA GOALS The goals of SLA, then, are to describe how L2 Acquisition proceeds and to explain this process and why some learners seem to better than others. (Rod Ellis,2003:4-6)

7 Findings obtained (case studies)
L2 Learners make errors of different kinds (grammar/sociolinguistic errors). L2 learners acquire formulaic chunks for communicative functions and develop fluency. L2 learners learn/acquire the language systematically ? (predictable order ?) (Rod Ellis,2003:4-6)

8 Bibliography Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ellis, R. (2003). Second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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