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Day 3
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Today’s topics Strategies – Scaffolding, HOTS Lesson Delivery
Review and Assessment Links to other initiatives – Bringing it all full circle! What’s next? Evaluation & wrap up
Content Objectives We can…
Identify and apply appropriate scaffolds to ensure effective instruction for ALL students Use higher order thinking skills for students of ALL language proficiency levels Evaluate the effectiveness of lessons using the features of Lesson Delivery and Review and Assessment Create effective Review and Assessment activities Explain how SIOP supports state initiatives (NC SCOS, Common Core)
Language Objectives We will..
Share example scaffolds used in our classrooms Prepare tiered questioning by language proficiency levels Explain ratings of a Sample SIOP lesson using the protocol Demonstrate an effective review & assessment activities
Good Morning My Little Rays of Sunshine!
I Suit You and You Suit Me! Find a member of your same suit COMPLETE: When I finish this training today, I … …am planning to… … expected to…… ….hope to…….
SIOP Components and Features
Strategies Provide ample opportunities for students to use Learning Strategies Provide a variety of questions that promote higher order thinking Consistently use Scaffolding Techniques Spokesperson(s) for the Strategies group comes to the front of the room to discuss what features were evident in the teacher’s lesson. Spokesperson uses the slide to guide their discussion. If there is more than one table assigned the component, all the “spokespeople” can come up together and co-present. If the spokesperson does not talk to the evidence of each feature, facilitate the discussion. Cognitive Language Metacognitive Social-affective
Scaffolding Teaching Strategies /Techniques
Verbal Scaffolding Procedural Scaffolding Instructional Scaffolding REMEMBER: Scaffolds are temporary supports to help students complete a task that would e otherwise too difficult to do alone given his/her current language and/or content knowledge
Verbal Scaffolding Paraphrasing Using “Think-Alouds”
Reinforcing contextual definitions Providing correct pronunciation by repeating students’ responses Slowing speech, increasing pauses and speaking in phrases Eliciting more language and information from students
Procedural Scaffolding
Increasing Student Independence Teach Model Practice Apply According to Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2000), teachers use an instructional framework that includes explicit teaching, modeling and practice that provide procedural scaffolding. . Examples Paraphrasing Eliciting more info – examples: Where did you get that idea? What made you think that? Tell me more about that… With a title like that, what do you think the story/text will be about?
Procedural Scaffolding
Student Independence Whole Class Small Group Paired/ Partner Independent Work Procedural scaffolding also refers to the use of grouping configurations that provide different levels of support to students as they gain greater levels of language proficiency and skills. Procedural Scaffolding Increasing Student Independence Teach Model Practice Apply According to Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2000), teachers use an instructional framework that includes explicit teaching, modeling and practice that provide procedural scaffolding. . Procedural Scaffolding Instructional framework = Explicit teaching Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Small group instruction Partnering with more experienced peers ADD VISUAL OF GRADUAL RELEASE
Instructional Scaffolding
GOAL: Provide access to content and language concepts Scaffolding video clip TASK: List scaffolds observed in the video clip Hand in lists generated to typed up and uploaded to wiki
SIOP Components and Features
Strategies Provide ample opportunities for students to use Learning Strategies Provide a variety of questions that promote higher order thinking Consistently use Scaffolding Techniques Spokesperson(s) for the Strategies group comes to the front of the room to discuss what features were evident in the teacher’s lesson. Spokesperson uses the slide to guide their discussion. If there is more than one table assigned the component, all the “spokespeople” can come up together and co-present. If the spokesperson does not talk to the evidence of each feature, facilitate the discussion. Cognitive Language Metacognitive Social-affective
WIDA Guiding Principles of Language Development
WIDA’s English Language Development Standards = NC ELD ES
3 min Have participants look at WIDA 2012 Amplification of ELD Standards p.3 for the complete wording of ELD Standards. WIDA’s five English Language Development Standards represent the social, instructional, and academic language that ELs need to engage with peers, educators, and the curriculum in schools. Standard 1 represents the language needed and used by ELs for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. Standards 2-5 address the language necessary for ELs’ academic success in the content areas of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. While other features of the Standards Framework have been updated, the five English Language Development Standards have NOT changed. Discuss why social & instructional language is also academic language. (Possible response: Need to know how to negotiate group settings and use polite communication in academic discussions) From WIDA’s Training Toolkit, Introduction of the WIDA ELD Standards Academic Language Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard 5 From WIDA’s Training Toolkit, Introduction of the WIDA ELD Standards
Levels of English Language Proficiency
6 ENTERING DEVELOPING EXPANDING 1 2 3 4 5 BRIDGING REACHING 1 min Language develops across different levels of language proficiency. WIDA’s standards framework distinguishes five levels of language proficiency. Each level is defined by specific criteria which we will explore in the next two slides. Level 6, Reaching, represents the end of the continuum rather than another level of language proficiency. In other words, level 6 represents language performance that meets all the criteria for level 5. EMERGING 17 17
WIDA Performance Definitions
Stages of Second Language Acquisition v WIDA ELP
Stages Second Lang. Acq. WIDA ELP Time 1 Preproduction Entering m 2 Early Production Beginning 6m – 1yr 3 Speech Emergence Developing 1-3yrs 4 Intermediate Fluency Expanding 3-5yrs 5 Advanced Fluency Bridging yrs
Article – Asking the Right Questions
SUMMARY Questioning and English Language Learners Need for awareness of stages of second language acquisition With strategic planning, and intentional and explicit instruction, ELLs can access higher-order thinking skills questions that will engage them more fully in learning language and content.
Asking The Right Questions ACTIVITY
Read article Pay particular attention to table on p.48 and p.50 Note AH HA! points Write a question about the article to ask peers Share findings with BIRTHDAY MONTH partner
PRACTICE PART ONE: H.O.T.S. by Stages of Second Language Acquisition
ACTIVITY PRACTICE PART ONE: H.O.T.S. by Stages of Second Language Acquisition Using your assigned second language acquisition level and chart on p.48 – prepare example questions appropriate to YOUR language level Share out
ACTIVITY PART 2 – Table Groups ELLs & Bloom’s Questioning
Use p.48 & p.50 Complete Question chart – complete across strand of thinking level TOPIC = Conserving the Planet Earth Prepare questions on blank chart Copy on sticky notes Place on large grid to share
H.O.T.S and SLA Levels Reflection
Share your thoughts about the question writing activity: What did you have to know ahead of time? What resources did you need? How easy/difficult was the question preparation process? Why? How do you plan to incorporate HOTS by SLA level into your instruction/training etc?
Links Apply Strategy Components to Other Initiatives: Give groups time to search for links to Strategy Component and Features then share out.
NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP® Model LESSON DELIVERY 1 min Ask participants to play a little game of Word Association. When I say “Lesson Delivery”, what comes to mind? (Listen to their responses.). Lesson Delivery is the lesson plan in action. This component reminds us to stay on track when we’re teaching and it provides some guidance to do so. 28 28
SIOP Components and Features
Lesson Delivery Support Language Objectives Support Content Objectives Spokesperson(s) for the Lesson Delivery group comes to the front of the room to discuss what features were evident in the teacher’s lesson. Spokesperson uses the slide to guide their discussion. If there is more than one table assigned the component, all the “spokespeople” can come up together and co-present. If the spokesperson does not talk to the evidence of each feature, facilitate the discussion. Pace the lesson Engage Students 90%-100% 30
Lesson Delivery – Video Clip
While viewing Lesson Delivery : Group 1: List ways the teacher supports content objectives during the lesson Group 2: List ways the teacher supports language objectives during the lesson Group 3: List ways the teacher promotes student engagement during the lesson Group 4: Evaluate the pace of the lesson J: Have participants use their SIOP Protocol/Rubric (Green Card) while viewing; take notes also as they watch… Go to next slide for sharing out…. YOU NEED YOUR Protocol!
INTRO Lesson Delivery clip
Share Out Lesson Delivery – Video Clip
While viewing Lesson Delivery : Group 1: List ways the teacher supports content objectives during the lesson Group 2: List ways the teacher supports language objectives during the lesson Group 3: List ways the teacher promotes student engagement during the lesson Group 4: Evaluate the pace of the lesson J: Have participants use their SIOP Protocol/Rubric (Green Card) while viewing; take notes also as they watch… Go to next slide for sharing out…. Discuss your observations with table group. Share with whole group.
Share Out Lesson Delivery – Lesson Plan
Support for Content and Language Objectives: Read your lesson plan. Elementary: First Grade Math, ‘Addition Stories’ Middle School: 7th and 8th Grade SS, WWII Atomic Bomb High School: Language Arts Do the activities support the content and language objectives? 3. Give examples and explain why/why not. Center for Applied Linguistics - SIOP Lesson Plans J: Have participants use their SIOP Protocol/Rubric (Green Card) while viewing; take notes also as they watch… Go to next slide for sharing out….
Share Out Lesson Delivery – Question/Answer
Clarifying our Understanding: Discuss questions you still have regarding the features of Lesson Delivery Come to a consensus on one question you would like to ask the room J: Have participants use their SIOP Protocol/Rubric (Green Card) while viewing; take notes also as they watch… Go to next slide for sharing out….
NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP® Model REVIEW & ASSESSMENT 1 min This component focuses on an important aspect of teaching: being aware of our students’ learning by checking for understanding and assessing their comprehension of concepts and language, and adjusting instruction accordingly. 37 37
SIOP Components and Features
Review and Assessment Provide On-going Authentic Assessments Give comprehensive review of key vocabulary Spokesperson(s) for the Review and Assessment group comes to the front of the room to discuss what features were evident in the teacher’s lesson. Spokesperson uses the slide to guide their discussion. If there is more than one table assigned the component, all the “spokespeople” can come up together and co-present. If the spokesperson does not talk to the evidence of each feature, facilitate the discussion. Give comprehensive review of key concepts Provide Regular Feedback 38
Types of Review Review of content knowledge
Concept/Topic Review of content knowledge Review of language knowledge related to content Lesson Unit Semester/End of Course/End of Grade Mid-term Quarter
Types of Assessment Pre-test On-going, spot check Final, culminating
Diagnostic Formative Summative
SIOP Components and Features
Review and Assessment Provide On-going Authentic Assessments Give comprehensive review of key vocabulary Spokesperson(s) for the Review and Assessment group comes to the front of the room to discuss what features were evident in the teacher’s lesson. Spokesperson uses the slide to guide their discussion. If there is more than one table assigned the component, all the “spokespeople” can come up together and co-present. If the spokesperson does not talk to the evidence of each feature, facilitate the discussion. Give comprehensive review of key concepts Provide Regular Feedback 41
Student Pictionaries
Student Pictionaries
Activity The Pyramid! weathering igneous erosion sedimentary
Activity The Pyramid! Act Out Describe Define Antonyms Synonyms Other…
Activity Adapting Review/Assessment Activities for Stages of S.L.A.
CHOOSE: - Think of one review activity you use Describe/model for partner Discuss what level of SLA would work for and why Explain how you would need to differentiate for other stages of second language acquisition Think of one assessment activity you use -Describe/ model for partner -Discuss what level of SLA would work for & why -Explain how you would need to differentiate for stages of second language acquisition Now you know more about the language strengths and limitations of your potential students, reflect on how you would effectively review & assess your students from now . What would you do differently and how?
Review and Assessment in Action
Video Review & Assessment Activities - Video Clip Use the SIOP Protocol to evaluate the lesson
Dialogue Journal Student/Teacher Conversations… Talk to your students…
Ask questions about their lives, interests, expertise… Use illustrations, students first language, simple sentences, familiar words/phrases… Date and document progress over time
Dialogue Journal Door Prizes!
Dialogue Journal
Making the Connections! Provide Relevance and Genuine Purpose
Student Pictionaries
Student Pictionaries
Activity Question Consensus
Brainstorm questions that you still have Strategies Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment Come to a consensus on the ONE that you want your table to ask
Bringin’ It Full Circle!
On-Going Activity Find the Links!
Divide into initiative groups: NC SCOS Common Core Listening and Speaking Standards New Teacher Evaluation Standards Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Rigor 21st Century Learning Document, discuss and prepare to share out!
SIOP: WWII and the Atomic Bomb
Content Objective Today we will learn about the decision America made to drop the atomic bombs in Japan. Language Objectives Today we will: -Read and discuss issues about the atomic bomb in small groups -Decide on a position (Decide on a position) -Orally defend the position
SIOP View and Link National SIOP Video
On-going Activity Find the Links!
Share Out! What evidence and examples did you view? What links did you find between SIOP and NC SCOS/CCSS?
On-going Activity Find the Links!
Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards Discuss
Discuss New Teacher Evaluation Standards Standard II-V
On-going Activity Find the Links! New Teacher Evaluation Standards Standard II-V Discuss
On-going Activity Find the Links!
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Objectives for Learning with Rigor!
Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
On-going Activity Find the Links! Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
On-going Activity Find the Links!
Q&A – table heads together
Questions still have about R&A for ELLs Generate list at tables, share and brainstorm responses as whole group
Unit Video – Full Circle
Atomic Bomb video All initiative documents – evaluate and connect to video (table initive experts) Table feedback to whole group
Next Steps Deb What else do you need?
What plans already have for moving ahead? Share at tables – list – share whole group
Thank your participants for attending the conference
Thank your participants for attending the conference. If time permits ask a few to share what they will do to grow success for ELLs in their classrooms or districts when they return.
Our Vision As Dr. Robin McCoy stated in her welcome, our vision is to build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners. Thank you for being part of this journey and helping make the vision a reality! The vision should be second nature by now! We want to build capacity and sustain implementation of ExC-ELL, LinguaFolio, SIOP and WIDA as well as other means for meeting the needs of out ELs. Transition to ways that NCDPI will help support that vision through on line modules, coaching support for SIOP and ExC-ELL and EL Support Team follow up availability for all initiatives.
On-Line Training Modules
LinguaFolio training modules The WIDA English Language Development Standards Available to NC Teachers through HomeBase. Accessed by logging in with your existing username and password. NCDPI offers 2 ELL specific training modules on-line LinguaFolio does not require a password. It is available to all. Go to the link if time (click) For WIDA (go to link if time) go to the PowerSchool home page for your district Log onto the NC Educator Effectiveness System: Click the Professional Development tab at the top Scroll to the bottom right and find the area, "Focus Area Aligned Courses" Click English as a Second Language The WIDA course shows up as the second offering- number 235
Follow Up Coaching Opportunity for SIOP and ExC-ELL
Follow Up ELL Training and Coaching via the ELL Support Team Point out the coaching link in the conference book ( no need to click link) Briefly discuss benefits of coaching. Currently only ExC-ELL and SIOP have a coaching opportunity related to the conference but the EL Support Team is available to support everyone. (click) Point out that the EL Support team information is to be completed by the district/charter LEP Coordinator.
Point out who the DPI ESL team is
Also thank Sid Baker Amy Betsill DPI And other trainers for the conference.
REVIEW - Training Overview GOALS
Dig deeper into particular SIOP components Make connections between current state education initiatives and the SIOP Model Provide opportunities for participants to view, analyze and evaluate lessons for effectiveness in reaching the needs of ELLs Build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners
REVIEW - Expected Outcomes
By the end of the three days, you will be able to: Show a deeper understanding of effective instruction for ELLs Make connections between the SIOP Model and initiatives such as CCSS, 21st Century Learning etc Use additional strategies and activities to promote the acquisition of content knowledge and language development of your students
SIOP Advanced: Sum It Up!
In small groups, sum up what you have learned about SIOP by creating one of the following… Skit Song, jingle Poem Rap Talk show Contemporary art Recipe a summer vacation Restaurant menu Fairy tale Animoto, vimeo etc (short clip)
Training Evaluation Please complete the evaluation form.
Return the completed form to your trainers to receive your participant certificate.
Contact Alisha Das Deborah Wilkes
SIOP Advanced: Sum It Up!
In small groups, sum up what you have learned about SIOP by creating one of the following… Skit Song, jingle Poem Rap Talk show Contemporary art Recipe a summer vacation Restaurant menu Fairy tale Animoto, vimeo etc (short clip)
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