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TAPS Washington Update

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1 TAPS Washington Update

2 Macro Political Assessment
A look back at my March/April Assessment: A President without a governor No evidence of “leadership” Limited Administration functionality No evidence of any plan A House Majority Fractured Paul Ryan weakened Conservatives empowered The Slimmest Senate Majority Limited options for 60 votes Democrats Rule? Where are we now?

3 Administration Nominees
FERC Nominees? Kevin McIntyre-Jones Day Rich Glick-Senate Energy Committee Staffer Subcabinet Appointments 142 Confirmed of ~600 key positions and 1200 total 165 Nominated but awaiting action 22 EOP Nominees Needed (4+7) 22 DOE Nominees Needed (3+3) 13 EPA Nominees Needed (1+6) Federal Courts 150 Vacancies over 890 Positions 7 Confirmed 50 Pending Blue Slip Process SCOTUS Watch President: Doesn’t intend to fill all Administration positions

4 Administrative Actions
Implementing Executive Orders DOE Study on Grid Resilience Conclusion not expected Recommendations DOE Resiliency NOPR Surfaced unexpectedly Political support uncertain/limited Fallout at FERC?

5 Federal Power Act Hearings
Continues to be a House E&C priority Republicans focused on specific resources (coal & nuclear) and concerns about the role of energy markets in providing the right signals to support baseload power Democrats tying questions to Climate Change Powering America: Consumer-Oriented Perspectives on Improving the Nation’s Electricity Markets (October 5, 2017) Part II: Powering America: Defining Reliability in a Transforming Electricity Industry (October 3, 2017) Powering America: Technology’s Role in Empowering Consumers (September 26, 2017) Part I: Powering America: Defining Reliability in a Transforming Electricity Sector (September 14, 2017) Powering America: Reevaluating PURPA’s Objectives and its Effects on Today’s Consumers (September 6, 2017) Powering America: A Review of the Operation and Effectiveness of the Nation’s Wholesale Electricity Markets (July 26, 2017) Powering America: Examining the State of the Electric Industry through Market Participant Perspectives (July 18, 2017) Senate seemingly NOT interested in similar course

6 FPA Reform TAPS Priorities in Federal Power Act Reform Opportunities
Joint Ownership RTO Accountability RTO TDU Protections Self Supply Protections Preserving state/local jurisdiction over DER Transmission siting authorities Threats Federal/State Jurisdictional Creep Capacity Market Incentives Cost Allocation Transmission Incentives EMP/GMD/Cyber Erosion of FERC enforcement authority

7 Energy Policy Senate Energy Bill Outlook DOE Reorganization
Murkowski continues to press House still not receptive DOE Reorganization Barton (R-TX) given instructions Sees mandate to overhaul DOE mission Scaling back to basics

8 Cybersecurity Continues to be an area of intense scrutiny
White House Meeting & Executive Order Key policymakers support FERC/NERC process and maintaining current regulatory construct EMP/GMD remains an area of legislative concern Event Driven Response: Ukraine, Stuxnet, Industroyer? Since our last meeting: Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Full Committee Hearing to Examine Cyber Technology and Energy Infrastructure House Homeland Security Committee: Examining DHS's Cybersecurity Mission House Science Committee: Bolstering the Government’s Cybersecurity: Lessons Learned from WannaCry 6/15/2017 Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee: Cybersecurity Regulation Harmonization Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee: Hearing to examine the threat posed by electromagnetic pulse and policy options to protect energy infrastructure and to improve capabilities for adequate system restoration Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee: Cyber Threats Facing America: An Overview of the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee: The purpose of the hearing is to examine efforts to protect U.S. energy delivery systems from cybersecurity threats

9 Tax Reform Republican View as Must-pass Big Six Framework
Fewer Tax Brackets (12% 25% 35%) Increases the Child Tax Credit Eliminates most deductions & AMT Home mortgage, charitables, death & retirement Business Tax Reforms FY19 Budget Process Timing and Outlook

10 FY18 Budget Process Continues
FY18 Funding Expires on December 8th President settled with Schumer & Pelosi 17 legislative days remaining Debt ceiling not an issue Secretary Perry Testimony DOE Budget as guideline Knows they won’t get the President’s budget FY19 Budget Outlook

11 For Those Keeping Score
Repeal ACA Tax Reform Immigration Reform - Build the Wall Infrastructure Investment Regulatory Reform

12 Questions?

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