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Group CEO Reino Hanhinen Event for analysts and investors

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1 Group CEO Reino Hanhinen Event for analysts and investors
YIT Group Interim Report January–March 2005 Group CEO Reino Hanhinen Event for analysts and investors May 4, 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

2 Contents I. YIT Group, Interim Report January–March 2005
II. Strategic Targets III. Future Outlook IV. YIT:s New Business Segment Structure Appendices YIT Share Interim Report Jan-Mar/2005 YIT:s New Business Segment Structure 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

3 YIT Group Interim Report January–March 2005
The IFRS-based financial information presented in this presentation may have to be adjusted before it is included as information on the comparative period in the Group’s first IFRS financial statements, which will be drafted for the financial period ending on December 31, This is due to the revisions currently being made to IFRS norms, which might have an effect on the financial statements of companies applying IFRS as from The financial information presented in this presentation has been prepared in accordance with the IAS/IFRS standards that were in force on March 31, 2005. The financial figures presented for 2004 and January-March/2005 in connection with YIT’s new business segment structure have been prepared by combining the IFRS-based financial figures of Services for Industry and Data Network Services. This seeks to present a financial view of the new organization structure as of June 1, 2005. The presentation is unaudited. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

4 Interim Report Jan-Mar/2005
Revenue was reduced by one per cent and amounted to EUR million (Jan-Mar/2004: 669.9). Construction Services’ revenue fell slightly short of last year’s record-breaking figure. The revenue of the other business segments increased. The share of revenue accounted for by the Group’s international activities was 41% (39%). The share of revenue accounted for by the maintenance and servicing business was 36% (37%). Operating profit growth was 7% amounting to EUR 40.1 million (37.5). Operating profit margin was 6.0% (5.6%). Profit before taxes grew by 12% to EUR 37.5 million (33.4). Return on investment was 19.7%. Earnings per share growth was 28% amounting to EUR 0.46 (0.36). Financial position remains good. Net debt was EUR (379.1) million and gearing ratio 85.6% (103.1%). The uninvoiced backlog of orders at the end of the period increased by 20% and amounted to EUR 1,909.4 million (1,585.2). The Group’s backlog for international orders amounted to EUR million (582.8). 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

5 YIT’s corporate structure
YIT Corporation Reino Hanhinen Corporate Management, Corporate Services, Corporate Communications Construction Services Ilpo Jalasjoki Services for Industry Raimo Poutiainen Building Systems Juhani Pitkäkoski Data Network Services Hannu Leinonen Building Systems Automation and security Facility Management Housing Business environments Infrastructure Piping and tanks Maintenance Fixed networks Mobile networks Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 320 Personnel Mar/ ,937 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 272 Personnel Mar/2005 4,698 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 56 Personnel Mar/2005 2,785 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 30 Personnel Mar/2005 1,381 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

6 Consolidated income statement
MEUR Jan-Mar/2005 Jan-Mar/2004 Change Jan-Dec/2004 Revenue 663.9 669.9 -1% 2,780.1 of which international activities 272.5 264.5 3% 1,183.2 Operating income and expenses -618.4 -626.0 -2,600.7 Depreciation and write-downs -5.4 -6.4 -16% -22.3 Operating profit 40.1 37.5 7% 157.1 as percentage of revenue 6.0 5.6 - 5.7 Financial income 0.3 0.4 -25% 2.1 Exchange rate differences 1.5 0.2 *) -1.1 Financial expenses -4.5 -4.7 -4.0 -18.1 Profit before taxes 33.4 12% 140.0 Income taxes -9.2 -11.2 -18% -39.5 Profit for the report period 28.3 22.2 27% 100.5 Attributable to Equity holders of the parent company 28.2 22.1 28% 99.1 Minority interests 0.1 1.4 Earnings per share, EUR 0.46 0.36 1.62 Diluted earnings per share, EUR 0.45 25% 1.60 *) Change over 100% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

7 Consolidated balance sheet
MEUR ASSETS Mar/ 2005 2004 Change Dec/ Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 77.9 103.6 -25% 81.0 Goodwill 248.9 242.4 3% 248.8 Other intangible assets 12.6 12.7 -1% 13.1 Investments 4.1 3.9 5% Receivables 8.5 6.8 25% 7.8 Deferred tax assets 24.4 23.4 4% 26.1 Current assets Inventories 634.4 534.4 19% 629.3 Trade and other receivables 458.1 482.5 -5% 469.9 0.1 - Cash and cash equivalents 39.2 55.6 -29% 36.1 Total assets 1,508.2 1,465.3 1,516.2 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

8 Consolidated balance sheet
MEUR EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Mar/ 2005 2004 Change Dec/ Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Share capital 61.3 61.0 - Other equity 364.8 302.6 21% 380.0 Minority interests 4.0 4.1 Total equity 430.1 367.6 17% 445.4 Non-current liabilities Deferred tax liabilities 21.1 12.2 73% 19.9 Pension liabilities 10.0 5.5 82% 9.8 Provisions 23.9 22.9 3% 26.5 Interest-bearing liabilities 220.6 265.5 -17% 224.0 Other liabilities 4.3 3.1 39% 3.7 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 587.8 598.0 -2% 601.9 24.0 21.3 13% 23.6 Interest-bearing current liabilities 186.7 169.2 10% 161.4 Total equity and liabilities 1,508.2 1,465.3 1,516.2 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

9 Revenue by business segment
MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2005 2004 Change Jan-Dec/ Building Systems 319.5 316,1 1% 1,321.2 Construction Services 272.0 288,3 -6% 1,147.2 Services for Industry 55.6 50.4 10% 232.1 Data Network Services 30.0 24.4 23% 127.0 Other items -13.2 -9.3 42% -47.4 YIT Group total 663.9 669.9 -1% 2,780.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

10 - share of international activities MEUR 272.5
Revenue by business segment Q1/2005 Building Systems 47% MEUR 319.5 Data Network Services 5% MEUR 30.0 Services for Industry 8% MEUR 55.6 Construction Services 40% MEUR 272.0 Total revenue MEUR 663.9, - share of international activities MEUR 272.5 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

11 share of international activities MEUR 272.5
Revenue by country Q1/2005 Finland 59% MEUR 391.4 Other countries 0.6% MEUR 4.1 Russia 2.4% MEUR 16.1 Baltic countries 4% MEUR 26.8 Other Nordic countries 34% MEUR 225.5 Total revenue MEUR 663.9 share of international activities MEUR 272.5 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

12 Operating profit by business segment
MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2005 2004 Change Jan-Dec/ Building Systems 8.2 4.5 82% 34.1 Construction Services 29.4 32.7 -10% 101.9 Services for Industry 1.5 0.1 *) 6,9 Data Network Services 4.8 1.3 20.7 Other items -3.8 -1.1 -6.5 YIT Group total 40.1 37.5 7% 157.1 *) Change over 100% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

13 Construction Services Total operating profit Q1/2005 MEUR 40.1
Operating profit by business segment Q1/2005 MEUR Building Systems Construction Services Services for Industry Data Network Services Other items Total operating profit Q1/2005 MEUR 40.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

14 Earnings per share EUR Jan-Mar/ 2004 Apr-Jun/ 2004 Jul-Sep/ 2004
Oct-Dec/ 2004 Jan-Dec/ 2004 Jan-Mar/ 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

15 Interest-bearing net debt and gearing ratio Jan 1, 2004 (opening balance sheet) – Mar/2005
Interest-bearing net debt, MEUR Gearing ratio,% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

16 Order backlog by business segment
MEUR Mar/2005 Mar/2004 Change Dec/2004 Building Systems 574.0 557.2 3% 557.8 Construction Services 1,131.0 842.6 34% 1,066.4 Services for Industry 151.1 76.0 99% 116.5 Data Network Services 83.3 109.4 -24% 82.7 Other items -30.0 - YIT Group total 1,909.4 1,585.2 20% 1,823.4 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

17 Order backlog at end of period
MEUR 1,909.4 1,823.4 1,722.2 1,708.2 1,585.2 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

18 Strategic targets 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

19 YIT’s strategic target levels
Average annual growth in revenue 5–10% Return on investment 20% Equity ratio 35% Dividend payout 30–50% of net profit for the year after taxes and minority interests 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

20 Expanding maintenance services
Revenue accounted for by maintenance and upkeep services and their share of the Group’s total revenue MEUR 37% 33% 27% 24% 24% 20% 22% 37% 36% IFRS 2004 FAS 1-3/04 1-3/05 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

21 Strategic target level: growth 5–10% per year
Revenue Jan–Mar/2005 MEUR Average annual growth (FAS): 18.7% IFRS 2004 FAS Q1/04 Q1/05 Strategic target level: growth 5–10% per year 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

22 Strategic target level: 20%
Return on investment Mar/2005 % IFRS 2004 3/05 FAS Strategic target level: 20% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

23 Strategic target level: 35%
Equity ratio Mar/2005 % IFRS 2004 FAS 3/04 3/05 Strategic target level: 35% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

24 YIT´s dividend policy: 30–50% of the annual profit after taxes and
Dividend payout Dividend/share*, EUR Dividend/earnings,% * The doubling of the number of shares, which came into effect March 26, 2004, has been taken into account. YIT´s dividend policy: 30–50% of the annual profit after taxes and minority interests 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

25 Future Outlook 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

26 Building Systems Operating profit Q1/2004-Q1/2005
Operating profit, MEUR Operating profit margin,% 1) 1) 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1) Includes a loss provision of EUR 4 million due to an electrification project on two ships for the Royal Danish Navy (non-recurring item). 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

27 Building Systems In the January-March period, Building Systems’ revenue remained at the previous year’s level. The maintenance and servicing business accounted for 56 per cent of the revenue of the business segment. The business segment’s operating profit grew substantially. During the first quarter opeating profit margin was 2.6%. The market for property maintenance and servicing continued to grow in the first quarter of the year due to the greater implementation of a wider range of technical systems as well as outsourcing. Housing renovation works also grew. The industrial markets are stimulated by the start-up of large-scale investments and the growth in the order backlog of the shipbuilding industry. Construction remained highly active in the Russian and Baltic markets. This trend is expected to continue. Clients are increasingly interested in the energy conservation concept and life cycle model implementation. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

28 Construction Services Operating profit Q1/2004-Q1/2005
Operating profit, MEUR Operating profit margin,% 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

29 Number of start-ups in YIT’s housing production in Finland
No. 3,169 3,278 3,108 2,944 2,717 504 469 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

30 Construction Services
YIT’s housing production in Russia and Baltic countries No. 1-3/ 2004 1-3 2005 1-12/ 2004 1-3/ 2004 1-3 2005 1-12/ 2004 3/2004 3/2005 12/2004 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

31 Services for Industry Operating profit Q1/2004-Q1/2005
Operating profit, MEUR Operating profit margin,% 1-3/ 2004 4-6/ 2004 7-9/ 2004 10-12/ 2004 1-12/ 2004 1-3/ 2005 1-3/ 2004 4-6/ 2004 7-9/ 2004 10-12/ 2004 1-12/ 2004 1-3/ 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

32 Services for Industry The order backlog at the end of the period had nearly doubled compared with the figure a year earlier. Installation works as part of Neste Oil Oyj’s Diesel project in Porvoo comprise a significant share of the backlog. The market outlook is moderately positive for all of the product and service groups of YIT’s Services for Industry. The order backlog of services for the energy industry has grown steadily for several years now, rising to a record level during the quarter now ended. The Finnish marine industry has picked up thanks to the new orders landed by shipyards. The backlog of works in services for the process industry is also on the rise. Investments by the forest industry have increased substantially in both Finland and Sweden. In addition, extensive projects to modernize nuclear power plants have been decided upon in Sweden. Growth in demand for metal products has continued to increase prices, creating uncertainty in the market. In March, all of YIT’s engineering workshops operated at full capacity. The situation in installation works is expected to improve at the beginning of the second quarter. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

33 Data Network Services Operating profit Q1/2004-Q1/2005
Operating profit, MEUR Operating profit margin,% 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

34 Data Network Services Significant factors contributing to the improvement in earnings were the continuous development of production control and the upgrading of operational efficiency as well as good sales of broadband connections. The increase in the relative share of business accounted for by long-term customer agreements was due to the scarcity of fixed and mobile network investment projects. Competition between operators continued to heat up in the telecom business. The market for installation services will continue to open up to external service providers as competition tightens. The near-future trend in broadband connection deliveries is expected to be in line with the current situation. Demand for IT helpdesk services offered with broadband deliveries will develop favourably. Investments in the mobile network and demand for related installation and maintenance services will remain low due to the tough competition. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

35 22 July 2018 Market situation The Nordic countries are booming. Financial research institutions estimate that the national economies of the Nordic countries will develop at a stable rate of 2-3 per cent in 2005 and 2006, outpacing growth in the EU by about one percentage point. Russia and Norway benefit from the high price of oil. The rate of growth in Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is about twice as fast as in the Nordic countries. The current information indicates that rates in the euro area will remain at a relatively low level for a few more years, supporting investments and demand for housing. Housing sales can be expected to be as brisk as in the previous year. Growth in exports and industrial output increases the need for industrial investments and maintenance in the Nordic countries. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION

36 Outlook for 2005 in housing production
22 July 2018 Outlook for in housing production In Finland the estimated number of market-financed residential start-ups in 2005 is about 2,500-3,000 (start-ups in 2004: 2,717 of which 2,515 were market-financed). In Russia and the Baltic countries the estimated number of residential start-ups in 2005 is about 3,000 (3,873). 4 May | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION

37 22 July 2018 Outlook for 2005 We estimate that the pre-tax result for 2005 will be significantly better than in the previous year. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION

38 YIT:s New Business Segment Structure

39 YIT:s present corporate structure
YIT Corporation Reino Hanhinen Corporate Management, Corporate Services, Corporate Communications Construction Services Ilpo Jalasjoki Services for Industry Raimo Poutiainen Building Systems Juhani Pitkäkoski Data Network Services Hannu Leinonen Building Systems Automation and security Facility Management Housing Business environments Infrastructure Piping and tanks Maintenance Fixed networks Mobile networks Revenue 2004 MEUR 1,321 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 320 Personnel Mar/ ,937 Revenue 2004 MEUR 1,147 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 272 Personnel Mar/2005 4,698 Revenue 2004 MEUR 232 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 56 Personnel Mar/2005 2,785 Revenue 2004 MEUR 127 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 30 Personnel Mar/2005 1,381 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

40 YIT:s corporate structure June 1, 2005
YIT Corporation Reino Hanhinen Corporate Management, Corporate Services, Corporate Communications Building Systems Juhani Pitkäkoski Construction Services Ilpo Jalasjoki Industrial and Network Services Pekka Frantti Housing Business environments Infrastructure Industrial projects Industrial maintenance Network services Building Systems Automation and security Facility Management Revenue 2004 MEUR 1,321 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 320 Personnel Mar/ ,937 Revenue 2004 MEUR 1,147 Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 272 Personnel Mar/2005 4,698 Revenue 2004 MEUR 359* Revenue Q1/2005 MEUR 86* Personnel Mar/2005 4,166 * The financial figures presented for the new business segment Industrial and Network Services have been prepared by combining the financial figures of Services for Industry and Data Network Services. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

41 Grounds for the new business segment structure
Greater efficiency in Group management – merger of the small business segments is geared towards achieving efficiency and bolstering management and administration Operations will rest on a wider business foundation, improving the latitude for their development – upgrading the efficiency of maintenance-related processes – developing outsourcing concepts for industry and teleoperators – harnessing on new technology Improving synergy benefits in project operations – total deliveries of industrial projects – total delivery services for data and electricity networks 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

42 - share of international activities MEUR 1,183.2
Revenue by business segment 2004 Building Systems 47% MEUR 1,321.2 Industrial and Network Services 13% MEUR 359.1 Construction Services 40% MEUR 1,147.2 Total revenue MEUR 2,780.1, - share of international activities MEUR 1,183.2 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

43 Construction Services Total operating profit 2004 MEUR 157.1
Operating profit by business segment 2004 M€ Building Systems Construction Services Industrial and Network Services Other items Total operating profit 2004 MEUR 157.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

44 Stages of setting up the new business segment
– June 1, 2005: the new business segment Industrial and Network Services will be established by merging YIT’s present business segments Services for Industry and Data Network Services Stage 2 – January 1, 2006: industrial electricity, automation and HEPAC will be transferred from the Building Systems business segment to the new Industrial and Network Services business segment 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

45 Organisation structure June 1, 2005
Industrial and Network Services Pekka Frantti Antti Nurminen Data Network Services Raimo Poutiainen Industrial investments and maintenance services Juha Moisio Maintenance services and partnership agreements Process industry and infrastructure Mikko Luoma Shipins Markku Salonen Telesilta Pertti Vuorinen Business operations transferred from YIT Kiinteistö-tekniikka Oy on Jan. 1, 2006 Revenue 2004 MEUR 54 Revenue 2004 359 MEUR 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

46 Building Systems - present organisation
YIT Building Systems Ltd President Juhani Pitkäkoski Executive Vice President Sakari Toikkanen Vice President Kalle-Pekka Sävelkoski CFO Tuula Haataja Sweden YIT Sverige AB President Kari Kallio Finland YIT Kiinteistö- tekniikka Oy1 President Antti Rantanen Vice President Pekka Hämäläinen Norway YIT Building Systems AS President Arne Malonæs Denmark YIT A/S President Leo G. Sørensen Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial piping Telecom Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial electricity Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial electricity Industrial piping Telecom Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial electricity Industrial piping Telecom 1 Incl. Russia and Baltic Countries Revenue 2004: MEUR 506 Personnel Dec/2004: 4,236 Revenue 2004: MEUR 429 Personnel Dec/2004: 4,287 Revenue 2004: MEUR 281 Personnel Dec/2004: 2,507 Revenue 2004: MEUR 116 Personnel Dec/2004: 1,136 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

47 YIT Building Systems Ltd
Building Systems Jan 1, 2006 YIT Building Systems Ltd President Juhani Pitkäkoski Vice President Kalle-Pekka Sävelkoski CFO Tuula Haataja Sweden YIT Sverige AB President Kari Kallio Finland YIT Kiinteistö- tekniikka Oy President Matti Malmberg Norway YIT Building Systems AS President Arne Malonæs Denmark YIT A/S President Leo G. Sørensen Russia and Baltic countries Pekka Hämäläinen Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial piping Telecom Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial electricity Industrial piping Telecom Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Industrial electricity Industrial piping Telecom Building Systems Property maintenance services Security Building Systems Security Property maintenance services Industrial electricity Revenue 2004: MEUR 506 Personnel Dec/2004 : 4,236 Revenue 2004: MEUR 350 Personnel Dec/2004: 3,280 (excluding Russian and Baltic operations and industrial electricity, automation and heating, plumbing and air-conditioning ) Revenue 2004: MEUR 281 Personnel Dec/2004 : 2,507 Revenue 2004: MEUR 116 Personnel Dec/2004 : 1,136 Revenue 2004: MEUR 26 Personnel Dec/2004 : 465 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

48 Corporate Communications
More information on our site at Veikko Myllyperkiö Vice President, Corporate Communications tel mobile fax Esko Mäkelä Executive Vice President tel fax Petra Thorén Manager, Investor Relations tel mobile fax 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

49 Appendices YIT Share 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

50 Principal shareholders Apr. 29, 2005
No % 1. Sampo Life Insurance Company Ltd 5,654, 2. Suomi Mutual Life Assur. Company 4,285, 3. Varma-Sampo 3,906, 4. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Ins.Co 2,003, 5. Tapiola Insurance Group 1,865, 6. Security Trading Ltd ,353, 7. Pohjola Insurance Group , 8. Etera Mutual Pension Ins. Company , 9. Odin Förvaltning As , 10. Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company , Nominee-registered ,864, Other shareholders ,065, Total ,292, Total number of shareholders 7,894. Nominal value of the share EUR 1.00 (registered on March 26, 2004, whereby the number of shares was doubled). Share capital EUR 61,292,854. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

51 Nominee-registered shareholders + other international ownership as percentage of equity
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

52 Number of shareholders at end of period
YIT Corporation was formed on September 2, YIT’s share has been quoted on Helsinki Exchanges since September 4, 1995. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

53 Interim Report Jan-Mar/2005
Appendices Interim Report Jan-Mar/2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

54 Major effects of IFRS Income statement Net sales decreases
Profit before taxes increases Earnings per share increases Balance sheet Net interest-bearing debt and gearing increases Order backlog increases No effect on cash flow 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

55 Reconciliation of shareholders’ equity
MEUR Jan 1, 2004 Mar 31, 2004 Jun 30, 2004 Sep 30, 2004 Dec 31, 2004 Shareholders’ equity according to FAS 408.3 388.2 407.4 431.4 457.2 IFRS adjustments Minority interests 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.1 Recognition of revenue by reference to the stage of completion (IAS 11) -14.9 -13.6 -15.1 -14.6 -17.8 Deferred taxes (IAS 12) 13.5 10.1 8.6 6.9 7.1 Provisions (IAS 37) -27.0 -27.3 -26.8 -25.7 -33.8 Goodwill amortization (IAS 38) -4.8 2.5 17.7 25.6 Other items *) 2.7 3.7 2.3 3.2 3.0 Total IFRS adjustments -26.6 -20.6 -16.7 -8.6 -11.8 Shareholders’ equity according to IFRS 381.7 367.6 390.7 422.8 445.4 *) Other items affecting the determination of shareholders’ equity include finance leasing, options and pension liabilities. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

56 Reconciliation of profit for the period
MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2004 Jan-Jun/ Jan-Sep/ Jan-Dec/ Profit for the period, FAS 16.4 35.0 58.8 84,0 IFRS adjustments Minority interests 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.4 Recognition of revenue by reference to the stage of completion (IAS 11) 1.3 -0.2 0.3 -2.9 Deferred taxes (IAS 12) -3.4 -4.9 -6.6 -6.4 Provisions (IAS 37) -0.3 0.2 -6.8 Goodwill amortization (IAS 38) 7.3 14.9 22.5 30.4 Other items *) 0.8 -0.8 Total IFRS adjustments 5.8 9.8 19.1 16.5 Profit for the period, IFRS 22.2 44.8 77.9 100.5 *) Other items affecting the determination of net profit include finance leasing, options and affiliates that become subsidiaries. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

57 Key figures Mar/2005 Mar/2004 Change Dec/2004 Return on investment
19.7%1) - 19.2%1) Equity ratio 30.1% 26.7% 31,0% Net interest-bearing debt, MEUR 368.1 379.1 -3% 349.3 Gearing ratio 85.6% 103.1% 78.4% Earnings/share, EUR 0.46 0.362) 28% 1.62 Equity/share, EUR 6.95 5.962) 17% 7.20 Average share price, EUR 20.89 15.082) 39% 15.92 Share price at end of period, EUR 21.84 15.402) 42% 18.36 Gross capital expenditures, MEUR 7.0 7.3 -4% 35.6 Order backlog, MEUR 1,909.4 1,585.2 20% 1,823.4 Average personnel 21,267 21,625 -2% 21,884 Calculated for the last 12 months. The number of YIT’s shares was doubled on March 26, 2004 when the nominal value of the share was changed from two euros to one euro (split). The reported figures have been converted accordingly. 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

58 Revenue and operating profit by quarter Q1/2004-Q1/2005
Revenue, MEUR Operating profit, MEUR 10-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 10-12/ 04 1-3/ 05 1-3/ 04 4-6/ 04 7-9/ 04 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

59 Building Systems Breakdown of revenue Q1/2005 Total revenue MEUR 319.5
YIT Sverige AB Sweden 38% MEUR 121.4 YIT A/S Denmark 10% MEUR 31.0 YIT Building Systems AS Norway 22% MEUR 71.5 YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy Finland 1) 30% MEUR 96.2 Total revenue MEUR 319.5 1) Includes the Russian and Baltic operations 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

60 Construction Services
Breakdown of revenue Q1/2005 International operations 14% MEUR 38.1 Operations in Finland 86% MEUR 233.9 Total revenue MEUR 272.0 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

61 Breakdown of revenue in Q1/2005
Services for Industry Breakdown of revenue in Q1/2005 Investments 38% MEUR 21.0 Maintenance and upkeep services 62% MEUR 34.6 Total revenue MEUR 55.6 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

62 Breakdown of revenue in Q1/2005
Data Network Services Breakdown of revenue in Q1/2005 Maintenance, repairs and subscriber deliveries 87% MEUR 26.1 Project operations 13% MEUR 3.9 Total revenue MEUR 30.0 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

63 Revenue 1995–2004 FAS 2004 – Q1/2005 IFRS MEUR 2004 IFRS 1-3/04 IFRS
3,033.4 2,780.1 2,389.7 1,763.0 1,623.1 1,222.1 1,235.4 1,167.7 941.4 876.3 660.0 669.9 663.9 2004 IFRS 1-3/04 IFRS 1-3/05 IFRS 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

64 Order backlog by business segment March 31, 2005
Building Systems 29% MEUR 574.0 Data Network Services 4% MEUR 83.3 Construction Services 59% MEUR 1,131.0 Services for Industry 8% MEUR 151.1 Order backlog total MEUR 1,909.4, share of international orders MEUR 728.9 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

65 Personnel at end of period
Q1/04 Q1/05 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

66 Total number of employees 21,096 persons
Personnel by business segment March 31, 2005 Building Systems 57% 11,937 persons Corporate Services 1% 295 persons Data Network Services 7% 1,381 persons Services for Industry 13% 2,785 persons Construction Services 22% 4,698 persons Total number of employees 21,096 persons 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

67 Total number of employees 21,096 persons
Personnel by country March 31, 2005 Finland 54% 11,381 persons Russia 4% 836 persons Baltic countries 6% 1,205 persons Denmark 5% 1,108 persons Norway 11% 2,432 persons Sweden 20% 4,134 persons Total number of employees 21,096 persons 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

68 Migration between municipalities in Finland
persons 1-3/2005: 55.652 1-3/2004: 53.932 Source: Statistics Finland, April 21, 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

69 Housing loans and interest rates in Finland
% MEUR Source: Bank of Finland, April. 29, 2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

70 Appendices YIT:s New Business Segment Structure

71 Industrial and Network Services
Revenue, operating profit and order backlog MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2005 Jan-Mar/ 2004 Change Jan-Dec/ 2004 Revenue 85.6 74.8 14% 359.1 Operating profit 6.3 1.4 *) 27.6 Order baclog 234.4 185.4 26% 199.2 *) Change over 100 % 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

72 Revenue by business segment
MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2005 Jan-Mar/ 2004 Change Jan-Dec/ 2004 Building Systems 319.5 316.1 1% 1,321.2 Construction Services 272.0 288.3 -6% 1,147.2 Industrial and Network Services 85.6 74.8 14% 359.1 Other items -13.2 -9.3 42% -47.4 YIT Group total 663.9 669.9 -1% 2,780.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

73 Industrial and Network Services
Breakdown of revenue 2004 Industrial maintenance 48% MEUR 172.4 Industrial projects 17% MEUR 59.7 Network Services 35% MEUR 127.0 Total revenue 2004 MEUR 359.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

74 Industrial and Network Services
Breakdown of revenue 2004 Investments 26% MEUR 94.6 Maintenance and upkeep services 74% MEUR 264.5 Total revenue 2004 MEUR 359.1 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

75 Industrial and Network Services Revenue by quarter Q1/2004-Q1/2005
MEUR 1-3/2004 4-6/2004 7-9/2004 10-12/2004 1-12/2004 1-3/2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

76 Operating profit by business segment MEUR Jan-Mar/ 2005 Jan-Mar/ 2004
Change Jan-Dec/ 2004 Building Systems 8.2 4.5 82% 34.1 Construction Services 29.4 32.7 -10% 101.9 Industrial and Network Services 6.3 1.4 *) 27.6 Other items -3.8 -1.1 -6.5 YIT Group total 40.1 37.5 7% 157.1 *) Change over 100% 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

77 Industrial and Network Services Operating profit by quarter Q1/2004-Q1/2005
MEUR 1-3/2004 4-6/2004 7-9/2004 10-12/2004 1-12/2004 1-3/2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

78 Industrial and Network Services Operating profit margin (%) by quarter Q1/2004-Q1/2005
1-3/2004 4-6/2004 7-9/2004 10-12/2004 1-12/2004 1-3/2005 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

79 Order backlog by business segment
MEUR Mar/2005 Mar/2004 Change Dec/2004 Building Systems 574.0 557.2 3% 557.8 Construction Services 1,131.0 842.6 34% 1,066.4 Industrial and Network Services 234.4 185.4 26% 199.2 Other items -30.0 - YIT Group total 1,909.4 1,585.2 20% 1,823.4 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

80 Order backlog total MEUR 1,909.4
Order backlog by business segment March/2005 Building Systems 30% MEUR 574.0 Industrial and Network Services 12% MEUR 234.4 Construction Services 58% MEUR 1,131.0 Order backlog total MEUR 1,909.4 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

81 Total number of employees 21,096 persons
Personnel by business segment March/2005 Building Systems 57% 11,937 Corporate Services 1% 295 Industrial and Network Services 20% 4,166 Construction Services 22% 4,698 Total number of employees 21,096 persons 4 May | YIT CORPORATION

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