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Literacy Progress Units: Writing Organisation

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1 Literacy Progress Units: Writing Organisation

2 Literacy Progress Unit
Writing Organisation

3 Session 2 Topic Sentences
Objectives To understand the importance of a topic sentence in a paragraph. To identify topic sentences. To sort information into topic-related groups. To write an appropriate topic sentence.

4 From last session The cage must be cleaned thoroughly every week. The rats’ bed must be kept clean. Your rats will enjoy being brushed gently with a very soft hairbrush. If your rat becomes unwell, you should take it to a vet to be treated. Do not delay as rats can become seriously ill very quickly. The National Fancy Rat Society holds shows across the country. You can show your pet rats and perhaps win a prize. You can get information about shows at Remind the students of the text on rats studies last week. Ask them to feedback on what we looked for in a new paragraph – elicit topic sentence. Click to reveal the three paragraphs. Quickly recap what each of them is about and why they need to be in a new paragraph. Stress that each paragraph contained information concerned with a particular topic. Explain that, often, the writer will place a sentence at the start, or near the start, of each paragraph to make it clear what it is about. This is called a topic sentence.

5 Topic Sentences Rats make excellent pets and can be easily and cheaply bought. If you wish to keep rats as pets, you should go to a good pet shop or contact an official breeder who can give you advice. It is important to choose your pet rats carefully. Check that they are healthy. You will know because they will be alert and their eyes, nose and ears will be clean. Rats must be at least six weeks old before you buy them and they should be kept in pairs of either males or females. Using the first paragraph, identify the topic sentence (click to underline it) – explain that this sentence introduces the overall topic of rats and the topic of the paragraph which is where they can be bought. Now click again to reveal the second paragraph and do the same again, clicking again will underline the topic paragraph.

6 Topic Sentences Rats need a large cage which is at least 60 by 30 by 30 cm in size. The cage must contain somewhere cosy for your rats to sleep and have solid, not wire, flooring. Rats must have toys to play with such as ladders, tubes and ropes. Rats are omnivorous which means that they will eat almost anything. However, you must ensure that your rat gets a balanced diet including a good dried rat food, rice, pasta, wholemeal bread and fresh vegetables. Rats always must have fresh water which should always be put in a water bottle. Give them a few minutes before asking one pair to explain what it is about and why they think so. Draw out that it’s about the rats cage or living conditions. Again, highlight the topic sentences, these will appear when you click.

7 Topic Sentences The cage must be cleaned thoroughly every week. The rats’ bed must be kept clean. Your rats will enjoy being brushed gently with a very soft hairbrush. If your rat becomes unwell, you should take it to a vet to be treated. Do not delay as rats can become seriously ill very quickly. The National Rat Society holds shows across the country. You can show your pet rats and perhaps win a prize. You can get information about shows at Draw out the topic sentences. Click to reveal each one.

8 Missing Topic Sentences
There are several of these holiday centres in Britain. They are all built in beautiful countryside and all have excellent accommodation. New World Activity Parks resorts all have facilities for all types of British weather. The following two slides can either can projected and students write suitable topic sentences in their books, or you could choose to print off and use Pupil sheet 2.3 – available to the right of the above slide. For each of the paragraphs, the students should read the paragraphs carefully and then write a suitable topic sentence for each.

9 Missing Topic Sentences
All our centres have both indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a choice of several different restaurants and a wide range of sports facilities for all ages and fitness levels. Entertainment is varied with soft-play, junior discos and adult-only nights. We also provide babysitters!

10 Session 2 Topic Sentences
Objectives To understand the importance of a topic sentence in a paragraph. To identify topic sentences. To sort information into topic-related groups. To write an appropriate topic sentence. Click to tick off the objectives one by one to recap the session.

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