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IEP Goals and Objectives

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1 IEP Goals and Objectives
S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals and Objectives for Students with Visual Impairments Kelly E. Lusk, Ph.D.

2 Objectives: What does the S.M.A.R.T. acronym stand for?
How to collect data to show evidence for needed goals/objectives. (Both before and after) Let’s try to fix some goals and objectives!

3 S – Specific M – Measurable A – Achievable/ Attainable R – Realistic T – Time-bound/ Timely/ Tangible

4 How to make them measurable
Goals and Objectives: How to make them measurable Who? Given a specific situation and timeframe? Will do what? Needs to be operationalized – something you can actually see and track. “Will increase independence” is not enough – tell how you will show increased independence. How often? and/or measure of accuracy?

5 Topics to remember: Make sure all goals and objectives align with PLOPs (Present Levels of Performance). Use action words – show, demonstrate, tell, use, answer, complete, etc. Graphics/visual representations can help you SHOW evidence. Could another TVI/teacher take your IEP and follow it?

6 Example IEP Goal and Objectives
Goal (Long-term) Alex will use his telescope at least 4 times each day to take notes off the whiteboard and/or access distance information in the classroom/school environment during the school year. Overarching Goal – Now, we need some specific objectives to help us reach this goal….

7 Example IEP Goal and Objectives, cont’d
Objectives (Short-term) Alex will use his telescope to access his homework assignment in math class 4 out of 5 days each week. Alex will use his telescope to copy down his spelling words each week with 90% accuracy. Alex will use his telescope in science/social studies to copy down notes and access distance information at least once each day in the same timeframe as his peers. Alex will use his telescope to watch the clock in the cafeteria during lunch so that he can put up his tray/clean up before the lunch bell 4 out of 5 days each week. Alex will use his telescope to independently locate his bus at the end of the day 4 out of 5 days each week. Goals and objectives should also have an overarching timeframe – 1 year is the standard, can be shorter…

8 Tracking Goals/Objectives Progress
Keep it simple! If you can’t make a chart or other data collection sheet, it’s not measurable! Additional Ideas: Print 1 goal (all objectives) on index card or multiple goals (with all objectives) on a full sheet of paper. Keep it mobile for easy access! Or post somewhere. Have student take data as well.

9 Reporting on Progress Generally, parents should get an update on goals/objectives progress AT LEAST each grading period. Progress from the past year’s goals/objectives should be reported at IEP (or HOPEFULLY before the IEP meeting) to help determine new/continued goals/objectives. Charts/graphs/any visual representation are helpful in SHOWING progress. 1 1k F FF

10 Example of Visual Representation of Data
7th grade school year 8th grade school year


12 Website with handout from previous slide:


14 Let’s fix some goals and objectives!!

15 Reference:

16 Questions and Discussion

17 Thank you for attending!
You’re all O.W.L.s! (Obsessed With Learning) And your students and their families thank you!

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