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The Ancestral Pueblo People: The Anasazi

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Presentation on theme: "The Ancestral Pueblo People: The Anasazi"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ancestral Pueblo People: The Anasazi

2 Who were the Anasazi? Their tribes evolved from the nomadic Paleo Indians to sedentary They are the ancestors of the modern- day Pueblo Indians.

3 Who were they? These tribes developed in the four corners area around 1 A.D. and lasted until 1300 A.D. At that time they abandon the great pueblos and went to live by the Rio Grande River Creating the Pueblo People of NM today They created over 36 separate pueblos throughout NM


5 G-Geography of the Anasazi
Where were they? Lived in the four corners area or the south west of the U.S 20 different tribes spread out in CO, NM, AZ, and UT

6 What was the Climate like Where they lived?
It was hot and dry with only 12 inches of rain a year

7 Vegetation? Desert Scrub Vegetation which means: cactus, yucca, shrubs, things that are close to the ground

8 What adaptations did the Anasazi make to survive in their environment?


10 Lack of wood or trees Since there are not that many trees in the four corners area Anasazi adapted by building their homes our of adobe. Adobe-a mixture of clay, dirt, and straw that they molded into bricks



13 Had abundance of yucca in the area…and no cotton
So made clothing and wove things made from yucca fibers

14 R- Religion They believed in many gods all of which were represented in nature: sun god, mother earth, rain god They believed these gods controlled everything Example: If they did not get rain they would pray to the rain god with ceremonies in hopes of rain

15 Held ceremonies, dances, and rituals in kivas
Only men could go into the kivas


17 Anasazi Religious Ceremonies
Religious concepts/events linked with seasonal tasks- farming (in spring and summer), hunting (in fall and winter) Animal figures pecked or painted on rock- possibly prayer/rituals for successful hunting. Public and Private Ceremonies were held.

18 Achievements and Art of the Anasazi
Had cities throughout the four corners area that had apartment style buildings that could house hundreds of people and they were in the sides of cliffs

19 Chaco Canyon

20 Mesa Verde-Spruce Tree House


22 Had roads connected to other tribes for trade

23 Irrigation and dams

24 Created Pottery- for all kinds of things



27 Extreme Weaving Skills


29 Petroglyphs and Pictographs-one of the first writing systems in North America


31 Astronomy Skills

32 Politics- Organized into clans-a group of people related to each other
Each clan elected a clan leader called a headman That person usually was the oldest person of the clan-could be woman or man The headsman would meet together in councils or meetings and make a decision for the tribe with popular vote (1st democracy) Headman would in charge of their clan

33 Economy-How did they survive
For the most part they farmed corn, beans, and squash feeding up to 20,000 Hunted small and big game and gathered Traded with other tribes of the SW

34 Trading Anasazi would trade turquoise, pottery, copper, and jewelry to get shells, cocoa, parrot feathers and copper bells


36 Social Structure Anasazi were matrilineal-meaning all the property and farmland were inherited through the mother There were men jobs-hunting, irrigation and dams, and most of the farming work Women cleaned, looked after children, helped with planting, cooking, weaving, pottery, and clothing making,

37 Anasazi did not really have social classes everyone was pretty much equal
But the priest of the tribe was the most respected and listened to-because he spoke with the gods Headsman were also respected and listened too

38 Anasazi believed in many gods, that is called?

39 What area is the Anasazi located in?

40 Most religious ceremonies took place in?

41 What type of jewelry did they make and trade with?

42 What did the Anasazi build to adapt to the lack of water in the four corners area?

43 What did the Anasazi build their homes out of to adapt to the lack of trees?

44 Clans were ran by headmen, how were headmen selected?

45 Name one achievement of the Anasazi?

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