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Peter Rock that Jesus would build His church on Brother to Andrew

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Rock that Jesus would build His church on Brother to Andrew"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Rock that Jesus would build His church on Brother to Andrew
Acted impulsively, had a temper, spoke without thinking Crucified upside down Pictures show him holding the keys to heaven The first Pope

2 Andrew One of the first to follow Jesus
Brought his brother Peter to meet Jesus Name means: manly, courageous Crucified on a X shaped cross Patron Saint of Scotland

3 James the Greater One of the three to stay near Jesus during His agony in the garden Witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus First to martyred for Christ, beheaded Patron Saint of Spain

4 John Teenage apostle Only one to stand at the foot of the cross
Took care of Mary Died a natural death Patron Saint of friendship

5 Philip Missionary work in Asia Minor Died hanging from a pillar

6 Bartholomew: Matthew: *Straight forward very honest *also called Levi
*tortured for spreading the Good News *Symbol is a knife Matthew: *also called Levi *was a tax collector, immediately left his money to follow Jesus *His the first book of the New Testament

7 Thomas Did not believe in the resurrection until he touched the wounds of Jesus Doubting Thomas Judas Betrayed Jesus for money Realized what he had done, hung himself

8 James the Less Shorter or younger than James the Greater Possibly cousin of Mary Jude Patron saint of hopeless causes Symbol an ax

9 Simon Matthias Preached in Egypt Symbol a saw
Elected to take the place of Judas




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