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Respecting privacy. Safeguarding data. Enabling trust.

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1 Respecting privacy. Safeguarding data. Enabling trust.
#PrivacyAware Data Privacy Day 2016 Respecting privacy. Safeguarding data. Enabling trust.

2 What you post can last a lifetime.
Share with Care! What you post can last a lifetime. Before posting online think about how it might be perceived now and in the future and who might see it. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

3 Own your online presence.
Share with Care! Own your online presence. Set the privacy and security settings on web services and devices to your comfort level for information sharing. It’s ok to limit how and with whom you share information. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

4 Be aware of what’s being shared.
Share with Care! Be aware of what’s being shared. Be aware that when you share a post, picture or video online, you may also be revealing information about others. Be thoughtful when and how you share information about others. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

5 Post only about others as you would have them post about you.
Share with Care! Post only about others as you would have them post about you. The golden rule applies online as well. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

6 PII is Like Money. Value it! Protect it!
Think before you act. Be wary of communications that implore you to act immediately, offer something that sounds too good to be true or ask for personal information. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

7 PII is Like Money. Value it! Protect it!
Get two steps ahead. Switch on two-step verification or multi-factor authentication wherever offered to prevent unauthorized access. From (National Cyber Security Alliance)

8 Many of these tips are provided by
Learn More! Many of these tips are provided by Visit the website to see more great tips and resources from the National Cyber Security Alliance!

9 Keep security software current.
Keep a Clean Machine Keep security software current. Having the latest security software, web browser, and operating system are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. Don’t forget about mobile devices! Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

10 Automate important software updates.
Keep a Clean Machine Automate important software updates. Many software programs will automatically connect and update to defend against known risks. Turn on automatic updates if that’s an available option. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

11 Protect all devices that connect to the Internet.
Keep a Clean Machine Protect all devices that connect to the Internet. Along with computers, smart phones, gaming systems, and other web-enabled devices also need protection from viruses and malware. Don’t forget about mobile devices! Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

12 Keep a Clean Machine Plug and scan.
“USBs” and other external devices can be infected by viruses and malware. Use your security software to scan them. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

13 When in doubt, throw it out!
Connect with Care When in doubt, throw it out! Links in , tweets, posts, and online advertising are often the way cybercriminals compromise your computer. If it looks suspicious, even if you know the source, it’s best to delete or if appropriate, mark as junk . Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

14 Get savvy about Wi-Fi hotspots.
Connect with Care Get savvy about Wi-Fi hotspots. Limit the type of business you conduct and adjust the security settings on your device to limit who can access your machine. Don’t forget about mobile devices! Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

15 Connect with Care Protect your $$.
When banking and shopping, check to be sure the sites is security enabled. Look for web addresses with “ or “shttp://”, which means the site takes extra measures to help secure your information. “ is not secure. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

16 When in doubt, don’t respond.
Connect with Care When in doubt, don’t respond. Fraudulent texting, calling and voic s are on the rise. Just like , requests for personal information or for immediate action are almost always a scam. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

17 Protect students’ and teachers’ privacy.
Do Your Duty! Protect students’ and teachers’ privacy. Recognize that you may have access to information about students and/or teachers that is private or sensitive. Treat all information with care!

18 Do Your Duty! Know what you must do.
Know which laws and regulations apply to your work and understand how you must implement them in a way that respects and protects privacy. Hint: Georgia and Jeff can help you out! Just give them a call!

19 Know what you may and may not do.
Do Your Duty! Know what you may and may not do. Make sure you understand what data you need to use and why you need to use it. Don’t access or use data for any other purposes. Hint: Your Data Stewards can help you out! Just give them a call!

20 Act like your emails are public documents.
Do Your Duty! Act like your s are public documents. In fact, our K12 work s are subject to FOIA requests. Do all you can not to send PII about students, teachers, or others via . If you must, treat it as if you were sending your own information. We can redact documents subject to a FOIA request to remove PII, but let’s do all we can to save time and effort for our colleagues in Legal Services who do the redaction!

21 Do as little as possible—when it comes to sending data.
Do Your Duty! Do as little as possible—when it comes to sending data. Data minimization is crucial for protecting students’ privacy. If you must send information about students, only use WVEIS ID and the minimum amount of information necessary to get the job done.

22 Keep it secret! Keep it safe!
Do Your Duty! Keep it secret! Keep it safe! Do all you can to ensure that other people—coworkers, family members, complete strangers—cannot see or gain access to private or confidential information.

23 Do Your Duty! Trust, but verify.
Auto-complete is terrific—and also a terrific risk. Double- (and triple-) check to ensure that your is going to the person you really want it to go to.

24 FOIA is about your work, not about your devices.
Do Your Duty! FOIA is about your work, not about your devices. Any state business conducted on personal devices is still subject to FOIA.

25 Do Your Duty! Relax! Don’t do it!
Do not open or store sensitive information on personal devices. Doing so constitutes a security breach. (Besides, when you’re on your own time, you should be relaxing!)

26 Do not store passwords in your Internet browser or other applications.
Do Your Duty! Just say, “No!” Do not store passwords in your Internet browser or other applications.

27 Do Your Duty! Papers can be data, too.
Data includes not only information stored in WVEIS or other electronic sources. Profiles, reports, applications, and other paper-based records are also rightfully considered data and should be treated as such.

28 Do Your Duty! Log out and lock it down.
Make sure to log out of all applications that may include private or confidential information. Close browser or explorer windows, just to be safe. Lock your other devices and filing cabinets when not in use.

29 Do Your Duty! Watch your mouth.
“Loose lips sink ships.” Make sure you use your best judgement and discretion when you must talk about sensitive information with a colleague. Try to avoid talking about sensitive topics/info in public settings.

30 Your new motto: Semper vigilans.
Do Your Duty! Your new motto: Semper vigilans. Always be vigilant! Guarding students’ and teachers’ privacy is a crucial part of our every day jobs. Always be on the look-out for threats—and ways to improve!

31 Protect Your PII Secure your accounts.
Ask for protection beyond passwords. Many account providers now offer additional ways for you verify who you are before you conduct business on that site. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

32 Use a strong passcode to lock your phone.
Protect Your PII Secure your phone. Use a strong passcode to lock your phone.  Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

33 Make passwords long and strong.
Protect Your PII Make passwords long and strong. Combine capital and lowercase letters with numbers and symbols to create a more secure password. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

34 Unique account, unique password.
Protect Your PII Unique account, unique password. Separate passwords for every account helps to thwart cybercriminals. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

35 Write it down and keep it safe.
Protect Your PII Write it down and keep it safe. Everyone can forget a password. Keep a list that’s stored in a safe, secure place away from your computer. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

36 Own your online presence.
Protect Your PII Own your online presence. When available, set the privacy and security settings on websites to your comfort level for information sharing. It’s ok to limit how and with whom you share information. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

37 Protect Your PII Think before you app.
Review the privacy policy and understand what data (location, access to your social networks) the app can access on your device before you download.. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

38 Only give your mobile number to people you trust.
Protect Your PII Only give your mobile number to people you trust. Never give out someone else’s number without their permission.  Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

39 Consider disabling the geotagging feature on your phone.
Protect Your PII Consider disabling the geotagging feature on your phone. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

40 Be Web Wise Stay current.
Keep pace with new ways to stay safe online: Check trusted websites for the latest information, and share with friends, family, and colleagues and encourage them to be web wise. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

41 Be Web Wise Think before you act.
Be wary of communications that implores you to act immediately, offers something that sounds too good to be true, or asks for personal information. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

42 Know how to cell block others.
Be Web Wise Know how to cell block others. Using caller ID, you can block all incoming calls or block individual names and numbers. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

43 *Take care about storing sensitive information!
Be Web Wise Back it up. Protect your valuable work, music, photos, and other digital information by making an electronic copy and storing it safely.* *Take care about storing sensitive information! Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

44 Be Web Wise Use caution when meeting face-to-face with someone who you only "know" through text messaging. Even though texting is often the next step after online chatting, it does not mean that it is safer. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

45 Safer for me, more secure for all.
Be a Good Online Citizen Safer for me, more secure for all. What you do online has the potential to affect everyone – at home, at work and around the world. Practicing good online habits benefits the global digital community. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

46 Post only about others as you would have them post about you.
Be a Good Online Citizen Post only about others as you would have them post about you. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

47 Only give your personal information to people you know and trust.
Be a Good Online Citizen Never give out someone else’s number or other information without their permission. Only give your personal information to people you know and trust.  Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

48 Help the authorities fight cyber crime.
Be a Good Online Citizen Help the authorities fight cyber crime. Report stolen finances or identities and other cybercrime to the Internet Crime Complaint Center ( and to your local law enforcement or state attorney general as appropriate. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

49 Text to others only as you would have them text to you.
Be a Good Online Citizen Text to others only as you would have them text to you. . . . or maybe even more conservatively (i.e., don’t be creepy). Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

50 Get permission before taking pictures or videos of others.
Be a Good Online Citizen Get permission before taking pictures or videos of others. Likewise, let others know they need your permission before taking pictures or videos of you. Tips and advice from STOP. THINK. CONNECT.

51 Respecting privacy. Safeguarding data. Enabling trust.
#PrivacyAware Data Privacy Day 2016 Respecting privacy. Safeguarding data. Enabling trust.

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