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Presentation on theme: " Step by step Guideline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step by step Guideline

2 Doctor Registration If you are a doctor then you need to create an account first by clicking Doctors Signup

3 Some of your information will show in Prescription, so please provide as much as information possible.

4 To complete registration click submit

5 Now Login your account

6 Welcome to your home page
Welcome to your home page. Here you will find two button Old Patient and New Patient

7 Click NewPatient if the patient is new
Click NewPatient if the patient is new. ***All field are not mandatory but patient phone is mandatory

8 Then Click Save and next to provide medicine.

9 Please Input Medicine

10 Then Click Save and Next to provide test .(if you need).
If you do not want to provide test then it is also necessary to click Save and Next for preview prescription without test.

11 Provide test (if you need)
Provide test (if you need). Other wise click submit and preview Prescription

12 Click Submit and Preview Prescription

13 The Prescription

14 Click Print to this page, After printing you need to save this page
Click Print to this page, After printing you need to save this page. So you have to click. “Click here for save” .

15 Now if you visit an Old Patient (a patient visit 2nd time as know as old patient). From your home page you need to click OldPatient Button.

16 In Old Patient section you need to input patient phone number where you found it in the patient last prescription that provided by you. Then click enter.

17 Now Provide Medicine then click save & Next.

18 Ok Now provide test or click Submit and Preview prescription

19 And Finally print the prescription and save it by clicking the Save to click here button.

20 Thank you so much If you need help
Fell free contact us Phone: ,

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