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in the Local Group and beyond

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1 in the Local Group and beyond
Hot Massive Stars in the Local Group and beyond Rolf Kudritzki In collaboration with Fabio Bresolin, Miguel Urbaneja, Norbert Przybilla, Paco Najarro, Don Figer, Sungsoo Kim, Joachim Puls, Adi Pauldrach, Wolfgang Gieren, Gregorsz Pietrzynski and many others …

2 Because they are the ones, which make the universe interesting!!!!
Initial Mass Function (IMF), Scalo (1986) Why massive stars? Log dN(M) Only a tiny fraction (a few ‰) of the stars in a spiral or irregular or starburst galaxy are massive with masses ≥ 10 Msun. Why bother??? Because they are the ones, which make the universe interesting!!!! massive stars M/Msun

3 A galaxy without massive stars is dull !!!

4 Extragalactic stellar astronomy
A galaxy with massive stars is interesting !!!

5 massive stars provide the light make the spiral arms visible ionize the HII regions energy & momentum to ISM (winds, SN) trigger star formation crucial for chemical evolution (winds, SN) allow you to do something!!!

6 Bresolin & Kennicutt 2002, ApJ, 572, 838
HII regions in M83 disk element abundances stellar content ionizing flux, stellar atmospheres Hot spot

7 Metal line diagnostics

8 Massive stars and star formation (SF)
Massive stars perfect tracer of SF young luminous strong UV sources  directly visible in UV (GALEX)  heat ISM dust  strong mid & far IR (Spitzer)  ionize ISM gas  strong recombination lines (10m, Spitzer) !!! Diagnostics of SF physics !!! The following slides are from Rob Kennicutt (2005) Workshop on “Extreme Starbursts” Lijiang, Cina, August 2005

9 11 Mpc Ha and Ultraviolet Survey (11HUGS)
Kennicutt (2005) Ha imaging for 400 spiral-irregular galaxies within 11 Mpc of Milky Way (complete for b > 20o, B < 15) GALEX UV imaging (Cycle 1 Legacy project + archival data) for 284/400 galaxies drift-scan integrated spectra for ~200 galaxies Science goals SFR statistics, demographics for a volume-limited sample the SFR burst duty cycle in dwarf galaxies (Janice Lee) evolution/migration of star formation within galaxies SFR metrics, reference for cluster, lookback studies HII region/cluster statistics, atlas an archival resource for the astronomical community

10 Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS)
Kennicutt (2005) complete IRAC, MIPS imaging of 75 nearby galaxies (3.5 – 160 mm) IRS, MIPS radial strip maps (10 – 100 mm) IRS maps of centers, 75 extranuclear sources (5–37 mm) ancillary dataset covering UV to radio

11 M81 CFHT

12 Kennicutt (2005) Ha + R GALEX FUV + NUV (1500/2500 A) IRAC mm MIPS 24 mm

13 Kennicutt (2005)

14 (P region, d~6 kpc Scoville et al. 2001) Kennicutt (2005)

15 Kennicutt (2005) 0.15 mm 0.4-0.8 mm 1.2-2.2 mm 3.6 mm

16 Kennicutt (2005)

17 Concentration of SF vs. Total SFR for a variety of galaxy types.
area SCUBA sources BCDs LBGs SFR Kennicutt (2005)

18 SFR vs Gas Density (Schmidt Law) ρgas
area disk-averaged star SFR vs mean gas density of the disk a single power law of slope N ~ 1.4 fits the full range of galaxy types, from normal disks to ultraluminous infrared starburst galaxies does this global relation also apply locally within galaxies? ρgas Kennicutt et al. (2005) Kennicutt (2005)

19 Kennicutt, Calzetti, Walter, et al. 2005, in prep.
Local Schmidt Law slope= 1.41 Kennicutt, Calzetti, Walter, et al. 2005, in prep. Kennicutt (2005)

20 Schmidt Law… Kennicutt (2005) Whole galaxies
Kennicutt et al. 2005, in prep. Kennicutt (2005)

21 Star Formation Rate versus Redshift
Sanders (2005)

22 Massive stars and star formation (SF)
Results depend fundamentally on our knowledge of massive stars massive stars only ‰ of integrated IMF, but we extrapolate SF down to 0.2 Msun every mistake enormously amplified stellar mass and ionization? stellar mass and dust heating? stellar mass and UV radiation? !!! Knowledge of massive stars crucial !!!

23 WMAP evolution of galaxies in early universe heavily influenced by
first generations of very massive stars cosmic z=3.5 Springel & Hernquist, 2003 very massive stars WMAP

24 First stars are very massive hydrodynamic simulations
Hydrodynamic simulations by Davé, Katz, & Weinberg Ly-α cooling radiation (green) Light in Ly-α from forming stars (red, yellow) z=10 z=8 z=6

25 Stars forming at z=10! Observable with a 30m telescope!
1 Mpc (comoving) GSMT Science Working Group Report, 2003, Kudritzki et al. As observed through 30-meter telescope R=3000, 105 seconds, Barton et al., 2004, ApJ 604, L1 Simulation

26 A possible IMF diagnostic at z=10
HeII (1640 Å) Standard IMF HeII (1640 Å) Top-Heavy IMF, zero metallicity (IMF + stellar model fluxes from Bromm, Kudritzki, & Loeb 2001, ApJ 552,464 see also Schaerer, 2003, A&A 397, 527)

27 TMT: A partnership of CELT, AURA & ACURA

28 GMT 7-Mirror Concept Carnegie, Harvard/Smiths., Arizona, MIT,
Michigan, Texas

29 Adaptive Optics Subaru survey The most distant galaxies @ z =7
z =6.96 Iye et al., 2006, Nature 443, 1861 Adaptive Optics z =6.96 Ionization by Massive stars

30 Mauna Kea

31 View MK  Haleakala

32 Population synthesis of high-z galaxies
Stellar spectra Stellar Population Initial Mass Function Star Formation History Metallicity Stellar Evolution Galaxy spectra non-LTE atmospheres with winds plus stellar evolution models  Synthetic spectra of galxies at high z  as a function of Z, IMF, SFR

33 Spectral diagnostics of high-redshift starbursts
Starburst models - fully synthetic spectra based on model atmospheres Rix, Pettini, Leitherer, Bresolin, Kudritzki, Steidel, 2004, ApJ, 615,98

34 Spectral diagnostics of high-z starbursts
z=2.7 fully synthetic spectra vs. observation Rix, Pettini, Leitherer, Bresolin, Kudritzki, Steidel 2004, ApJ, 615, 98

35 Ionizing flux of high-z starburst galaxies ionization of IGM
Lyman continuum of high-z starbursts fully synthetic spectra vs. observation Haehnelt, Madau, Kudritzki, Steidel 2001, ApJ,

36 Massive stars die as SN or GRB
Massive stars form iron cores during evolution  core collapse SN GRB Tracks by Maeder & Meynet (with and without rotational mixing)

37 The Nearest Galaxies LMC February 22, 1987 SMC

38 Supernova! SN 1987A



41 M74 red supergiant progenitor
Smartt et al., 2004, Science 303, 499

42 Progenitor HRD Smartt et al. 2004

43 SN2005cs in M51 Discovered by Wolfgang Kloehr in June 2005
German Amateur astronomer 20cm reflector + CCD

44 SN2005cs in M51 normal SN type II-P

45 SN2005cs in M51 - Hubble images

46 GRBs and massive stars Chandra GRB = SN1998bw @ z=0.0085 HST

47 GRB 050904 @ z=6.29 4' position from Swift
Optical observations at 3h didn't see anything Bright NIR afterglow MAGNUM observations at 12h Flat spectrum over JHK, no detection in RI z=6.29 from Subaru

48 Massive stars Extremely luminous  ideal as individual targets
to study chem. evolution of galaxies distances Tracks by Maeder & Meynet (with and without rotational mixing)

49 Extragalactic stellar astronomy
Quantitative stellar spectroscopy of individual stars in galaxies beyond the Local Group Extragalactic stellar astronomy Properties of stellar populations Evolution of galaxies Chemical abundance and abundance pattern gradients Interstellar extinction Distances Dark matter content

50 NGC 300 2 Mpc

51 Cycle 11 HST/ACS imaging blue supergiants Bresolin et al. 2005

52 FORS/VLT spectra Bresolin, Gieren, Kudritzki et al. 2002 ApJ 567, 277

53 Bresolin, Kudritzki, Mendez, Przybilla 2001, ApJ Letters 548, L159
NGC 7Mpc HST/ACS 0.2 & 0.5 solar metallicity models A0 Ia star V = MV = -9 NGC 7 Mpc FORS/VLT multi-object spectroscopy NGC 3621 FORS/VLT @ 7 Mpc Bresolin, Kudritzki, Mendez, Przybilla 2001, ApJ Letters 548, L159

54 Massive stars O B0-3 B4-A3 I -V I I (with and without Tracks by
Maeder & Meynet (with and without rotational mixing)

55 outline stellar atmospheres and diagnostic methods
parameters and winds of hot massive stars the first stars population synthesis at high redshift IR spectroscopy of massive stars in the GC a new distance to M33 from eclipsing binaries the B supergiant companion to SN 1993J in M81 eclipsing binaries, SN, LBVs, Miras in the local universe and Pan-STARRS stellar abundances: from the Local Group to 7 Mpc new spectroscopic distance determination method

56 2. Diagnostics of massive stars
effects of stellar winds on spectra and SEDs effects of NLTE basic concept of hot star model atmospheres

57 Spectral diagnostics of massive stars
diagnostic problem: high luminosity  enormous energy and momentum density of radiation field NLTE stellar winds Model atmospheres and radiative transfer detailed NLTE treatment radiation-hydrodynamics of line-driven winds spherical extension

58 Pauldrach, Puls, Kudritzki et al. 1994,
UV spectrum of O4 supergiant z Puppis Pauldrach, Puls, Kudritzki et al. 1994, SSRev, 66, 105

59 P Cygni profiles and stellar winds
Wind in front of star Scattered photons from envelope Total line profile λ

60 P Cygni profiles and vinfinity
fit of v∞ ± 5% accuracy Kudritzki & Puls, 2000, AARA 38, 613

61 P Cygni profiles and mass-loss
Kudritzki & Puls, 2000, AARA 38, 613

62 P Cygni profiles and metallicity
Galaxy LMC SMC Kudritzki, 1998

63 A-supergiant in M31 – stellar wind
McCarthy, Kudritzki, Venn, Lennon,Puls 1997, ApJ 482, 757 Keck, Hires

64 Hα emission B superrgiant – stellar wind
Model calculation Kudritzki et al. 1999, A&A 350, 970

65 Hα emission O-star _ M Model calculation Variation of by ± 20%
Kudritzki & Puls, 2000, AARA 38, 613

66 atmospheric velocity field
log vwind high , vwind > vth _ M low , vwind < vth _ M log τ Kudritzki 1998

67 atmospheric density structure
log ρ low _ M high _ M log τ Kudritzki 1998

68 FUV- and IR- excess through winds
effects on ionization! Gabler, Gabler, Kudritzki, Puls, Pauldrach, 1989, A&A 226, 162

69 Lyman continuum of B-stars
effects of winds on ionization !! Najarro, Kudritzki, Cassinelli, Stahl, Hillier 1996, A&A 306, 892

70 Hα and _ M

71 Hγ and _ M

72 HeI 4471 and _ M

73 HeII 4542 and _ M

74 X-ray emission of hot, massive stars
all O- stars show X-ray emission LX/LBol ≈ 10-7, but large scatter hypothesis: hot shocks in stellar wind emit X-rays X-rays affect stellar wind ionization  OVI, SVI, NV wind models need to include X-rays study of X-ray emission (Kudritzki et al., 98) ROSAT X-ray SEDS and radiative transfer model randomly distributed shocks imbedded into winds

75 time dependent stellar wind radiation-hydro  shocks (Owocki et al
time dependent stellar wind radiation-hydro  shocks (Owocki et al., 1988; Feldmeier, 1997)

76 X-ray emission of hot, massive stars
all O- stars show X-ray emission LX/LBol ≈ 10-7, but large scatter hypothesis: hot shocks in stellar wind emit X-rays X-rays affect stellar wind ionization  OVI, SVI, NV wind models need to include X-rays study of X-ray emission (Kudritzki et al., 98) ROSAT X-ray SEDS and radiative transfer model randomly distributed shocks imbedded into winds

77 Calculated spectra and ROSAT observations
Feldmeier, Kudritzki et al., 1997 ζ Pup, O4 If ι Ori O9 III Mon O7 V theory convolved with ROSAT FWHM ● ROSAT

78 X-ray Luminosity of O-stars
Correlated with log L and cooling length Kudritzki et al., 1998

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