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Peter Krüger University of Nottingham
Atom chips Peter Krüger University of Nottingham
Atom chips: concept Microfabrication Quantum optics Atom chip
Neutral atoms: weak interaction with the environment internal structure provides handles for manipulation standard industrial process integration of different and complex components possible Atom chip Integrated matter wave device for the control & manipulation of complex quantum systems
Atom chips: miniaturized atom optics
Degenerate quantum gases in low dimensions Surface probes/atom-surface interaction robust complex structures steep trapping potentials at low currents & voltages high trap gradients & frequencies high aspect ratios (reduced dimensions) non-trivial topologies high tailoring resolution at low atom-surface distances Precision measure-ments: interferometry Quantum dynamics: single/few atoms, QIP
Outline Atom chips: A toolbox for complex matter wave manipulation
Surface effects: coupling cold atoms – hot surfaces, rough potentials Application: Chip based atom interferometry Current routes: hybrid systems, low dimensional quantum gases in complex geometries
Manipulating potentials
Tools & Techniques Manipulating potentials
Microscopic potentials
Magnetic interaction current carrying wires: very versatile micro magnets: strong quiet field tight confinement Electric interaction additional degree of freedom together with magnetic traps: state dependent Light fields state independent guides and traps, modified by electric and magnetic fields from the microstructures Integration with other techniques cavity QED nano-optics, nano electronics, MEMs
Basic magnetic traps U-trap: U-MOT Z-trap: Ev. cooling, BEC
Superimpose field of current carrying wire with homogeneous bias field gives guiding potential + = U-trap: Quadrupole minimum Bmin=0 U-MOT Ioffe-Pritchard minimum (harmonic bottom) Bmin>0 Z-trap: Ev. cooling, BEC
Scaling laws Trap position (μm, G, mA) Confinement (gradient) w h wire Tolerated diss. heat Heat sink (substrate) Values of j (>107 A/cm2) possible for chip based wires, like superconductors
duration of sequence: 250ms
Magnetic fields Side guide Folman, P. K., Cassettari, Hessmo, Maier, Schmiedmayer, PRL 2000 5mm duration of sequence: 250ms Omni directional guide Luo, P. K., et al. Opt. Lett. 2004
Electric fields Combined electric & magnetic interaction
U(r) = gF mF µB B(r) – ½ a E(r)2 Electrostatic interaction does not depend on mF always attractive Typical orders of magnitude (7Li) UB [µK] 67 B [G] UE [µK] 98 E2 [V/µm] + HV electrodes side guide wire + Magnetic side guide (1.6A / 44G) is modulated along axis of free movement by means of electric fields (300V) Periodic potentials (λ<1μm possible) P. K. et al., PRL 2003
Optical fields Arrays of microtraps: lattice with individual site addressability Birkl et al. Standing wave formed by near-resonant red detuned (2-3nm) beam impinging the surface at an angle close to vertical High transverse frequencies (>100 kHz) possible, single well loadable 2d thermal gases and 2d BEC possible
Surface effects Problem or virtue ?
Setup Atom Chip 87Rb U-MOT Cu-”U” replaces quadrupole coils for MOT:
Iw = 55 A, Bb = 8 G >3 108 atoms in ~ 15s > 105 atoms in BEC in various traps BEC may be transferred or formed on site ‘H’: U/Z Broad U Wildermuth, P. K., Becker, Brajdic, Haupt, Kasper, Folman, Schmiedmayer, PRA (R) 2004
Surface effects: technical current noise
Coupling between hot surface (300K) and cold atoms (nK) via noisy currents at Larmor frequency (spin flip losses) trap frequency (heating) Over-exponential rapid decay for small h (attractive surface pot.) See also Lin et al., PRL 2004 theory (bulk) theory (layer) Theory by C. Henkel, predicts losses due to thermal current noise as a function of distance data taken near flat current carrying wire Lifetimes longer than predicted for bulk Shorter than expected for layer Residual technical noise
Thermal current noise Johnson noise in conductors leads to magnetic near field fluctuations Rotation of bias field allows to place clouds close to conducting layer (z), but far from current carrying structure (d) Separation between technical and thermal noise possible (in principle) Large d result in low trapping frequencies, surface induced evaporation kicks in at higher z
Fragmented clouds near surfaces
Tübingen (Cu) Sussex/London (Al) Jones et al., PRL 2003 Orsay (Au) Fortagh et al., PRA (R) 2002 MIT (Cu) Experiment: Estève et al., PRA 2004 Theory: Wang et al., PRL 2004 Leanhardt et al., PRL 2002
Chip surfaces and fragmentation
Wire imperfections cause non-straight current flow and potential roughness 200nm 100nm Groth, P. K. et al., APL 2004
Potential roughness characterization
Distance from wire (microns) 1d limit TOF in spite of roughness, cloud stays continuous over 1 millimeter (width ~ 100 nm), aspect ratio ~10 000 P. K et al., PRA 2007
1d BEC as sensitive surface probe
Two dimensional map of local disorder fields measured with BECs near a broad wire
Field maps & current reconstruction
100μm wide wire wire-atom distance 10μm (determines spatial resolution), may be smaller parallel disorder field components corresponding to current density components perpendicular to wire direction sensitivity ΔB/B ~ 10-6 (10-13 eV) reconstruction of high resolution current density map in conductors
Magnetic imaging: comparison
Magnetic Field sensitivity: ΔB = γ ΔN / (ρ02z0) γ = 9.29·10-29 Tm3 For 87Rb atoms in the |F=2,mF=2> state ρ0=z0 =1μm a sensitivity of ΔB = 1nT is possible. By changing to a different atom with higher mass and/or by tuning the scattering length ascat to close to zero using a Feshbach resonance a significant increase in sensitivity can be achieved. Wildermuth, Hofferberth, Lesanovsky, Haller, Andersson, Groth, Bar-Joseph, P. K., Schmiedmayer, Nature 2005
Coherent manipulation
measuring phases and phase correlations interferometrically
Beam splitters Interferometer potential Time dependent beam splitter
Electric beam splitter
New type of beam splitter
Idea: use DC magnetic trap and couple different magnetic states with RF fields adiabatic potentials mF=+1/2 mF=-1/2 mF=+1/2 mF=-1/2 Ioffe field resonance condition shifts potential the crossing is at a position where controlled by RF frequency ‘mF=+1/2 ‘mF=-1/2 coupling term creates level repulsion the levels are repelled by creating an effective Ioffe field, controlled by RF amplitude
Radio frequency beam splitter
RF coupling term creates level repulsion BECs can be split in separated double well over wide range (2-80 μm) min. distance of wells given by trap ground state size structures can be much larger state dependent coupling Zobay, Garraway, PRL 2001 Experiments with thermal atoms: Colombe et al., Europhys. Lett. 2004 Relevance of polarization: Schumm et al., Nature Physics 2005
Fringes and coherence split BECs expand and fall under gravity after trapping potential is turned off information on contrast and phase of interference patterns multiple realizations show constant phase relation of completely split (no tunneling) BECs Schumm, Hofferberth, Andersson, Wildermuth, Groth, Bar-Joseph, Schmiedmayer, P.K., Nature Physics 2005
Low dimensional gases and hybrid systems
Current routes Low dimensional gases and hybrid systems
1d Bose gases Transverse confinement strong enough, so that for 87Rb
One dimensional gases on atom chips
100 µm Z wire 50 µm Z wire 10 µm RF antenna I 25 µm U wires transverse imaging longitudinal At ~50 microns from the wire very elongated (aspect ratios > 1000) smooth BECs can be formed 100μm 1d: μ ω
Momentum distribution: TOF
Momentum distribution of the ground state ? μ ω Experiment: Measure density dependence of transverse cloud width after TOF expansion Fragmented cloud gives (almost) single shot measurement of large density span
1d time of flight: widths
F. Gerbier, EPL 2005 Even in purely 1d, there is a mean field correction
Finite T: bimodal 1d clouds
If the expansion for both a quasi-BEC and a thermal cloud is gaussian, how can they be distinguished (kT ~ ω) ? Discern the interferable fraction ! cold hot Fourier transform
1d gases at finite temperature
Time evolution coupled uncoupled Schumm et al., Nature Physics 2005
t=0ms t=4ms t=8ms coupled uncoupled Schumm et al., Nature Physics 2005 Hofferberth et al., Nature 2008
Interferometers and rings
Fully integrated wave guide interferometer: RF amplitude controls splitting distance A single RF current can provide varying RF amplitude if its width is adjusted Lesanovsky, Schumm, Hofferberth, Andersson, P. K., Schmiedmayer, PRA 2006 Ring and torus geometries: Static magnetic (quadrupole) rings can be modified with RF fields Possibilities include homogeneous 2d torus surfaces, 1d rings, toroidal and poloidal stirring, 2 (coupled) rings, … Fernholz, Gerritsma, P.K., Spreeuw, PRA 2007
New group & experiments at Nottingham
Non-trivial potentials, topologies Surface probes, atom-surface interaction/coupling Hybrid atom-semiconductor chips Chip based atom-light interfaces
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