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Выполнила: Грачёва Дарья. 7д класс

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1 Выполнила: Грачёва Дарья. 7д класс
Vitus Jonassen Bering (August 12, 1681 in Horsens, Denmark – 19 December 1741, Bering Island, Russia) Выполнила: Грачёва Дарья. 7д класс

2 Biography Vitus Bering was born in 1681 in the Danish city of Horsens, graduated from the cadet corps in Amsterdam in 1703, in the same year he entered the Russian service with the rank of second lieutenant, after a trip to the East Indies, and served in the Russian Baltic Fleet during the Great Northern War . Vitus Jonassen Bering was a Danish navigator in the service of the Russian Navy, a captain-komandor known among the Russian sailors as Ivan Ivanovich.


4 After a voyage to the East, he joined the fleet of the Russian Navy as a sublieutenant in 1703, serving in the Baltic Fleet during the Great Northern War. In 1710–1712 he served in the Azov Sea Fleet in Taganrog and took part in the Russo-Turkish War. He became engaged to a Russian woman, and in 1715 he made a brief visit to his hometown, never to see it again.

5 In 1707, promoted to lieutenant
In 1707, promoted to lieutenant. In 1710 he was transferred to the Azov fleet, made ​​a captain, lieutenant, commander of snows "Munker." In he served in the Russian Navy and the Sea of ​​Azov in the war with Turkey. In 1712 he was transferred to the Baltic Fleet, in 1715 and promoted to captain rank 4. In 1713, in Viborg married Anna Christina, daughter of one of the local burghers . The last time the Bering visited the country in 1715 and did not return there any more. In 1716, commanded the ship "Pearl". In 1717, promoted to commander. In 1719 commanded the ship "Selafail." In 1720, promoted to captain 2 rank, commanded the ship "Malburg", then - the ship "Forest". In 1724, dismissed the petition on separation, and then re-hired by the commander "Selafaila" a captain 1st rank.

6 The First Kamchatka Expedition
In January 1725 Peter I of Russia asked Bering to command the first Kamchatka expedition. First Kamchatka Expedition journey from Petersburg to Okhotsk, two years from January 1725 to January in Siberia, on horseback, on foot, by river boats. Then the expedition has transported equipment for boats to the mouth of the Kamchatka River on the east coast of the peninsula. In July-August 1728 the ship rose to the north, and then - in the north-east along the mainland. During the voyage have been mapped Karaginsky bay with an island, the bay of the Cross, Providence Bay, Anadyr Gulf and the island of St. Lawrence. Karaginsky bay Providence Bay The bay of the Cross Anadyr Gulf

7 The Second Kamchatka Expedition
In 1733, Bering was appointed to lead the Second Kamchatka Expedition. Vitus Bering and Aleksei Chirikov had to cross Siberia and from Kamchatka to go to North America to study its coast. During the expedition completed mapping of the Kuril Islands and found a sea route to Japan. Kuril Islands Sea route to Japan

8 Vitus Bering died on December 8
Vitus Bering died on December 8. He is noted for being the first European to discover Alaska and its Aleutian Islands. The Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, Bering Island, Bering Glacier and the Bering Land Bridge are named for the explorer.

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