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Presentation on theme: "REGULAR EVALUATION OF ESTONIAN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Seminar REGULAR EVALUATION OF ESTONIAN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT September Medical and Health Sciences Boye L. Jensen Institute for Molecular Medicine University of Southern Denmark Odense

2 Who am I 1992 M.D. 1995 PhD, Univ. of Copenhagen
1997 Post doc, Regensburg Germany 2001 Dr. med. Univ. Southern Denmark 2011 Professor Evalution panel member Norwegian Clinical Research 11-12 Evaluate applications for the Danish Heart Association and Swedish Research Council and ad hoc for UK, Dutch, Israeli, swedish funding bodies

3 Tasks University of Tartu NICPB NIHD TTU Protobios
… assess the level of research and development in medical and health sciences at different R&D institutions according to internationally recognized criteria. University of Tartu NICPB NIHD TTU Protobios The competence center for cancer research Prof Ronald Maughn Loughbororugh, UK Prof Ole J. Bjerrum Copenhagen, DK

4 Institutions visited National Institute for Health Development-NIHD
Tartu University – Faculty of Medicine Tallinn University of Technology Protobios National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics NICPB

5 Infrastructure Very impressive! New and restructured older buildings
Technical equipment excellent Ample space Animal housing and facilities Biobanks At several places very open atmosphere with sharing of research infrastructure At other places, groups were in non-biological environments

6 Collaborative efforts
Societal needs were not clearly incorporated in research strategies at some institutions Lack of explicit strategies to integrate with existing facilities/groups in other areas in Estonian R&D Start-up shared facilities, teaching and employees with university - less ”silo” thinking! Several groups and institutions had extensive EU and international networks Short distance from basic to applied and back again

7 New, exciting and forefront
A translational institute – ”from bench to bedside - and back again” great initiative! Genome center Start-up enterprise with significant connection to basic university research (projects, PhD candidates) Strong environmental medicine/ecotoxicology Incorporation of animal housing with modern experimental facilities in one unit Automated language recognition and translation platforms

8 Education of researchers - PhD
Result of separate meetings at 3 institutions Enthusiastic , devoted, loyal Recruited after open calls Worked independently with influence on projects Impression was that a non-hierarchical organization predominated Access to instrumention was good - although more collaboration and sharing was mentioned Greater recruitment from overseas should be a goal

9 Education of researchers - PhD
Career is hampered by +5 years completion time Better granting for exchange and travel to conferences Non-competitive salary for 5 years…… Soften the demand on NUMBER of publications Master student graduation times protracted…… Make incentives for MDs to obtain a PhD – more PhD candidates will promote clinical reasearch

10 Tech transfer and start ups
Collaboration and integration between hospitals and technical university Very active biomedical start-up with excellent infrastructure and collaboration in both directions Split positions reseach/clinic? Little pharma industry for drug development and clinical testing – what is done? We heard very little about patenting and entrepreneurship- is it integrated in health science curricula?

11 Publication activity Very diverse across and within institutions – uneven distribution of productivity Excellence at highest level present – Young researchers bringing knowledge and skills back from leading institutions in tenure track positions

12 Thanks for great hospitality and a well organized evaluation


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