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Cigarette Smoking. Cigarette Smoking Are these statements: True or False?

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Presentation on theme: "Cigarette Smoking. Cigarette Smoking Are these statements: True or False?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Cigarette Smoking

3 Are these statements: True or False?

4 Smoking less than 20 cigarettes each day won’t hurt you.

5 False!

6 Smoking damages your health

7 True!

8 Smoking damages your health
Heart disease Heart attacks Cancer Strokes …. and so many more illnesses

9 Smokers are more likely to die of heart and lung problems as people who don’t smoke.

10 True!

11 The drug Nicotine is found in Cigarettes.

12 True!

13 What’s in a cigarette?

14 People who do not smoke can be harmed by breathing in the smoke of others.

15 True!

16 Your body doesn’t grow if you smoke cigarettes.

17 False!

18 Smoking is cool

19 False!


21 Yellow teeth

22 Smelly hair

23 Bad breath

24 Stinky clothes

25 Coughs

26 A waste of money

27 وانفقوا في سبيل الله ولاتلقوا بايديكم الى التهلكة واحسنوا ان الله يحب المحسنين
“be not cast by your own hands to ruin; and do good. Lo! Allah loveth the beneficent.” (Al-Baqarah 2:195 The Holy Qur'an)

28 References
(Elizabeth Ashton)

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