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Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China.
Objectives Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China. Describe the growth and structure of the Shang Dynasty. Describe Shang family structure, religion, and technology. Summarize the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty. Describe the spread of Indo-Europeans and their language. Identify the Hittite empire and effects of its technology on other societies. Summarize the Aryan invasion of India and the culture that arose as a result. Procedure: 2.4, 3.1 Bell Ringer: What are some of the things you know about China? Lecture/Discussion Homework Review Homework: Read Chapter 3.2, 3.3 and answer the questions at the end of each section. Guided Reading 2.4,3.1

2 Chapter 2 Section 4 River Dynasties in China
Early rulers introduce ideas about government and society that shape Chinese civilization

3 The Geography of China Barriers Isolate China River Systems
Ocean, mountains, deserts isolate China from other areas (1) River Systems Huang He (“Yellow River”) in north, Yangtze in south (1) Huang He leaves loess-fertile silt-when it floods


5 The Geography of China Environmental Challenges China’s Heartland
Huang He floods can devour whole villages (2) Geographic isolation means lack of trade; must be self-sufficient (2) China’s Heartland North China Plain, area between two rivers, center of civilization

6 Civilization Emerges in Shang Times
The First Dynasties Around 2000 B.C. cities arise; Yu, first ruler of Xia Dynasty Yu’s flood control system tames Huang He (Yellow River) Shang Dynasty, 1700 to 1027 B.C., first to leave written records Early Cities Built cities of wood, such as Anyang-one of its capital cities (3) Upper classes live inside city; poorer people live outside (3) Shang cities have massive walls for military defense (3)


8 The Development of Chinese Culture
Chinese Civilization Sees China as center of world; views others as uncivilized The group is more important than the individual Family Family is central social institution; respect for parents a virtue (5) Elder males control family property (5) Women expected to obey all men, even sons (5) Social Classes King and warrior-nobles lead society and own the land (4)

9 The Development of Chinese Culture
Religious Beliefs Spirits of dead ancestors can affect family fortunes (6) Oracle bones used to consult gods; supreme god, Shang Di (6) Priests scratch questions on animal bones and tortoise shells Development of Writing Writing system uses symbols to represent syllables, not ideas (7) People of different languages can use same system Huge number of characters make system difficult to learn (7)

10 Detail of Chinese oracle bones


12 Zhou and the Dynastic Cycle
The Zhou Take Control In 1027 B.C., Zhou Dynasty takes control of China Mandate of Heaven Mandate of Heaven-belief that a just ruler had divine approval Developed as justification for change in power to Zhou Dynastic cycle-pattern of the rise and decline of dynasties


14 Zhou and the Dynastic Cycle
Control through Feudalism Feudalism-system where kings give land to nobles in exchange for services Over time, nobles grow in power and begin to fight each other

15 Zhou and the Dynastic Cycle
Improvements in Technology and Trade Zhou dynasty builds roads, canals to improve transportation (8) Uses coins to make trade easier (8) Produces cast iron tools and weapons; food production increases (8) A Period of Warring States Peaceful, stable Zhou empire rules from around B.C. to 256 B.C. In 771 B.C., nomads sack the Zhou capital, murder monarch Luoyang becomes new capital but internal wars destroy traditions

16 Bronze coins used to make trade easier

17 Chapter 3 People and Ideas on the Move, 2000 B.C. – 250 B.C.
Migrations by Indo-Europeans lead to major changes in trade and languages as well as to the foundations of three religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism

18 Voices from the Past Minos and the Minotaur: Fact of Fiction?
A Greek myth tells about Minos, king of an ancient civilization in Crete, and a half-man, half- bull monster called the Minotaur. But archaeological findings have revealed the myth may be grounded in fact.

19 Chapter 3 Section 1 The Indo-Europeans
Indo-Europeans migrate into Europe, India, and Southwest Asia and interact with peoples living there.

20 Indo-Europeans Migrate
Characteristics of Indo-Europeans Into-Europeans-nomadic, pastoral people; tamed horses, rode chariots May have come from the steppes (1)-dry grasslands north of the Caucasus mountains The Indo-European language Family Language ancestral to many modern languages of Europe and Asia English, Spanish, Persian, Hindu trace origins to original Indo-European Language groups settled in different areas


22 Indo-Europeans Migrate
An Unexplained Migration 1700 B.C. Indo-Europeans migrated, moved in all directions


24 The Hittite Empire The Hittite Arrival Hittites Adopt and Adapt
Hittites-a group of Indo-European speakers Take control of Anatolia (2) (Asia Minor) around 2000 B.C. City-states join to form empire; dominate Southwest Asia for 450 years Hittites Adopt and Adapt Borrowed ideas from Mesopotamian culture; adopted Babylonian language, take in city of Babylon (3) Chariots (4) and Iron Technology Hittites skilled in war; spread iron (5) technology by trade and conquest Empire falls around 1190 B.C. after attacks from northern tribes


26 Aryans Transform India
The Aryan People (6) Aryans-Indo-European people, enter Indus River Valley before 2000 B.C. Sacred writings, the Vedas, reveal much of their culture

27 Aryans Transform India
A Caste System Develops Aryans physically distinct from people of India Four castes (7), or groups based on occupation, develop: Brahmins (Priests) (8) Warriors Traders and landowners Peasants (9) People are born into their caste for life Hundreds of subgroups arise later


29 Aryans Transform India
Aryan Kingdoms Arise Aryans extend settlements to other river valleys Small kingdoms arise Magadha kingdom (10) unites all and spreads across India by 100 B.C. Epic Mahabharata reflects struggles in India as Aryan kings worked to control Indian lands


31 Scene of military combat, inspired by Mahabharata. India

32 Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China.
Objectives Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China. Describe the growth and structure of the Shang Dynasty. Describe Shang family structure, religion, and technology. Summarize the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty. Describe the spread of Indo-Europeans and their language. Identify the Hittite empire and effects of its technology on other societies. Summarize the Aryan invasion of India and the culture that arose as a result. Procedure: 2.4, 3.1 Bell Ringer: What are some of the things you know about China? Lecture/Discussion Homework Review Homework: Read Chapter 3.2, 3.3 and answer the questions at the end of each section. Guided Reading 2.4,3.1

33 Loess

34 Fertile soil

35 Oracle Bone

36 Animal bone used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate with the gods

37 Mandate of Heaven

38 Divine approval of the ruler

39 Dynastic Cycle

40 Pattern of rise, fall, and replacement of dynasties

41 Feudalism

42 A political system in which nobles, or lords, are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king.

43 Which even do you think was a turning point in Chinese History?

44 About 2000- B.C. First Chinese Cities are Built
1700 B.C.-Shang came into Power (turning point because of cultural innovations 1027 B.C.-Zhou come to power 771 B.C.-Zhou Dynasty Collapses

45 Between which two rivers is the heartland of China found?

46 Between the Huang He (Yellow) and Chang Jiang

47 What family obligations did a Chinese person have?

48 To respect and obey elders; women were to obey male relatives

49 How is the dynastic cycle connected to the Mandate of Heaven?

50 The Mandate of Heaven explained why events in the dynastic cycle happened.

51 Indo-Europeans

52 Group of nomadic peoples who came from the steppes

53 Steppes

54 Dry grasslands that stretched north of the Caucasus

55 Migration

56 Movements of a people from one region to another

57 Anatolia (Asia Minor)

58 A huge peninsula in modern-day Turkey that juts out into the Black and Mediterranean seas.

59 Aryans

60 Indo-European people whose home was somewhere between the Caspian and Aral seas

61 Vedas

62 Sacred Aryan literature

63 Brahmins

64 Priest

65 Caste

66 class

67 Mahabharata

68 Great epic (story) of India, reflecting the struggles that took place in India as the Aryans moved south.

69 Why do so many languages originate from Indo-European roots?

70 Indo-Europeans migrated into Europe and Asia
English Spanish Persian Hindi Sanskrit Greek Indo-Europeans migrated into Europe and Asia

71 What were some of the technological achievements of the Hittites?

72 Better chariots, iron weapons

73 What were some of the borrowings of the Hittites?

74 Akkadian language, Mesopotamian literature, art, politics, law

75 Where did the Aryans come from when they arrived in India?

76 Over the northwest mountains

77 Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China.
Objectives Explain the effects of geography on cultural development in China. Describe the growth and structure of the Shang Dynasty. Describe Shang family structure, religion, and technology. Summarize the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty. Describe the spread of Indo-Europeans and their language. Identify the Hittite empire and effects of its technology on other societies. Summarize the Aryan invasion of India and the culture that arose as a result. Procedure: 2.4, 3.1 Bell Ringer: What are some of the things you know about China? Lecture/Discussion Homework Review Homework: Read Chapter 3.2, 3.3 and answer the questions at the end of each section. Guided Reading 2.4,3.1

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