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Date Calculus AB Ms. Brewer

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1 Date Calculus AB Ms. Brewer
1.4 Parametric Equations Date Calculus AB Ms. Brewer

2 Vocab/Formulas Relation: set of ordered pairs (x,y) of real numbers.
If x and y are functions of t (the parameter), you can use parametric mode in a calculator.

3 Example 1: Graph the half parabola using the parametric equations.
t x y Initial Point: Terminal Point: Direction in which curve is traced: Your calculator can only draw a parametric curve in a closed interval even when the curve has no endpoints!

4 Example 1: Find a Cartesian equation for the curve.

5 Vocab/Formulas Parametric Curve and Equations: If x and y are given as functions over an interval of t-values, then the set of points (x,y)=(f(t),g(t)) defined by these equations is a parametric curve. The equations are parametric equations. Parameter: t when a ≤ t ≤ b Parameter Interval

6 Parameterizing Circles and Ellipses

7 Example 2: Graph the parametric curve

8 Example 3: Draw and identify the graph of the parametric curve determined by:

9 Example 3: Confirm algebraically that this is a line.

10 Example 4: Graph the “Witch of Agnesi”
Example 4: Graph the “Witch of Agnesi”. See the history of Maria Gaetana Agnesi on pg. 33

11 Example 5: Find a parameterization for the line segment with endpoints (-2,1) and (3,5)

12 Assignment Pg , 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25

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