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Cascade Ridge Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "Cascade Ridge Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cascade Ridge Elementary
School Emergencies Cascade Ridge Elementary

2 What is an emergency? An emergency is an unexpected event that needs all adults and students to act quickly.

3 What do we do if there is an emergency?
Look for an adult. Follow any directions the adult gives us.

4 How do we follow directions during an emergency?
Step 1 - Stop talking. Step 2 - Look at the adult. Step 3 - Do whatever you are told without asking any questions.

5 Why can’t we ask questions during an emergency?
In an emergency, we need to act quickly to make sure everyone is safe. Hold your questions in your head. Once we are all safe and the emergency is over, we will answer them.

6 What kinds of emergencies will we practice?
Fire drills Earthquake drills Shelter in Place Lockdowns

7 Fire Drill Alarm goes off. Look for the closest adult.
Follow directions. Walk in a silent line to our safe spot. Wait for the fire department or our principal to let us know we are safe to go back into the building.

8 Earthquake Drill The ground is shaking. Drop and cover.
Stay silent and in place until the adult you are with asks you to get up. Evacuate the building like we do in a fire drill.

9 Shelter in Place An announcement is made over the intercom.
Find the closest room to go into. Follow the directions of the adult. Continuing to learn is ok. Stay inside until you hear an announcement or someone comes to your room.

10 Modified Lockdown Modified Lockdown An announcement is made
over the intercom Go into the nearest classroom. Follow the directions of the adult you are with. Keep on learning.

11 Full Lockdown Full Lockdown An announcement may or may not be made
Go into the nearest classroom. Follow the directions of the adult you are with. Learning stops and your job is to be silent. If the adult you are with thinks it would be safer to move to a different room or place, follow that adult.

12 Lockdowns During a lockdown your teacher may ask you to run to a safe spot or hide. Follow the directions of your teacher. Your teacher may have to keep you safe during a lockdown by fighting off a person trying to do harm. Remember, the job of your teacher and school staff is to keep you safe.

13 Why do we practice all these drills?
If we practice our drills, we will know exactly what to do no matter what. Your job is to be good listeners and to follow directions. We want everyone to be safe.

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