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Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)

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1 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
I. The Limit of the First Commission (vss. 5-7). A. The Gospel went first to the Jews (Acts 13:42-48). B. Paul provoked the Jews to (Romans 11:13-23).

2 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
II. Miraculous Gifts - Prior to the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (vs. 8). Mark 6:30 Luke 10:17-20 Matthew 11:1-5

3 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
III. Provision for Preaching (vss. 9-15). A. Dependence upon the support of others (vss. 9-11). Matthew 6:25-30 B. Rejection of the message (vss ). 1. No pearls to swine (Matthew 7:6). 2. No share in misdeeds (II John 9-11).

4 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
IV. Persecution for Christ’s Sake (vss ). A. Persecution from the Jews (vss ). B. Guidance of the Holy Spirit - before the outpouring on Pentecost (vss. 19,20). Acts 1:8 C. Hatred from All (vss ). D. Flee persecution (vs. 23).

5 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
V. The Disciple is like the Master (vss ). I Peter 4:12-14

6 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
VI. Do not Fear Men (vss ). A. The Body & the Soul in perspective (vs. 28). II Corinthians 4:16 B. God’s care even in persecution (vss ). Romans 8:35-37 C. Confession of Jesus (vss ). I John 4:15

7 Jesus’ Instructions to the Twelve (Matthew 10:5-42)
VII. The Gospel and Family (vss ). VIII. Take up the Cross (vss ). IX. Receiving Christ (vss ). John 1:11-13; I Corinthians 15:1 II Corinthians 6:1; II Thessalonians 2:10

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