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Getting to and Using our Data

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1 Getting to and Using our Data
by Tom Whittaker University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC/CIMSS for the Workshop on Satellite Data Applications and Information Extraction August, 2003

2 The New Tools What’s common? Focus tools: Network enabled
Java and Python No end-user cost Focus tools: VISITview Unidata’s IDV NASA’s I.C.E. Hyper-spectral tools

3 VISITview Developed for NWS/NESDIS teletraining
used by FMI, ABoM, WMO, others AnimationS (AniS) applet spin-off Used for realtime collaborations Distance-learning Weather briefings Easy to use from your desktop On-line, always-available collaborations


5 Unidata’s Integrated Data Viewer
Building a software toolkit framework for education community Community-driven development VisAD component library Remote and local data access in variety of formats Collaborations and scripting built-in IDV is first application - still evolving 5-year development project Designed to replace existing user applications (Gempak, WXP, McIDAS, etc.)




9 NASA’s Image Composite Editor
Developed at SSEC for NASA Earth Observatory Provides flexible display and analysis of satellite images configurable modes: color combinations, arithmetic combinations, animation, static display integrated analysis tools: scatter plots (2D/3D), histograms (2D/3D), transect, area coverage, more to come… Designed for browser-based, public use



12 Hyper-spectral Analysis
“Third-generation” toolkit for scientists VisAD data model and displays Seamless scripting through Python Key elements: Integration of disparate data (MODIS, S-HIS, etc.) Local or remote data access Easy user extensibility Partition work in clustered environments Evolves to meet needs Developers working with scientists



15 The Future - is Here! Remote data access of desired sub-sets
DODS/OpeNDAP, ADDE, ... WMS, WFS, .… THREDDS cataloging to locate data Spatial and temporal integration Convergence of traditional atmospheric data with GIS Consistent Data Model essential Convenient, network-enabled collaborations End-user configurability

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