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Assessing Risk in Sport

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1 Assessing Risk in Sport
Unit-3 Assessing Risk in Sport By Aisha Henderson

2 Health and Safety at work Act 1974
The health and safety at work act 1974 is usually known as the HSW which is the main legislation for the U k. Which places a duty on all work place employers to ensure the health and safety and welfare at work for their employees. Health and safety (First Aid) Regulations (1981) Requires employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they take ill or are injured at work. These legislations apply to all workplaces with less than 5 employees and self employed staff. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE, 2002) PPE is where employers have the duty to provide protective equipment to all there employees. The equipment includes safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE). All employers need to provide these for their employees as they will be reliable if anything affects there health and safety or well being. Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority Regulations (2004) The Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority Regulations 2004 is also know as AALA which makes sure that all activity providers follow safety management practices. These should allow young people to experience exciting and stimulating activities outdoors without being exposed to avoidable risks of death or disabling injury

3 Regulatory Bodies. The HSE: is responsible for the enforcing, encouraging and regulating health and safety at workplace's for example building sites, sports centres, sports grounds, centres and many more. Local authorities: has the same job as HSE enforcing health and safety in the work place. Local education authorities: Local authorities education have a key role in the delivery of sport and play in local communities and are working in partnership to deliver through voluntary organisations, county sports partnerships and community sports networks. Police: HSE works with police leaders across GB to ensure that significant health and safety risks from operational activities are managed effectively by integrating health and safety considerations into operational decision making and risk management. AALA: Adventure activities licensing ensures that activity providers follow good safety management practices Governing bodies to sport: A sports governing body is a sports organisation that has a regulatory or sanctioning function. Sports governing bodies come in various forms, and have a variety of regulatory functions.

4 Legal Factors Statutory laws vary from regulatory or administrative laws that are passed by executive agencies, and common law, or the law created by prior court decisions. Civil law is a branch of the law. In common law countries such as England, Wales, and the United States, the term refers to non-criminal law. The law relating to civil wrongs and quasi-contracts is part of the civil law. Case law is when a similar case has occurred previously and the accused person is prosecuted in a similar mannor to a previous case. Loco parentis means in place of the parent. Which means a teacher or organisation have the same duty of care as a responsible parent would. Duty of care in sport means that all the individuals in sport have a duty of care for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions. Higher Duty of care is when the employer or employees have a duty of care towards other people wherever there is potential risk/danger. This means they have a legal obligation to eliminate potential risks/dangers Negligence is conduct that falls below a reasonable person standard. In other words, it is the failure to exercise reasonable care that a reasonable person would have in the same or similar circumstances.

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