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: A precarious time for Tibet

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1 1750-1919: A precarious time for Tibet
Social, political and economic revolutions create “modern” states Societies at crossroads: reaction to growing power of “modern” states Imperialism Nationalism

2 Tibet & the Manchus

3 Tibet & the Manchus A Manchu warrior Tibet a “protectorate”
“salutary neglect” dalai lamas #9-12 all “died” young--hmm! Tibet closed to foreigners after 1850 A Tibetan soldier shoots at a British trader A Manchu warrior

4 The “Great Game” in the Himalayan Region
Rivalry between Russia and GB to control Central Asia combined with national & imperial aspirations of Himalayan peoples makes for a complicated scenario Afghanistan was created as a buffer state to separate British India from Russia. What happened to Tibet?

5 Britain & Tibet, The problem: to achieve its ends GB had to negotiate with Tibetan officials but legitimize any deals with China The Younghusband expedition, 1903 the gospel of free trade Tibet’s attempt to militarily block British access resulted in defeat & loss of Sikkim Dalai lama refused to open British letters, GB troops to Lhasa Dalai lama to Mongolia in attempt to gain support from czar, officials negotiate with GB Anglo-tibetan accord not signed by Manchu amban Greater issues (Russia & hong kong) cause modification and reaffirm Tibet’s subordination tp China Tibetan cabinet

6 Agvan Dorjiev: No one’s puppet
A Buryiat Mongol (Siberia) Westerners couldn’t fathom that a citizen of one of their empires could have his own agenda! Teacher of 13th dalai lama who forged connections to Czarist Russia Dreamed of a Pan-Buddhist/ Pan-Mongol state. Initiated treaties between Russia and Mongolia & Mongolia & Russia neither with Russia’s permission.

7 China reacts to British encroachment
Enfeebled Manchu gov’t began process of (C,E,P)sinicization 1910 invasion sends 13th dalai lama into exile again. But trouble brewing for Manchu rulers. Chinese blamed them for China’s humiliations

8 Collapse of Qing Empire means Tibetan “independence”
De jure or de facto or neither? 1914 Simla Accord China doesn’t recognize a free Tibet but too preoccupied with its own problems to do anything about it. Conservative forces v. modernizers mean lack of concrete direction that may have made a difference. How do the symbols on Tibet’s flag reflect national identity?

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