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The Standard Analysis chain

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Presentation on theme: "The Standard Analysis chain"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Standard Analysis chain
Maybe will be Online Analysis later Pedestal calculation seems stable Calibration ? (New box and algos / Test) Signal extraction (adaptation for shift in peak) Camera rotation (Automatic procedures Javier L. / Daniel M.) Ways to parameterize and input Hillas parameters and static cuts False source plots and

2 The Standard Analysis chain
Questions Should run for 1 night worth of data Make flow diagram How many data to combine (30 minutes?) Which checks to perform on data sanity

3 Next Steps to implement /check
Check consistency of rotation of Crab / Mrk 421 data (can be done by inexperienced people) Compare results from different groups Make a systematic study of different cleaning procedures (Plots of Hillas parameters) Make a systematic study of signal extraction algorithms (size comparisons for same events, MC comparisons)

4 Next Steps to implement /check
Search for Ying/Yang events (Like shown by Nadia). Do we have Ying/Yang events in February / March / April data. Write a MACRO to find them and count them. Study of hot FADC racks (Correlation of Pedestal RMS with FADC crate number) Study of effects of individual cuts

5 Checks for DC current analysis
Check of HV regulation on DC currents First look of improvement in PSF in March data Look at data with focus at infinity Check of DC light calibration / flat fielding (Has it been done in the data?)

6 Checks on Pedestal calculation
Search for Stars using RMS values Test of automatic procedure (MACRO) with February / March / April data Comparison of pedestal RMS (no star area) with trigger rate

7 Calibration analysis Check of effects of HV regulation
Study of calibration factors for different HVs Comparison of 1 green (Why is March calibration consistent with February data but DC-currents not) Test of automatic procedure (MACRO) with February / March / April data

8 Easy Data-Checks to implement
Image of pixels tagged as used pixels (Number of times pixel was used in Analysis for data runs) Image of pixels with different levels of signal (Number pixel hat more the 100 photons signal) Hit distribution on trigger Macro-Cells Hit distribution on FADC crate number

9 New Work on MC calculations
Study of missing pixels (How do distributions change due to bad pixels, 15th of February data) Write a MC to study the response of one PM (full diploma work). Include QE variations, signal fluctuations, WL dependance, Winston cones, etc.) MC study of NSB / Starfield effects

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