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Welcome to Third Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade


3 Reading in Class Reading at Home Build stamina Expand vocabulary
Increase fluency/speed Improve comprehension Develop love of reading Reading at Home Every night


5 Writing- Most of the writing
is done in their Writer’s Notebook. At least one writing piece will be published each nine weeks, as the student selects a favorite draft. making revisions, and editing for a final publication. Cursive- We will focus on two letters a week.

6 Each week we will explore
an instructional spelling skill that follows a pattern. The student will have opportunities to make new words and apply these words in their writing. Assessment We do not test the skill through traditional spelling tests that encourage memorization; instead through authentic writing and application.

7 Daily Morning Work-TEKS Target Practice and Target the Question
Multiplication Facts MUST be memorized through 10X10 Problem Solving/Problem Solving Strategies-word problems are HUGE this year 38 +47 ____

8 Science Fair (optional, highly encouraged)
Observation Journals Safety in the Lab Scientific Tools Matter Ecosystems Life cycles Recycling Sun, Earth, and Moon Changes to the Earth Force and Friction

9 Local Communities §Maps Local Government Citizenship Economics Inventors Living Library Cultural Celebrations Recycle Sale

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