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Prepared by Ahlam Mahadeen M&E officer

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1 Prepared by Ahlam Mahadeen M&E officer
Community Development Concept Participatory Approach& IN Agricultural Resources Management Project Phase II  Prepared by Ahlam Mahadeen M&E officer

2 Project Objective. Improved food and water security and income levels of target group through effective local community development , Gender empowerment and best use & management for soil and water resources

3 Area and Target Group The project area is located in the southern highlands. Administratively, it covers the Governorates of Karak and Tafila and The districts of Shoubak, Wadi Musa and Ail of the Ma’an Governorate. The project have five (CSCs )covering all target area The project is targeting households ( people) comprising small and medium farmers, 2 700 rural landless and 6 100 other disadvantaged households.

4 Project Area Karak Tafila
يعمل مشروع إدارة المصادر الزراعية المرحلة الثانية في المرتفعات الجنوبيـــــة من الأردن فـي الأراضي الزراعية ذات الميول من 0 – 40 % ومعدلات سقوط أمطار اكثر من 200 ملم في كل من: - محافظة الكرك, ألوية ( قصبة الكرك, عي, القصر, فقوع, المزار). - محافظة الطفيلة، لوائي ( قصبة الطفيلــة وبصيرا ). - محافظة معان، لوائي ( الشوبك و البتراء وقضاء ايل). تقوم إدارة المشروع في مدينة الربة بالعمل على تنفيذ ومتابعة أنشطة المشروع من خلال وحدات دعم المجتمعات المحلية الخمسة والموزعة كالتالي: - وحدة الكرك في مديرية زراعة محافظة الكرك . - وحدة القصر في مديرية زراعة لواء القصر . - وحدة المزار في مديرية زراعة لواء المزار الجنوبي . - وحدة الطفيلة في مديرية زراعة محافظة الطفيلة . - وحدة الشوبك في مديرية زراعة لواء الشوبك . Shoubak&Petra

5 Project Financing Benef. Source of finance Amount (million JD ) IFAD
8.195 IFAD 7.273 OPEC 7.810 GOV. 1.724 GEF 4.566 Benef. 29.568 TOTAL

6 Project Implementation Approach
The Project was adopted four major community development principles These four ‘pillars’ are summarised as follows:  1- A community participation approach, with priority being given to effectively involve disadvantaged community members (i.e., poor small farmers, landless and youth ) in the decision making process for all Project supported activities; 2-The participation of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to mobilize and select beneficiaries, and to plan and manage the Project supported activities; 3-Reinforcing the capacity of local institutions; and 4-Ensuring the active participation of women in Project supported activities through reinforcing their activities and their role in the community. .

7 Community Development and capacity BUILDING
The Project’s strategy as community participation approach, focused on those disadvantaged community members (i.e., poor small farmers, landless, and youth), so as to increase:  A-their role in identifying their own needs and priorities, the Project’s activities, and planning and managing development activities; and B-farmer’s sense of ownership and responsibility for infrastructure, and thereby enhance the sustainability of the development effort. The participatory planning or community participation is characterized by specific methodology, tools and operational terms. The Community Action Plan (CAP) is considered as the turning point in participatory methodology and is developed by a specialized project team through participatory planning processes .

8 Community Action Plan preparation steps
In the elaboration of CAPs there is four major steps : preparatory activities; participatory diagnosis; participatory planning and CAP and AWP elaboration; and implementation and monitoring.

9 Preparatory Activities
In order to prepare appropriate conditions at the community or village level, to allow for the population to play there expected role. The activities under the first step are:  1- preliminary identification of the concerned community (e.g., one village or more, group of scattered houses) and collection of survey data (e.g., population, farm lands, natural resources, productions); 2- the project area were divided to 55 villages and clustered villages as 2 proirties ( very poor & poor ) and(near to poor villages) .

10 3-information provided to the local leaders and the communities on the Project’s objectives and approach, This action has been done in one or more general meetings in the village (i.e., awareness campaigns) 4-identification/assessment of local organizations that as project stakeholders 5-assistance provided to the population to ellect ‘Local Community Committee’ (LCC) representing the existing cooperatives and charitable societies, and other informal interest groups, including women and youth

11 Participatory Diagnosis
* During the second step, the Project team collects and reviews the technical, social and economic data *Two types of diagnosis was conducted, one of them at the level of the village as a whole and the other at the level of LCC during this step they identify constraints, needs and proposed activities at the village level with the help of the project staff . . النهج التشاركي

12 Participatory Planning and CAPs elaboration
Based on the results of the Participatory Diagnosis, particularly the priority classification, the Project staff and interest group representatives, under the umbrella of the LCC , jointly identify there needs the actions and investments over a 3-year period. The activities under the Step 3 include: -3 years action plan activities include, prospective beneficiaries and stakeholders financial costs. - Adoption of an action plan by community groups in its final form which prepared by the communities LCC & project staff.

13 -Elaboration of an AWP&B for PY1 based on CAP proposals and priorities.
After the community’s adoption and validation of the AWP by the LCC, the results presented to Project management for confirmation. This formalization provides ownership of the AWP, and formalises the relationship, which is intended to enhance each party’s compliance with their respective obligations. The villages’ programmes would be collected for elaboration in the Project’s Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB).

14 Implementation and Monitoring
- Implementation based on AWP and follow-up. preparatory and support activities include: -Information/dispatching of CAPs to the CSCs and institutions in charge of implementation. - Support to the community to allow them to achieve the scheduled actions in the best conditions. - Coordination between the various parties involved in the implementation. - Follow-up on implementation progress against CAPs and AWPs; and elaboration of quarterly and annual progress reports in a context of the project continuous follow-up and evaluation.

15 -Regular meetings with local committees to verify the implementation and follow-up developments in the targeted villages. -During this phase adjusted plans and add any new activities and to exclude any activity can not be achieved for reasons - Review the CAPs after three years to measure the progress

16 Total NO. of prepared CAP’S and targeted villages for the project area by the field units
Notes No. Targeted villages NO. of prepared CAP’S UNIT 24 12 Karak Merge villages because ownership &activities overlapping 17 8 Mazar 16 9 Qaser 22 6 Tafila 27 13 Shoubak 106 48 Sum

17 Project Management Unit Implementation strategy
PMU Project Management Unit Land use planner Com. Development Rural Finance Agric. Extension Civil .Engineer Financial &Admin Support Staff Karak Mazar Qaser Tafila Shoubak Tech. Team Deve. Team FP FP FP FP FP CAP AWP LCC LCC LCC LCC LCC NGO’S Other projects Target group Implementation strategy

18 Lessons learned from community participatory approach at ARMPII
* Communities know their situation better than any party thus are better able to manage the development process. * participatory approach allow communities effectively sharing in situation analysis, thinking and planning for a better future * Respect the community diversity consider the most important principles of participatory approach

19 *Exceptional effort needed to integrate women and youth in all development stages
*maximizing benefit of traditional knowledge & practices learning and build on them. *The development process should be simple and fun to participate easily even illiterate

20 Constrains & challenges
*Conflicts of interest among some members of the local community *presence of tribal problems in some communities. *The continuity of the existence restrictions for women's participation in some of the villages and that limit their participation effectively. *Misconception to some individuals for their roles, which sometimes exceeded to intervene in matters of public


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