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8th Grade Georgia Trip October 20 -21, 2016.

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1 8th Grade Georgia Trip October , 2016

2 8th Grade Trip 2016 Trip correlates to the 8th grade GA Studies curriculum. Tours are through Mulvihill Tours- they provide coach buses and guides. Payment is September 9th. Students are to bring their payment and information form in an envelope to turn in to Mulvihill representative with all the trip paperwork. Student/Chaperone ratio is 12:1. Roommate requests are not guaranteed. School policy, dress code, and code of conduct still apply.

3 All Itinerary Information is Tentative
October 20th October 21st 8:40-Students should report to HBMS cafeteria with suitcase, lunch, spending money. 9:00- Depart from HBMS -Students must bring their own lunch. We will eat lunch on the bus. 2:00-3:00- Fort Jackson (Program) 3:30-4:30- Shopping Time on River Street 4:30-5:30-1st African Baptist Church visit 6:00-7:00-Dinner at Mall (cash provided) 7:30-9:00-River Boat Cruise 9:30 PM--Hotel check in Boys-Country Inn and Suites/ Girls-Spring Hill Suites 5:30- Wake up time 6:00-6:30- Breakfast 7:00-Depart for Middle Georgia 11:30-12:30- Andersonville National Prison Site 12:30-1:00- Subway lunch Picnic 1:30-2:30- Plains w/ Jimmy Carter Tour 6:30-7:30-- Arrive back at Haynes Bridge Middle (Students will be instructed to call home when we are an hour away from the school. Student may want have a snack for the return trip.)

4 THINGS TO KNOW!! Arrive at Haynes Bridge at normal time Thursday. We will depart at 9:00 am. Please plan to pick up on Friday at 6:00pm at Haynes Bridge (students will call from the buses). Students need to eat breakfast before leaving home Thursday or they can eat school breakfast. Prescription and nonprescription medicines must be turned into Alan Handle by Friday, October 9, 2015. Students may bring electronic media devices with earphones to use on the bus. Please label these possessions. Students may bring cell phones. There will be expectations for proper usage. Students must be responsible for their electronic devices.

5 Things to Know!! Students must bring a composition book and pen for journaling while on the trip. Students will be responsible for transporting their own belongings. Limit luggage to one piece labeled with student’s name. Students may bring a pillow and daypack for the bus. Students need to dress in school appropriate attire. Wear comfortable closed toe shoes such as tennis shoes. Shorts need to be at finger tip length or longer. No spaghetti strap shirts allowed unless worn under another shirt or jacket. No clothes with rips tears or holes. No hats worn inside any building.

6 Students should pack a warm jacket or sweatshirt and long pants
Students should pack a warm jacket or sweatshirt and long pants. Remember that once students leave the hotel in the morning, there will be no opportunity to change clothes throughout the day. Please bring enough clothes and toiletries for three days. The girls and boys will be staying on separate floors/ hotels. The chaperone rooms will be on the same floors as the students. Students are expected to stay in their room.

7 More Info!! Students may not use the hotel phones except to call their chaperone if there is a problem. Specific information as to contact numbers and hotel address will be provided closer to the time. Students are expected to adhere to the Fulton County and Haynes Bridge Code of Conduct while on the trip. Students are responsible for handling their own money. The students only need to bring money for souvenirs or snack items. All meals are covered in the cost of the trip. We ask that each student donate one dollar minimum for a collection to thank the bus drivers.

8 Still more… If an item is considered inappropriate or disruptive, it will be confiscated and given to parents upon our return.

9 Paperwork Packets with forms and information will be in the front office or may be found on the Haynes Bridge web site. Forms must be returned at the time payment is submitted. These include Roommate Request, Parent Consent, Medical Information, Emergency Medical Consent, Medical Insurance, Prescription Instructions, Medication Authorization and Videotape Permission.

10 Who to call- Questions prior to trip date-call Rashida Armstrong Emergency numbers during the trip-will be provided closer to the trip.

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