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Planning Jada Stalling Rodnesha Dover Rheanna Joseph.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Jada Stalling Rodnesha Dover Rheanna Joseph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Jada Stalling Rodnesha Dover Rheanna Joseph

2 Schedule 2/15/17 - 2/28/17: We intend to begin filming Friday the 17th and hopefully continue throughout the weekend of the 18th and 19th. Our goal is to have all of the footage we need but the roughly two week period will allow us to film any stray scenes we may be missing. We will film scenes in order of matching locations for convenience 3/1 – 3/9: We will start editing as soon as we have enough footage to string scenes together but the majority of the process will take place in this period after filming is over. 3/10 – 3/30: We will perfect our project and fill any holes we need to. Our reflection questions will then be completed within this two week period and we, if everything goes according to plan, will be done before Cambridge’s due date.

3 Shooting Script Scene 1 Sound- instrumental to Gives You Hell (non-diegetic) Person 1 walking (long shot) Sound- Monologue starts Cut to Person walking and saying hi to another passerby (long close up) Lighting- natural Scene 2 Sound- Monologue and instrumental continue (non-diegetic) Person 2 sitting on a couch picks nose after few seconds (Medium close up) Looks at finger in disgust Cut to close up of taking a picture of finger and sending to Person 1 Light- Lamp

4 Shooting Script Scene 3 Sound- Monologue and instrumental continue (non-diegetic) Person 1 still walking receives message and checks phone to see picture (Medium shot) Looks disgusted and continues walking before looking around and picking his own nose Turns into an apartment Lighting- natural Scene 4 Sound- non-diegetic instrumental fades and diegetic phone ringing takes place Person 1 walks into house and sits on couch with Person 2 (medium shot) Person 1 acknowledges ringing phone Neither pick it up Clock shows hours passing

5 Shooting Script Scene 5 Sound- phone ringing continues (diegetic)
Person 1 talks to Person 2 before getting up and answering the phone Sound- speaking on the other end of the phone can be heard (diegetic) Person 1 holds conversation on phone Lighting- Lamp Scene 6 Sound- sound of traffic (diegetic) Person 3 stands on sidewalk holding nachos Guy dressed in all black walks by quickly and gives what hes carrying to Person Sound- sound of police sirens grow from the distance Lighting- natural

6 Shooting Script Scene 7 Cuts back to Person 1 holding conversation with Person 3 on phone Person 1 is hung up on shortly after and turns to get back on couch Lighting- lamp Sound- tv sounds and talking (diegetic) Scene 8 Cut to Person 1 sitting on couch and discussing phone call with Person 2 One picks up phone to order food Sound- Monologue comes back with final words (non-diegetic) while noise from scene cuts out Lighting- Lamp Scene Ends and title shows

7 Titles The title of the film is Bailed Out
Our opening credits will appear where there is open space in a scene, specifically designed to fit neatly into the shot. The location that the credits appear in will change accordingly.

8 Sound Scene 1 Gives You Hell (instrumental, non-diegetic)
Monologue begins Scene 2 Monologue and the instrumental to Gives You Hell continues (non-diegetic) Scene 3 Monologue and instrumental to Gives You Hell continues (non-diegetic) Scene 4 Non- diegetic instrumental fades and phone begins to ring (diegetic)

9 Sound Scene 5 Phone continues to ring (diegetic)
Person speaking on the other end of the phone (diegetic) Scene 6 Sound of passing traffic (diegetic) Growing sound of police sirens in the distance (diegetic) Scene 7 Friends talking and TV sounds (diegetic) Scene 8 Monologue returns with final words (non-diegetic), while noise from the final scene fades away and makes final cut

10 Health and safety The person who will be filming near the passing traffic will have to take precautions due to the traffic so no lives will be in danger. Since we will be using food in our film, we make sure no one is allergic to any ingredients that will be found in the food .

11 Sequence SCRIPT Scene 1:
Friend 3voiceover: For as long as I could remember, my mother always had one golden philosophy: “’You can pick your friends…’” Scene 2: Friend 3 voiceover: “’you can pick your nose…’” Scene 3; Friend 3 voiceover: “’But you can’t pick your friend’s nose’. But I’m starting to think that that’s not true. If I had a choice, I sure as heck would have picked someone’s nose before I picked these people to be my friends.

12 Sequence SCRIPT Scene 4:
Friend 1: “Hey where’s (Friend 3)? She was supposed to bring the nachos.” Friend 2: “I don’t know but it’s kind of weird, she hasn’t called or anything all day.” Friend 1: How long has the phone been ringing? Friend 2: All day. Friend 1 and 2: Are you gonna get that?

13 Sequence SCRIPT Scene 5 Phone: A prisoner is calling… do you accept..
Friend 1: on the phone: “Uh sure…Hello?” Friend 3: “Ive been calling all day!” Friend 1: “Who do we know from jail? ” Friend 2:”My dad?” Friend 1: “Dad!?” Friend 3: Oh my god, its (name). I’m in jail. Friend 1: “Yale? That’s great I’m so proud you’re getting your life toge-” Friend 3: “I did not fight half of the prison so that you could waste my one phone call Tammy. I’m in jail and I need you to bail me out.” Friend 1: “Jail? You said you were getting us nachos, how’d you end up in jail?” Friend 3: “Uhhhh…”

14 SEQUENCE SCRIPT Scene 6 Friend 3: *Fumbles with nachos as someone in all black runs by and tosses a package* *Police sirens get closer* Scene 7 Friend 3 on the phone: “That’s not important. All you need to do is put together some money and get me out of here before I become someone's prison wife.” Friend 1: “Well how much is bail?...(after muffled noise) Jesus! Not to worry though, you can count on us!” *hangs up*

15 SEQUENCE SCRIPT Scene 8: Friend 1: “You’ll never guess how much mon-.”
Friend 2: “Ten!.. Hundred?” Friend 1: “Scarier. Where are we gonna get that kind of money?” Friend 2: “Well, we can’t make money on an empty stomach. If (Friend 3) were here she’d want us to eat first.” Friend 1: “You’re right, we never got those nachos. Lets order pizza and hope the delivery guy doesn’t get arrested too. Voiceover: “I better get comfy in this cell”

16 Storyboard

17 Storyboard

18 Storyboard

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