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Community Audit and Engagement
Rural Dreams & Visions 8 October 2016 Community Audit and Engagement Jerry Marshall
On-line Rural Resources
Who are we serving? Established rural residents Commuters
the agricultural community Commuters Life style ‘shifters’ Full time dwellers Privacy seekers / trophy owners Travellers and gypsies Missing / arriving vulnerable Absent friends Tourists / general public
7 This course aims to:
“…develop your creative and entrepreneurial skills for effective rural church leadership”
Resourcing Mission – people & finance
Rural Dreams & Visions 8 October 2016 Resourcing Mission – people & finance Jerry Marshall
The Jesus Model Leadership Style Directive eg Mark 1:15-18
Coaching eg Luke 12:32-34 Consensus eg John 15:12-17 Empowering eg Mat 28:18-20 Q. What was Jesus’ leadership style? He varied his style according the stage his disciples were at. Initially, Directive – ‘come and follow me’ – miracles (I do you watch) Then, Coaching - involving them eg feeding 5,000; Mark 9:28-9 shows they were doing miracles (and sometimes failing) (I do, you help) Then, Consensus – ‘friends’ – sending out 72 Luke 10 (You do, I help) Then Delegation: Gt commission (You do, I watch)
Give teaching and direction Be competent and professional
Traditionalists Baby Boomers Gen X Gen Y Description Faithful Busy Involved Connected Expect leaders to Give teaching and direction Be competent and professional Consult and understand me Collaborate and involve me from the start Key question Is it true? Does it work? How does it feel? What my choice? Preferred method of communication Parish magazines and notice sheets Notice sheets and s s, Websites, Facebook Facebook, text / What’s app, Twitter My first commitment is to The organisation My area of work People as people My friends Working together I prefer to work alone I see the need to work in a team I need a team to do anything I’m looking for fun in my team Disagreement Avoid confrontation Decide according to what is most efficient Get it out in the open and discuss it Navigate around it This gives more detail on the same theme Ask: how does this affect leadership style? If time ask: How might these different groups react to change? How might you help the different groups to understand each other e.g. a church council of traditionalists and baby boomers in a market town who want to set up a youth drop in?
ensure the group achieves its task
the leader’s role task ensure the group achieves its task group build and maintain the unity of the group individual develop each individual
Five dysfunctions of teams
Inattention to results Status and ego Avoidance of accountability Low standards Ambiguity Lack of commitment Patrick Lencioni has written a very helpful book called the five dysfunctions of a team Great model. Begins with the foundation of the team. Trust. Lack of trust Trust is the confidence among team members that their peers’ intentions are good, and that there is no reason to be protective or careful around the group. It is a safe place. Foundational to all the other things. Without it people focus their energies not on the task, but on protecting themselves, on ‘politics’ and ‘personalities’. People jump to conclusions about intentions and aptitudes of others. Hold grudges. Dread coming to meetings Team members are uncomfortable being vulnerable with one another, unwilling to admit their weaknesses, mistakes or needs for help. Lack of trust is fuelled by lack of vulnerability, people not really knowing each other. Fear of conflict Team members are unwilling to engage in passionate, unfiltered debate around important issues. Fuelled by artificial harmony. Christians often struggle with healthy conflict because of some false beliefs. We think we have to ‘be nice’ / submit / ‘have peace at any cost’ However, often prepared to engage in unhealthy conflict. Difference between two is healthy conflict focuses on the issues, unhealthy conflict focuses on the person. No healthy conflict and conflict goes underground in the dreaded post meeting meeting! Inability to commit Commitment function of two things: clarity and buy-in. Clarity about what has been decided, who is going to what by when? Buy-in where even those who didn’t ‘vote’ for the decision completely commit to it once the decision as been made. Two greatest causes of lack of commitment are the desire for consensus (idea that everyone has to agree to make a decision, don’t have to agree, do have to be heard and understood), and the need for certainty (leadership decisions are rarely easy so involve uncertainty) Unwillingness to hold one another accountable Team members fail to confront one another around behaviours and actions that do not conform to agreed decisions. Fuelled by low standards, the idea that it doesn’t really matter how we behave or do, it is only church. Why people do things that would never be accepted in other contexts. Classic example of an annual church meeting where every year one individual behaves poorly. Every knows it, everyone is dreading it, no one does anything about it. Inattention to results Its all about status and ego not the collective goals of the team. Fuelled by need for status and insecurity. Sadly those who are often small fish in the big pond of the world like to be big fish in the small pond of the church Artificial harmony Fear of conflict Invulnerability Absence of trust
The Five Marks of Mission are:
To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom To teach, baptise and nurture new believers To respond to human need by loving service To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth The Five Marks of Mission requires courage to take risks, ability to spot opportunities, energy to be creative, innovation and vision – to proclaim the faith afresh in each generation.
“A hopeful future requires entrepreneurial leadership”
“The greater risk is carrying on doing what you have always done” From Volland survey
Finance Resources Germinate News
Key considerations Discern what God wants and the money will follow Who can you partner with? Who has already done it? What should be self financing and what requires donations? Speak the right language: WII FM
Germinate Groups: affordable rural learning communities
Enables lay and ordained leaders to spend time together and learn from other groups, considering: what IS (what God is doing in our area) what COULD BE (the God-given vision for us) what WILL BE (our six-month action plan)
“The most focussed and inspiring rural conference I have ever attended”
“An absolutely brilliant day” Next “Germinate!” conference: Saturday 15 Oct 2016
The Germinate: Arthur Rank Centre guide to all aspects of rural mission and ministry.
Special price: £7 Pay me. Cash, card or phone payments accepted
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