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Presentation on theme: "HAPPY FRIDAY! Bellwork:"— Presentation transcript:

1 HAPPY FRIDAY! Bellwork: Quickwrite: What does “biology” mean? Give examples and write at least 2 sentences. Hint: tell me HOW someone “does” biology. What are they looking for? TURN IN : Your “What is Biology” Picture Assignment. Have your 3-Hole Bottle Lab Summary out for me to check

2 What are the characteristics of a living organism?
Standard B.2E - plan and implement descriptive, comparative, and experimental investigations, including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology. Essential Question What are the characteristics of a living organism?

3 What does “biology” mean?

4 Fold your “Life Lab” paper in half

5 Characteristics of Life Stations
Copy this down on the front. Question: How can I determine if something is alive? Hypothesis: If an organisms is alive, then it ___________________________. Materials: Supplies at each station. Procedure: Follow directions at each station. Data: (observational) Conclusion:

6 Lab: Characteristics of Life
Procedure: With a partner, go to each station and examine the object. Be sure to label the station on your lab sheet. Determine if the object/substance is living or nonliving and justify your answer. When you have completed every station, sit at your desk with your partner and create a Y-Chart comparing a living and non-living thing on the back of your Life Lab paper Living Non-Living Both

7 Explain your answer (3 Reasons):
Observations Chart Read the description of your object…some of this information is already provided for you!! Station Is it alive (Yes or No)? Explain your answer (3 Reasons): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8 Station: Rock Record your observations of the rock Bonus: Observe the flower with the Smart Scope

9 Station: Aloe Record your observations of the Aloe with the Smart Scope Get teacher approval: make a cross section cut to the aloe and observe/touch the result

10 Station: Grubs/Superworms
Observe the grubs in the petri dish provided DO NOT touch the compost that the grubs are in! Carefully flip the petri dish over and observe what happens Using tweezers place one grub on a clean petri dish and use the Smart Scope to observe Record your data

11 Station: Candle Safely light the candle using the lighter provided and observe the resulting flame Record your observations in your data section Extinguish the candle (blow it out) before you leave this station Remember: FIRE safety! (Wear goggles, pull back long hair, don’t burn anything besides the candle, don’t play with the melted wax.)

12 Station: Solar Bobble Colony
DO NOT touch!!!!!! Record your observations in your data section

13 Station: Wiz Khalifa Do not touch or disturb the Wiz.
Make observations Record your observations in your data section

Using tweezers, remove the cricket from the Petri dish Place the cricket in the beaker of water and cover with the funnel (drown the cricket) When the cricket stops moving, count to 20 and use the tweezers to place it in the petri dish of salt (make sure it is covered) and place the lid on the dish Make observations Record in your data section

15 Poinsettia Poinsettia Plants need very special conditions to express their popular red color during the holidays, an interesting adaptation. Because the conditions have not been up kept this poinsettia has taken on a green coloration. Regardless, make some observations of this plant. Is it alive?

16 Lichen on a branch Material known as Lichen can sometimes be found on a branch, tree trunk or stick. It is not technically part of the tree. In front of you is an example you can observe. Is it alive?

17 Martian Worksheet

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