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Coach Meeting Aug 29, 2016.

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1 Coach Meeting Aug 29, 2016

2 agenda AYSO Philosophies at Work Coach Expectations and Assessment
Challenger Sports Coach Mentorship Program Assistant Coaches & Certification Referee Certification and Referee Points Friday Night / Goalkeeper Clinics Insurance Coverage Dos and Don’ts Mid Season Coach Meetings Player Ratings & All Stars

3 Open Registration AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
Our program is open to all children between 4 and 19 years of age What it really means: No tryouts No pre-requisite skills Large variation in player ability and interest Our job is to provide the best possible experience to every player, regardless of ability or interest. We are the front line to these families and their main point of contact with our region. Everything we say and do reflects our region and our community. “VIP” Type Players and what to do. AYSO Philosophies at work

4 Balanced Teams AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible What it really means: For every player rated 9 you will likely have a player rated 2 Other teams have a variety of playing levels, too End of season Player ratings are critical Our #1 complaint every year is that we didn’t balance teams well All players grow over the summer, some at different rates Age makes a difference Player ratings aren’t perfect – a “7” isn’t a “7” Soccer is more fun for everyone when it is fair and balanced Our job isn’t to win, it’s to make it fun, fair and safe Winning is fun but so is scoring, making a developmental breakthough, and sharing snack with your friends AYSO Philosophies at work

5 Everyone Plays AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
Every player on every team must play at least ¾ of every game. What it really means: Playing time is NOT based upon skills and ability or attendance Every player should get the same amount of playing time in a season The game is the teacher Our job is to help kids develop in soccer Kids don’t develop from the bench Game experience is as important as practice experience Let the season be about development and the playoffs be about competitiveness AYSO Philosophies at work

6 Player Development AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities What it really means: We develop EVERY player from whatever they start from Development is individual Our job is to move them forward, not make them all the same It is up to us to assess each player and develop a program for each one AYSO Philosophies at work

7 Positive Coaching AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
Encouragement of player effort provides for greater motivation to learn What it really means: Players get to take risks without fear of failure Create an environment for learning No yelling at players! Think about how you feel at work when someone is negative “You gotta get those” Calling the play – this isn’t football – trying to teach soccer players how to assess and make decisions – if they don’t make mistakes, they can’t see the outcomes of bad decision-making AYSO Philosophies at work

8 Good Sportsman-ship AYSO Philosophies at work What it means:
We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win at all costs attitude at all levels What it really means: Shake hands after a game Help players up No blowouts No yelling at referees! Out job is to model citizenship, not win soccer games. Watch your language Don’t run up scores Don’t lie – Westchester situation Don’t teach dirty tricks – that’s bad for kids AYSO Philosophies at work

9 Epic coach fails (don’t be that guy!)

10 What AYSO philosophy does this violate
What AYSO philosophy does this violate? - Good sportsmanship if he is yelling at a referee, positive coaching if he is yelling at a player, not to mention kidzone. It’s not football, it’s soccer. We need to teach kids to make decisions. Calling every play doesn’t teach kids to think on their own.

11 There’s a difference between not being the last guy, and being totally disengaged. Looking at your cell phone, sitting in a beach chair, chatting with a parent all signals disengagement with the primary duty – the kids on the field. This applies to practices and games. Dress like a coach. Show up on time. Be present.

12 No lines, laps or lectures!

13 Good = Demonstrate skills
Bad = Scrimmage against kids

14 Do Like This: Wear your coach shirt Wear your coach badge
Wear your smile

15 NEW IN 2016 No heading until U14, limited after that
Zero tolerance referee policy Challenger Sports replaced UK International for R92 Coach assessment In U14 and up, use volleyball or tennis ball to train heading to limit potential for injury Teach proper heading technique – if you don’t know, find out

16 Coach expectations & assessments
Have a session plan and a topic Transition between phases, build Always end in a short sided game Injury prevention Wear coach shirt Wear coach badge Reminder, do not run up scores, do not sit the same kids every game, do not teach dirty tricks, do not yell at referees.

17 Challenger sports mentoring
The Challenger Way (handout) Challenger’s Competitive Team Training Guide On-line Signup for Mentorship Sessions (Polly & Pete) Friday night player clinics, including goalkeeping – Start Sept 16 We will have a coach clinic – Friday, Sept 9th 6pm U6-U10, 7pm U12+

18 RECRUIT Assistant coaches
Requirements: Signed Volunteer Form & eAYSO ID Safe Haven Concussion Awareness Age Level Certification (& levels below) Nobody can “just help out at practices”

19 Every team U10, U12, U14 needs Ref Points Donations are limited Referees must be certified
If you are in U8, suggest you get trained in anticipation of next year – be ahead (plus you can help your U8 team) Referee schedule goes up – rules about refereeing your own games, etc. Refereeing makes you a better coach Stop yelling at our referees – one day this will be you – need to create a supportive learning environment for everyone No video evidence policy No heading under U12 policy Hot dogs and drinks for referees on game day Youth can start as young as 12. REFEREEs & Ref Points

20 Equipment Balls & cones provided (and under warranty) Pinnies U7+
Return to Jerry Fruchtman at the end of the season Beware of BALL GNOMES!

21 COACH SAFETY Covered by volunteer insurance AS LONG AS:
Trained for your job Know your job description Turn in an incident report when something happens Some specifics: Shin guards for all players at all times! Don’t be alone with kids Don’t be on social media with kids Don’t play soccer (“actively participate with the chance of contact”) with kids Don’t practice on unapproved fields at unapproved times (let your commissioner know where/when you will be at all times with kids) Don’t drink alcohol when you are coaching (before/during) Hand out safety guidelines

22 mid season coach meetings
An opportunity for growth: Compare notes, what works and what doesn’t Seek advice New games to shake things up Problem resolution

23 Player ratings / all stars

24 agenda AYSO Philosophies at Work Coach Expectations and Assessment
Challenger Sports Coach Mentorship Program Assistant Coaches & Certification Referee Certification and Referee Points Friday Night / Goalkeeper Clinics Insurance Coverage Dos and Don’ts Mid Season Coach Meetings Player Ratings & All Stars

25 Q&A

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