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Integumentary (Skin) System

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Presentation on theme: "Integumentary (Skin) System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integumentary (Skin) System
The largest organ in the human body

2 Functions 1.Covers and protects to prevent the loss of water.
2.Regulate body temperature. 3. Eliminate wastes 4. Gather information about the environment. 5. Produce vitamin D 6. Protects the body from injury and infection

3 Homeostasis The skin helps the body maintain homeostasis, or stable internal conditions, by …… keeping body temperature steady in spite of changing external conditions.


5 3 Layers of Skin

6 Parts of the Skin Epidermis- Outermost & thinnest layer of the skin
Does not contain nerves or blood vessels Contains dead cells that last for 2 weeks Melanin is a pigment that gives the skin its color

7 Parts of the Skin Dermis Middle & Thickest layer of skin
Contains blood vessels and nerves Sweat glands produce perspiration through pores Follicles where strands of hair grow Oil glands waterproof the hair to keep the skin moist

8 Dermis Top layer arranged in ridges.
Ridges help the epidermis bind to the dermis. The uneven ridges create __________! Dermis

9 Parts of the Skin Fat Layer (Subcutaneous)
Pads the internal organs and helps keeps body heat


11 Layers of the Skin Print this out for the foldable

12 What are Nails? Nails – protective covers of ends of fingers and toes.

13 Disorders of the Skin Nail Fungus

14 Disorders of the Skin Fungal infections Ring Worm Athlete’s Foot

15 Disorders of the Skin Impetigo – bacterial infection

16 Disorders of the Skin Warts- viral infection Common wart Plane warts
Plantar wart

17 Disorders of the Skin Psoriasis – chronic inflammation

18 Interesting Tidbits Your body is composed of approximately 100 Trillion cells About 16% of your body weight is skin The skin is completely renewed every 27 days You will make almost 1000 new skins in a lifetime If all the layers of your skin were laid out on the ground, it would cover about 20 m2 or 2 parking spaces

19 Interesting Tidbits A fingernail or toenail takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip Fingernails grow faster than toenails An average human scalp has 100,000 hairs We lose between 40 and 100 hairs per day Blondes have more hair than brunettes

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